The reason why white women who date black men are ruined

It just occurred to me that the fundamental reason why white women sleeping with black men makes them unsuitable for a relationship/marriage.

It makes any decent sex life impossible. She will always be fantasizing and longing for that bigger dick she had with the black guy.

And you will always be wondering if she's thinking about that bigger dick she had with the black guy. It will drive you crazy and destroy your relationship with her.

Just say no to coalburners.

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Beat it, cuck

good thing white women are the most race loyal group, rabbi

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Now this is a canadian thread

I have slept with a number of women and some of them had very large breasts. I don’t sit around lusting after the chics with D’s. I lust after the ones who looked like me in girl form. Sorry your nigresses smell and are disloyal retards but maybe in the next life

The keyword here is newlewed. You're deluded if you think women are virgins at the date of their marriage. And it is a known fact that niggers ghost white women and the white woman ends up luring a white cuck to marry her.

fuck off and die normalfag

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>he fundamental reason why white women sleeping with black men makes them unsuitable for a relationship/marriage
is that it establishes that she lacks judgement to the degree that she can be manipulated to go against the natural order; you dont want those genes in your descendants.

congratulations on admitting what all the losers here are too afraid to say

Blacks are the worst fuckers known to man. Just take the best pornstars who fuck the best its either white guys or meds they how to fuck. Seriously i was get told im the best lay for most girls ive fucked in my life time. But this is a bait thread for retards so....

Except no.

What actually disqualifes them is their low standard

I've accepted that most women have fucked guys with bigger dicks than me. The trick is not to care.

Women don't think about dick all the time.

I've got 2 jobs and a family to feed, I don't have time for your cuck fantasies. And niggers are gross and smelly.

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>What actually disqualifes them is their low standard



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>Falling for the big dick meme
Sorry, most dudes dont have porn sized dicks. The average African is just as average as the rest of the world.

You should say no to coalburners because it proves they (the woman) has a crap selection and quality assurance. It also proves she is not particulary loyal racially(not a good gene to hand down). Also proves she is easily manipulated by media etc.

Coalburners deserve no respect, nor investment from white men.

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It's hard not to care when you're told "my ex was so big he couldn't get it all in me"
The upside is im skilled with fingers and my tongue so it makes up for my average length but slightly sub standard girth ween.

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>I lust after the ones who looked like me in girl form

I've noticed they going back to white past year or so it's not as trendy like 2016


every time i see one of these threads I go click on an ad for a BDS listed company to deplete their coffers. I've optimized one of my computers so that 9 out of 10 times the google ad will show such an advertisement so I don't have to look to far. I do it on individual (non Jewish) bloggers' web pages to help them out at the same time.

its true

Unless you either

1. Find a virgin (impossible today)
2. Have a huge dick for real

Its very likely whatever girl you end up with has been with a guy that has a bigger dick than you, and probably knew how to use it very well as most big dick guys fuck a lot. You just have to deal with it, don't let insecurity ruin a good relationship. You're probably a better cuddler than him, so theres that.

Fucking a black guy is still better than fucking a Canadian

After a point it’s a lot less about dick size and more about knowing what to do during the dirty. Further BBC is a huge meme. Used to work in an occupational health department and all the suspicious patients had to be watched for their piss test. All average at best with the occasional outlier, as is to be expected with most of the population regardless of race.

Make a good impression on a woman and you’re fine. 5-6” is the most you need.

This. I realized a huge dick is kinda like huge enormous tits. Someone might want to only fuck those big titties but they are a novelty. Yeah sure size matters. Some girls hate big dicks just like some boys want those perfect perky b cups or flat chests

The reason they are ruined is because if a woman told you she fucked a gorilla you would be disgusted

Its called being STD riddled garbage.
Also anyone who would risk 8/10 odds on getting killed by hooking up with a nigger isn't suitable for breeding.

Or maybe that black guy with the "big dick" is just a better person and treats her like a human and not a house appliance/sex doll

It's not the 60s, you people use the same outdated thinking just with new ways to hide it

How's the town rapist doing?

Lol, this brings back memories of a girl I used to know. She was a long time member of my social circle, kinda a bicycle, till she started hanging with the niggers whose parents sent them to live in an apartment in the suburb's for school; because Detroit schools are fucked. No one wanted anything to do with her after that. Ended up getting three DUI's and going to jail a couple times, because of the nigs. Fucked off to Denver where she has no friends or family and is working with special needs kids.

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Or to put it another way, bitch will never get that reek out

if she isnt loyal to race and culture shes not loyal to you