Within ten years, you will be driving

An electric car.

Gasoline is far less efficient than an electric motor. Energy production is far more efficient in large scales like nuclear, coal, natural gas and even the fringe methods like solar. You can leave your garage with a full charge of 300+ mile capability every day. Infrastructure is more efficient (trucks and pipeline is more tedious than electric transmission lines, largely that already exist). They’re incredibly fast. They’re simpler to maintain.

If you haven’t yet test driven a Tesla or similar, do it. I am a convert and believer now.

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I know all cars have risks, but for how few of them there are on the road, Tesla's seem to burst into flames a surprising amount. I think I'll wait for their safety to improve, or for an electric car from a real automaker, not a tech company.

We need better battery tech, too. Where are my fucking supercapacitors?!

Serious question, where do you dive?

Swear off the saudis and the oiljew!

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In a major metro area about 40 miles each way go and from work. Well within the charge range. That said, I’ve taken it out of state with ease on Tesla’s supercharger network. It’s fast and easy to charge and cheaper than filling gasoline.

I also own a gas powered SUV. They have their place. But I think most people would benefit from an electric.

Better tech is needed, always. But it’s pretty dang good right now.

Do you still have a flip phone while you’re waiting for the iPhone 20 to be released? Just jump in. You’ll own more than one more car and phone in your life.

and pollute more, it's merely a shift.
you think batteries pop out of the clear sky?

Everything has a cost. I believe this to be a smaller, more efficient impact. Try actually reading what I already wrote.

Electric cars burst into flames with the greatest efficiency!

batteries are fucked in cold weather. They degrade.

that all natural organic lithium

maybe you need to do more homework before you post

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So your car runs on coal? A coal powered car? Wow, now that's steampunk.

This pic says it all.

Why nobody can design a micro gyro to charge the batteries while driving like a regular motor does is beyond me.

I'll be dead in ten years so i don't care.

Drive for 300 miles and then spend 1hr + charging it using DC "Fast" charger
Not to mention the ecological catastrophe mining resources for battery is.
Thank you, I'll wait for hydrogen cells.

>200 mile range
Sorry I need to go places and can’t spend half the day waiting for a car to charge up. Plus all currently available electric cars spy on you like crazy.

no i won't onions fag


Gasoline cars never catch fire. Do they? Gasoline is inert. Especially 20 gallons of the stuff leaking all over the scene of the accident.

electric cars are a meme. the batteries have to be replaced every 8 years, and they are the most expensive part of the car

They don’t degrade. Heat degraded batteries. Cold temporarily shortens their endurance.

Actually it'll be neither.
Hybrid tech is the future. The most efficient way of providing power for transport is having a fossil fuel engine that powers a generator that supplies power to electric motors at the wheels. This is why all modern trains and heavy military vehicles use this form of power. Anytime power has to flow a distance from a powerplant, there is a drop in efficiency.

A 50 mile range go cart isn’t the aim of this discussion. We all know gasoline powered vehicles started out with 400 hp and 500 mile ranges, right?

Sorry sweetie but I love the feeling of handling a hard manual rod in one hand and a wide open wheel on the other
People who drives automatic are Orion as.

>Sorry sweetie but I love the feeling of handling a hard manual rod in one hand
Sounds pretty GAY DESU

Coal, yes. Nuclear, definitely. My utility has a large ownership in the largest nuke plant in the USA. They also purchase electricity from hydro.

The point of this discussion isn’t to push solar and wind and trash on coal. Coal is still an efficient way to produce electricity.

oh so you need little brown kids to dig up MORE organic lithium?

You have no idea what you’re talking about. You have an emotional bias and aren’t willing to discuss the topic objectively.

And you’re going to be waiting a long time for that hydrogen cell

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>not mentioning batteries whatsoever in 1st post
>"try actually reading what i alread wrote."
stay in school.

Gas yourself commie

>imagine being this much of a faggot

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>8 years
Warrantied for 10 years. There WILL be range degradation, true. But none of what you’re saying is truth.

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So your points and arguement are shot with your cognitive dissonance statement "everything has a cost".

In the 80s a few cars where made that got 40 mpg. Some of these cars are still on the road in parts of the USA. The ability of the gasoline engine has been suppressed for a long time. It is cheaper, more reliable, and better for the environment once you get past the pozzed public school and western media brainwashing.

Right now it is absolutely retarded to think we are going to replace the cars and trucks on the road with battery operated ones. The environmental impact implicated is high, and it may not even be possible. It is a fucking meme.

Enjoy your slow acceleration and working up to an RPM to produce 100% torque.

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Yes. Get to work faggot.

Gas the cars, race wars now

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>lithium runs out after 6 days..
Yeah cool battery cars bro! Future!


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I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree and see who’s right in ten years.

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>accelerationism complete

I believe generators are even more efficient though if done correctly.

Realistically we need to get the energy storage thing down and its modular so thats something we will see huge improvements to in the next 10 years

>Gasoline is far less efficient than an electric motor.
That's not really true. The energy density of gasoline is far higher than any battery.

I'll be driving a truck powered by woodgas.

woodgas powering electric generator

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Have to be replaced in 10 years and then are hazardous. And to think they are worried about plastic straws.

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No we won’t there isn’t enough lithium on the planet and they know this but they’ll sell you the dream and take your money before they let you in on it.

What happened to his head guys?

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Guarantee I wont. Fuck electric. Fuck lefties.

I can't believe all the shit that still uses batteries. Where's the wireless power Tesla was working on?

Tesla sucks, go for BMW

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Yeah, no. I know this is the soiboy dream, but the average age of cars on the road is 12 years in the USA, and 8 in bongland so you'll be waiting at least 20 years, and energy density of batteries is still utter shit despite ~180 years of development thus far.

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So you're a Righties?

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Electric motors are not more robust. Transmission lines are awful and unreliable. The rare earths needed for batteries have as large if not larger carbon footprints than gasoline.
Shut the fuck up, retard.

range sucks in a hilly city
they made a car that could climb up a vertical wall if it had grip somehow, good for them.
but it drains the battery fast, and unlike a gas car it doesn't get lighter as it uses fuel

What happens if I murdered this Police Chief?

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My Tesla is faster than most BMW’s.

Sets aside

i bet your buttplug is bigger than everybody elses' as well jonnny two sheds.

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I don’t give a flying fuck about your ‘carbon footprint’ dipshit.

I swear some of you are so programmed into ‘muh libtards’ and can’t parse information and reason worth a shit.

I’m thinking his wife’s son has a bigger child support payment coming from him.

In 10 years you wolnt be driving shit. You wolnt have power or gas.

Your whole argument is it is more energy efficient: it isn’t. So shut the fuck up using that as a metric you fucking dumbass. Just because you like lithium ion dildos up your ass and your father failed to be there to turn you into a man, why should we suffer your eye poison?

Gas mileage sucks in a hilly city. Next.

>gasoline less powerful that electric.

Ok retard

Says the bong who drives a shitbox opel on his way to the dentis— oh.

Jeep living in your moms basement blaming all your troubles on everyone else, hoping for the apocalypse that vindicated you.

It doesn't snow where you live does it?

On behalf of /o/, suck more cocks OP. You'll have to kill ^us^ first.

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Very much likely

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>bmws are good because they're fast
Are you retarded?

Yes it is. You people complain about CAFE standards (and rightly so, fuck the epa) and how cars are all beginning to look the same, yet shit on a technology that will enable some uniqueness in vehicle design and style. Can’t have cafe economy standards if you don’t have fuel economy at all to worry about.

What is it with trannies and cult like loyalty to billion dollar corporations?

Cuts battery life in half, and if your electrical infrastructure runs on coal your electric car's carbon footprint is now greater than a v8 truck. Without massive nuclear expansion electric cars are useless. And we haven't even gotten to the toxicity of the batteries yet.

That’s right. Tell me how long it takes to get your motor up to the peak performance RPM, while the electric motor is instantaneous. I’ve got the equivalent of over 500+ hp in my AWD electric car that will smoke virtually anything you put it up against, including your shitbox 2004 kia your grandma gave you.

It does. Somewhat reduced range in the cold. Not a big deal like fearmongers make it out to be.

The funny thing is it’ll beat most Ferrari’s too. For considerably less money.


Fundamental misunderstanding of facts, just like thinking cutting your dick off makes you princess peach

I have white children with blue eyes that carry my blood in their veins. Something tells me you can’t make the same claim.

a top line model S has the same range as an average ICE car.
The ICE car still weighs much less wet, and suffers less loss of range from going up and down hills.
For hills the efficiency of the transmission doesn't matter, it's an issue of the energy density.

Why are tesla cucks so massively insecure?

>bmw’s are good because they’re not fast.

Nor reliable. So what’s left?

I’ve owned both BMW and Mercedes. Next.

like Applefags, they buy the marketing.

Do you know what “instantaneous” means, you dumbass nigger? Youre either trolling or a hopeless idiot that eats paste.

Sorry about those teeth and that tv loisens, guvnah. Maybe you can pass a background check to buy a butter knife with which to kys

I’m neither a tranny nor loyal to anything or anyone. I simply want to bestow humanity with the pleasure of my wisdom and greatness.

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Does your wifes son even like you, you seem like a bit of twat. Anyway i think you've definitely converted everyone to homosexuality with your stellar performance in this thread, well done reddit.

Tesla has better fuel efficiency overall

I’d love to see nuclear expand.

>cuts by 50%
No it doesn’t. That’s simply wrong. You’re parroting bad information. You should feel bad.

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>thermal efficiency nuclear: ~30
>coal:~ 32
>Cogen nat gas: 45%
Cogen can’t be used for baseload power production due to maintenance requirements.
>high compression ratio gasoline engines with cooled egr:~40%

Shit tier fud

Answer the question. What rpm do you need to reach for peak torque or hp? And what is needed on the electric motor to reach the same?

I guess these Tesla’s aren’t actually smoking gas powered supercars. Must be everyone’s imagination.

Saw an idiot that ran out of battery near my place. looks like a god damn pain in the ass


Answer. What rpm does your rattletrap 97 mustang need to reach?

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>bad quality
And they also got spies too

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That’s the point. And it’s considerably cheaper to fuel. A round trip cost me more than $10 in gas before. Now? About a dollar’s worth of electricity.

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