Trump should be allowed to serve a 3rd term in compensation for SpyGate

Change my mind

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just get rid of term limits. that much is clear

Trump is globohomo

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I agree, bump

Just ammend the constitiuention so that it says "Donald J Trump may serve as many terms as he likes, but other presidents cant because they are weak and low energy."

Counterproposal: Trump should be able to drain the swamp in 1st term without any interference from deep state and NGOs

trump doesn't have what it takes to do my job.

> t. fuzzy foreigner that cant into american politics

Everyone post this to zuckbook

If he finally builds that wall, ends trade with the Communists & third-world, and begins to advocate for free speech, like he promised, then I won’t object.

>obama gets 3rd term
So this is the power of pol

4 (four) terms.


Trump should just pull a Caeser and end the republic, and rule until his 90s. Congress/media/intelligence are all too corrupt for them to get a puppet president again.

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trump shouldn't be allowed to finish this term since he lacked the nuts to do anything about the treason, the sedition that has occurred over the last few years.

Hella onboard. Best president in my lifetime, hands down.

Not doing things is Trump's specialty

I wouldn't go that far. I'd just say he's the ultimate boomer president. Trying his best but is easily manipulated and not redpilled on the JQ even though he doesn't seem to care for nigs or beaners.

I'm never supporting this faggot. Never. Life is short. We have to answer to God, not men. Don't be a pragmatist.
>Do right though the heavens fall.

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That was a political ploy on Trumps part.
Although you're right about one thing:
>We have to answer to God, not men.

You are on your way to destruction make your time

Trump's ploy has been acting religious. He's a sociopathic con artist.

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Trump is a globohomo loser:

I am never supporting him again.

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just set up memes and hashtags with #REPEAL22!!!
