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this is surely not taken out of context.

The context is that you need to kill people to lead. Mao and Stalin did nothing wrong.

this is code for day of the rope

Oh christ ffs all this inscessent faggotry.

Yes, people die. Sometimes bad things happen. This life isn't a fucking disney movie, the good guys don't always win and the bad guys don't always lose.

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great. When does Trump start killing people?

its true. their helpers were the equivalent of antifa trouble makers. no one wants them around after they finally get into power

People die? Surely this can’t be true.

I agree. We have liberals to take care of.

Taken very much out of context.

tucker is a tankie kek

The moab

He’s living proof of the horseshoe theory

He's a third positionist, although some third positionists don't have a huge problem with tankies as long as they're nationalistic.

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Surely Zamira Rahim would never do such a thing.

nazbol tankie

>nazbol President Sanders orders all fake news propagandists be disappeared for the good of the Nation on his first day in office
>Tucker gets a one-way ticket to a gulag in Alaska, or even worse, Florida

Will he backtrack and cry or will he accept his fate?

You all are serious cucks. Lefties cant win without taking out tucker.

Meet us out at your dc antifa rally so we can have some blood sport hot lead edition.

Honestly you leaf bbc gobbler, do you EVER get off this site?

You can't make an iPhone without breaking a few Chengs.

Oh boy day of the rope is coming for leftists!

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as far as I know, "they needed killin'" is still an admissible murder defense in Texas

So what did he say before that for context?

Guy is a fucking idiot to spout such shit. He needs to be assassinated

Tucker really is a Trump level idiot.

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Find love Emcel

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He is 100% correct.

North Korea is best Korea.

fuck yeah, more people should die for the revolution, starting with tuck

>trump went there to get pointers on how to deal with enemies of the republic
The piranha tank thing sounds about right.

The truth is somehow bad unless of course it's good men dying for Israel.

>in NK of all places

Anglo nigger

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>Trips of truth

Goebbels described a lot of them, what would be called larpers in today's terms, as ideological dead weight.

It would, quite literally, be easier to kill them than to argue with them.


and presumably america as well, and the British Empire, we killed a few wogs an'all

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He's saying that if you want to achieve peace you probably don't do that by going to war with every dictator on the fucking planet.
Sometimes you have to turn them around economically.

How many hundreds of thousands of Afghanis and other sandniggers has the US killed over the last 2 decades? I don't think we have much room to talk. I'm reminded of a proverb about people in glass houses not casting stones...

Well, yeah, Janet Reno burned a whole heap of kids because they didn't like someone being self-sufficient.

Governments suck, all of them.

Hitler has more reasons to invade Poland than the US had to go into Iraq in 2003.

It's kinda funny.

The Polish caused their own self destruction by fighting back. Hilarious considering they have the same views as the NatSocs did. But then they were a Jew infested nation so

Are you saying that no one dies in jail? That police do not put down madmen of they have to? Does an army in this world exist without bloodshed? To lead is to enforce your will, and to enforce your will properly you must kill if neccisary.

look at the writer's name
kys OP

>we live in the timeline where the american right will publicly defend juche
kek we really are in a simulation

I wonder how much of the NK shit is propaganda, imprisoning 3 generations for a single crime? I'm not saying it isn't true, but plenty of horseshit has been spread about us.