ANTIFA is Winning

The recent violence wont effect public support for antifa and the broader left movement at all.

The left are the good guys because they are fighting against greedy billionaires and corporations and pushing for social programs for the poor and middle class, they can do no wrong.

Hurting some capitalists/fascists is not going to effect them at all. In fact, it may cause even more public support.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Never Change burgers, never change.
Get in the poll pollacks. It makes them better.

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Most people on the left don't support antifa.

what other retarded bullshit do you believe or is that all?

What are they winning? Portland? Lol

>broader left movement
ineffectual rabble-rousers that only serve as useful idiots for the establishment
there is no longer a "left movement" in my country

>fighting against greedy billionaires and corporations


Attached: Fat frog.png (800x600, 70K)

You posted cringe bro

They arent winning. They are demoralized from losing politics at the federal level, which is why they will continue to escalate until they force the Eye of Sauron (feds) to focus on them.

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>The left
>fighting against greedy billionaires and corporations

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oh no bro you posted more cringe

lmao u wish faggot

When the real war comes, you'll feel the sting of the rope around your neck if there is justice in the world :^)

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Is posting these mental midget memes ironic?

Try be antifa here

literally everyone hates you but walmart hahhaha holy shit

>The left are the good guys because they are fighting against greedy billionaires and corporations

Which ones? I never see any of them getting hurt.

Portland would be pretty nice if it weren't for all the drug addicts and homeless people. Coincidentally, all of those people are leftists.

Wrong, this is having the opposite effect. I was a Democrat who voted for Obama twice and I dropped the party because of faggots like you. I suppose I should be thanking you commie scum for waking me up.

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>ANTIFA is winning.
Listen. Your reputation is communist cowards who play the victim after assault and battery. It's only a matter of time until you kill someone, and when you do, everyone not with you will see to your fall. And. They. Will. Laugh.

>The left are the good guys because they are fighting against greedy billionaires and corporations


>The left are the good guys because they are fighting against greedy billionaires and corporations

If they're fighting against them, why are they funded by them?

>doesn't even hand draw the edits

>these rope hands
>designing gay outfits

>Violence won't affect ANTIFA or the left.
Yeah, because cencoring everyone who disagrees has sent you to rock bottom.
>Muh social programs do nuffin rong
They not only encourage laziness, but also leech the working class.
Go to the oven.

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You're turning more and more milquetoast Tim Pool type liberals every single day. You retards do more to help the right than any e-celeb. It's why you're called useful idiots

>ANTIFA is Winning
lol wait let me get the kids...ok say it again just like that and flex this time!

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Antifa elite looking pretty intimidating lads.

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the sad thing about these sperm dumpsters. THEY think there doing right .. but all there doing is what teens early 20's did late 80's early 90's in the gang related stuff. with the F.B.I. doing there thing on identifing threats and criminal acivity.. they will be put in the same closet and the I.C.P. whoreshippers . now with there bug spray and dildo tossing 8 year old temper tantrums. they will be the laffing stock of the protest groups in any history event .. The pride parade in manhatten had more class that thes chapstick clown's......

>The left are the good guys because they are fighting against greedy billionaires and corporations

And they honestly believe that's true and never wonder why those corporations they fight are supporting them.Antifa are the end of a long process of dehumanizing Americans. They aren't even capable of rational human thought. They have been trained to become irrational at any hint of thought that contradicts their politics. The bright side to antifa is that no matter what happens, they have no future. If globalist commies take over then antifa will be lined up against the wall and shot (see yuri bezhmenov) and if the nationalists win then they'll just remain the jobless drug addicted losers that they are currently.

Kek, what fucking shitty memes

Imagine the shotcaller cred you get in prison from legitimately canceling one of these goofy fucks. They have no idea what they are in for if they continue. Go home misguided suburban child.

Get Jaxx to hack the Meme-frame with the Hildawgs.

>The left are the good guys because they are fighting against greedy billionaires and corporations and pushing for social programs for the poor and middle class, they can do no wrong.

Number of banks closed: 0
Number of bankers gone: 0
Number of corporations broken up: 0
Number of middle class working people attacked in a cowardly fashion: Countless!

To be fair that journo deserved it. Journalists are not people.

Bwhahahaha. This.

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false its cement

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for their jew massas...ZOG is disgusting

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Your neonazi society will fall soon. We beat you white supremacists before, we will come to you and beat you again.

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Did you know that the real Gritty is more AIDS-ridden than the supposedly "ironic" Antifa meme?

How can you subvert a corporate icon when the corporation supports you?

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>The left are the good guys because they are fighting against greedy billionaires and corporations

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