Black men impregnate a woman and leave, just as nature intended. In nature you never see a male "providing" for a female and the offspring, they simply leave and go do their own shit. A male's sole purpose is to implant his seed as much as he can, it is the female's job to nurture the children. There is nothing more cucked than willingly enslaving yourself as a wagie in order to "provide" for some roastie.
Memes aside you have to admit that how black men treat women is pretty alpha
actually whites just aren't degnerate enough to film themselves performing sexual acts on their partners because we respect our women where as niggers are literally animals that have no concept of respect
Agreed, blacks are the ultimate alphas because they're closer to animal than "modern man", aka a reddit dweeb. They're more natural.
Actually males in intelligent species do take care of offspring and mother's. Birds, Primates.
Wait, were we talking about noggers? Never mind
It just bothers.
Do woman delete shit like this before dating someone else?
I can't imagine looking at a woman's page and see her keeping trash like this.
Assuming woman realize interacting with niggers makes them undateable trash.
We're all animals. Convincing ourselves that we are anything more is what has kept us enslaved in this cycle. Why do you think Jews created a God that centers around humans, and ingrained this religion into Western societies?
they go to jail for not paying child support
then they get fucked in the ass. very 'alpha'
an alpha is defined by his ability to lead others
fucking and running shows an inability to lead a family
thats a man foot you fucking queer, another reminder that every nigger is also a faggot
>Jews, the people that persecuted killed and tortured Christ, the centerpiece of Christianity, created Christianity, an unpopular religion for a a millennium before it sprung upon Rome, in order to control a people who wouldn’t exist for another millennium.
>you have to admit that how black men treat women is pretty alpha
there's nothing "alpha" about running from your responsibilities, Chaim.
The idea of immortal beings has been around way before Jews became prominent. Try again and try harder.
Abrahamic religions revolve around humans and a human God. This narcissistic way of looking at things enables man to believe that consumerism is an important aspect in life because MAn is the only thing that is important. This the merchant is able to sell his goods.
You’re conflating two different phenomena. I don’t know where your ideal of Christianity springs but God is never once mentioned as human. The Bible goes to enormous lengths to describe the omnipotence of God. If you are referring to the text stating that we are made in His divine image, that is incredibly open ended. We could merely just look like Him but He is obviously considerably different.
Consumerism came about due to schiesty society of capitalism gone wrong, where the consumer abandoned all personal responsibility and instead settles for the product that appeals emotionally.
its amazing that the media can push a performer simply on the fact that she's a miscegenist.
sometimes we throw the baby out with the bathwater when we try to be too anti-jew and end up conceding too much to the enemy. its actually the jews who think we're just animals.
What the fuck are you on about? Male Animals take care of their mates all the time.
pretty alpha
It’s called being subverted and stripped of society. Being a Zog slave is not based.
how can you tell it a mans foot?
Lions, literally king of the fucking jungle, protect thier pride. Fuck off you complete dipshit, you dont know what alpha is and never will.
because we can see it’s a giantass hairy man foot
Jow Forums is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognize the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic.
If you look at site statistics you will realize that Jow Forums is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Jow Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and Jow Forums has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Jow Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.
You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Jow Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is Jow Forums
They think they are redpilled(cringe) but dont understand "redpilling" is just low-effort political indoctrination. They likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy. Their entire worldview is Jow Forums posts, infographics, and memes. They probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life where they try and help the other person and their mother won't feel the need to smack their ass. These younger kids growing up on the internet are confusing banter for how arguments actually work or are never learning how to handle themselves in a discussion in the first place.
living for god, thats alpha
doesnt fit with todays society
now gtfo glownigger
why do you have this picture saved?
Yeah nature intended that I walk around naked and barefoot and shit in the street, but at some point everybody but India figured out living in your natural state isn't always a good thing
get a load of this guy
There is more than one way for a given group to be reproductively successful. White people pump out high quality offspring because paps sticks around to care care of business.
This is a bot thread obviously (because it sounds dated and cringy like a 40 year old of normie trying to appeal to someone really dumb 10 years ago) but it is interesting how niggers feel they have to infiltrate anything cool and ruin it, like how they're into anime crap just so that they can plug in their Niggerish bourgeois-approved materialism into that cultural landscape and pollute it.
I wish white people wouldn't have turned against g-d and thought they knew better with all that liberalism and equality bullshit. Aristotle was right when he said that some people were made to be slaves, obviously their purpose was to help provide enough economic power to fight off the Asiatic hordes.
I want to be impregnated by a black guy and have a white man take care of me my offspring will be stronger and more athletic and he will grow up with a bigger penis be more successful with women and be more Alpha
Yeah, niggers are real alphas.
women like to be beat.
Tl dr
Go out and beat a random woman on the street right now then you absolute alpha, don't worry she will like it.
What's the point of having sentience if you act like a fucking animal you dumbass
there isn't one, humans will likely lose sentience if niggers ever became the dominant race, their skin is black to designate their evil nature, literally demons walking around IRL, our ancestors were so right to enslave them
Devolution of the human race with the kikes on top is a type of dystopian scenario worse than any other.
>Black men impregnate a woman and leave, just as nature intended.
Almost as if they are less evolved and uncivilized. hmmm
>Memes aside you have to admit
no i don't, you faggots seem to have trouble with this concept, either kill me or shut up.
Shut the fuck up already nigger. You have a flat ass gorilla nose, curly ass pube hair and fingernails that probably haven’t been clipped since trump was elected into office. Seriously nobody in their right mind would want a God damn dirty ape like you. Stupid smelly nigger go pick some cotton then build your own ship back to Africa. What you’re still here and want more?! I SAID FUCK OFF BACK TO AFRICA YOU SMELLY ASS FUCKING COON ASS MONKEY. NOBODY WANTS YOU HERE! NOT WHITES, NOT ASIANS, NOT HISPANICS, NOT MIDDLE EASTERNERS, NOT INDIANS, NOT ANYBODY! You are, will always be and will always remain worthless, ugly and a sad nigger.
Nothing alpha about a fear of responsibility.
I say that as man who's fathered multiple children and never met one of them, all but the first child I've had out of spite for women and the welfare state that encourages women to become single mothers.
Hip hop culture and the celebration of a failed culture that's greatest contribution of the last 40+ years is twerking, cannot come to an end soon enough. Live in a mixed neighborhood. Black people are a fucking disaster. And they know it. That is what drives their nonsense. One giant complex centering on how shitty they know they are.
>When you’re dropping a sick beat on her outside the music building.
Niggers want to behave like animals yet reap the benefits of civilizational society like social security or welfare. Typical shitskin behavior.
Also I hate fucking whores who let one stand niggers fuck them raw but women are barely sentient so I can't really blame them desu.
It's based, black men just don't give a fuck about white girls but thanks to media influence every white girl thirsts for the BBC. The black boys just need to do their job of impregnating 5-6 of white girls each and then get killed while killing a few white people. It's the ultimate way to keep white population at the ultimate low, while slowly raising the mutt/BLACK population. Future is beautiful and its BLACK.
Seriosuly now why are American niggers such trash?
Have you seen this faggot rappers try to perform live?
It's laughable
why is this nigger so poor he has to eat white womens feet? isnt there a dollar tree near him where he can gorge himself on grape soda?
>respecting women
Have you seen the modern woman? Not only are they underserving, but that is all they respond to. Disrespect. No wonder they like niggers and wannabe thugs.
If you didn't get with your highschool qt you are forever doomed to sharing used women with other men for the rest of your life.
Can't have sex without the fear of being mauled or beaten to death.
You just sound like an idiot to me. I hope you die alone.
Yeah I didn't think anyone cared as much as you do. Really weird, that would be embarrassing.
hi women respecter
That's the funniest redpilling I've ever seen.
Black Americans are probably the biggest failure of a culture in human history. No group of people has ever been so pathetic.
Alpha is providing for your offspring...
based faggot destroys black asses with facts and logic
You want to see the difference between Islam and the west, thots like the one in the pic end up like this in Sharia
>thinking the courts pursue broke niggers that contribute to the jew’s Plan to ruin the black nuclear family so that they all become govt dependent slaves
user I...
Good, whores/women need to learn to fear men.