Anyone! Anyone! Please, please give him some money

Anyone! Anyone! Please, please give him some money.

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I gave him money last time specifically because I hated Clinton so much and then he endorsed her, he can fuck himself this time.

He needs to build that new wing for his retirement mansion. He’s really gonna stick it to the Dem power structure this time, he swears!

>jew asks for money
they usually do it in a concelead way. the nerve of that kike

How else is he going to get that sixth Audi?

° ಎ°

He is a plant just to get young people's money and give it to Biden.

I'll give you $1000 to fuck off.

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No Jew presidents allowed.

is he planning on giving healthcare to the world himself?

He's just fundraising for Biden or Harris like he did for Clinton lol

Did Berniebros hit their head and forgot the whole year 2016

Why would anyone give him money when he handed it all to Hillary last time?

There are still actual Bernie bros in denial over this. No “grassroots” movement participants have ever been cucked as hard as Bernie cucked them.

imagine falling for this guys scam...TWICE

ummmm sorry sweaty

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Fuck off jew


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Wait, there is another $27 from Super Chat.

What about you, Jow Forums?

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Bernies last campaign was full of complaints of sexism.

Attached: sexist bernie.jpg (870x722, 149K)

This. He's a hype man because the den field is full of unelectable retards and psychos and they know it. Trump has been obliterating them on fundraising to the point where the DNC is going actually broke.

They're rolling out BOINEH SAYNDUHHZ out of pure desperation to try and get some money in the bank for 2022. They have nobody that can beat Trump and they know it. Plus the D primaries are going to be an absolute knife fight. Whoever manages to survive them is going to be so wounded, drained and overloaded with primary baggage that Trump could just air soundbytes of failed Dem candidates and win.

Checked fucking kek

> ᨈ
° ಎ°

I was going to buy new shoes for my son, but I just sent the money to Bernie instead. I’m so brave.

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for my wife's son*

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Sweetie* fuvking dumb idiot

if he wins, he'll get enough money out of us in taxes
if he loses, it's a waste of money

actually he's a plant to make sure nobody gets a clear majority and the superdelegates pick creepy joe

>for my wife's son*
how do you know it's not her son and not her wife's?

>no refunds
How many supporters from last time are gonna get tricked again?

newfag spotted

Sure is fucking NEW today, huh?

>I gave him money last time
kill yourself faggot

That's the problem with socialism
Sooner or later you run out
Of other people's money

Fuck, I can't believe I could be so ignorant. I'm so sorry!

>please give me money then vote for me so i can watch you all starve to death before i die. you would not let a old jew die with out his final wish now would you nazi?

>another "do-over Dem"

Im guessing alot of his supporters feel the same way. He cant sit there railing against the system then endorse the system when the system cheats him out of the nomination. It makes your supporters feel cheated.

>all emails that contain "bernie" go immediately into the jewish tricks folder

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But Bernie, I thought you said everything was going to be free once you become President! Why do you need my money? You can just use your strategy and plans to bring up trillions of dollars, a few million should be child's play!

gief bernies plz

>Ok, now keep contributing and be to take your underwears off... that's it, keep contributing..



Attached: BernieLMAO.jpg (499x323, 23K)

Nice haiku

Commie swine, Bernie is such ubelievable scum.

Remember, no refunds.

Oh the ironing