Is Yang ahead of his time?

Considering most of his campaign focus is how there simply aren't going to be enough jobs in the future for people to make a living income due to automation and outsourcing, and considering that this problem isn't yet severe enough to sway the muh Capitalism neocons and centrist cucks to accept welfare as a solution, is Yang just ahead of his time?

Will a candidate with a similar platform to Yang rise up and get elected in the future, when unemployment is much higher?

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unfortunately, yes. american politics is so dysfunctional and corrupt at this point it would be a miracle if he wins.

How much longer will we have the supposedly Leftist part dominated by centrist cucks like Biden and identity politicians like all the black and female politicians?

>some fucking gook democrat immigrant makes a one-off tweet about white people while shilling for immigration and latin american style commie bucks in the fucking united states of america
>weeaboo NEET Jow Forumstards gets on their hands and knees to suck his brown gook dick and fill their tummies with his chink cum

You made this identical post in another thread shill, also
>He's Asian lol
At least he's not a kike worshiper

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No, he’s behind. He’s trying so hard to recreate 2016 with his (paid for) internet army. Fat chance of us doing the heavy lifting for him on polls and normie sites. Unfortunately he lacks the charisma and chess skills to get more than 2 minutes of talking time during a televised debate.

The 1,000 bucks is just another bullet in the chamber for this metaphorical game of Russian roulette. He likely doesn’t care about this country though, dems don’t mind seeing it bled dry.

Yang is a beta pussy, when you get talked over by wahmen and Jews, you are a cuck and no one will ever vote for you. Its over Yang niggers

You clearly dont actually listen to what Yang says or writes
Direct quote btw

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He came off as a boring nerdy chink in the debate.
Maybe he doesn't want to win and is just hoping for a career with whoever else will take him.
Otherwise, he needs some serious lessons about rhetoric and persuasion.
His style could get him elected in a white or asian country, but in America you need to be more like a nigger (Obama, Trump...).

Slide Thread.

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Fuck commies. I would gun commies down in the streets and die myself before I let my country be overran by them.

What does this have to do with anything

>You made this identical post in another thread
That's because you keep making identical threads you fucking peckerheaded shill faggot.

If any candidate said the opposite of what he said there it would be political suicide. It's not like Trump hasn't said the same thing. He's not nearly on the level of identity politics of the other candidates

The solution is to incentivize hiring locally or at least within our borders, tax the shit out of those who are outsourcing or relying on h1b workers, make the shareholders hurt and we'll see things turn around. It's common fucking sense.

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Tell that to /ptg/ kike shill

he could just say nothing. instead he makes it clear hes an anti-white faggot, not only that but a beta pussy, just like he showed at the debates.
the entire crowd laughed every time he spoke, hes done you retard.

He’s a retarded communist op

reminder that he rose his hand for healthcare for illegals

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It's already over

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>The solution is to incentivize hiring locally or at least within our borders
An anti-Capitalist solution which jacks up the price of consumer goods thus hurting the middle class and only marginally helping domestic businesses which won't be able to compete abroad
>tax the shit out of those who are outsourcing or relying on h1b workers
Once again will increase the price of consumer goods
>make the shareholders hurt and we'll see things turn around
Make the economy less competitive and lower the GDP thus lessening the amount of jobs and recreating the problem

Face it, if you just give citizens welfare subsidized by successful businesses instead of hurting the economy with protectionism you'll boost consumer confidence which will not only make the consumer but also the businesses happy

I already know it's over read the OP, the point is that he was ahead of his time and his ideas will come back around in the future

Jesus christ I don't even have a response for you you're so fucking stupid. Commies need to hire better shills, at least once with an iq over 60.

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maybe another generation or so when the boomers start dying off and not everyone gets carried away by the biggest, loudest simian with the zingiest one-liner on the debate stage.

The purpose of the state shouldn't be enabling the lifestyle of a NEET.
Everybody doesn't deserve to be taken care of unconditionally.

He was a nationally qualified debate guy in highschool. Unfortunately, the DNC debates aren't even at that level of rhetoric. There's also the (probable) theory that MSNBC muted his mic at points, in addition to the overt favoritism to the more mainstream candidates. Hoping Yang adjusts properly for the next couple debates.

When they can replace us they will just kill us off you dumb motherfuckers.

I hate how fucking dumb you guys are and how you always jump to conclude a nicer alternative.

And what's going to stop these successful businesses from just relocating their money and resources to a country that doesn't expect them to subsidize the living expenses of its population?

The whole reason automation has been accelerating is twofold. One is lazy millenials who don't want to work at all. The other is entitled millenials who think they're worth $15/hr when they aren't. The companies pursuing automation will only curb it if automation becomes more expensive and less convenient than a human worker. By taxing companies for their automation you're just encouraging them to go somewhere else that won't.

Yeah he's so ahead of his time that he can't even speak like a normal person!

He stutters like an idiot and can't even explain his most basic policy position!

What a fucking failure.

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wtd do you want him to say on msm media? i love nazi alt right neets?

>And what's going to stop these successful businesses from just relocating their money and resources to a country that doesn't expect them to subsidize the living expenses of its population?
>The whole reason automation has been accelerating is twofold. One is lazy millenials who don't want to work at all. The other is entitled millenials who think they're worth $15/hr when they aren't. The companies pursuing automation will only curb it if automation becomes more expensive and less convenient than a human worker. By taxing companies for their automation you're just encouraging them to go somewhere else that won't.
No, they're just going to kill us off you dumb faggot.

Why do you think they're pushing LGBT? They're just gonna kill us of. When they don't need us, they're gonna fucking kill us.

They'll use all methods possible. Anyone who can be replaced will be destroyed.

But you limit yourself to: "and what's going to stop these successful businesses from just relocating".

Dude. They're not gonna relocate, they're going to stay, and kill us off.

>wtd do you want him to say on msm media? i love nazi alt right neets?
He's fucking chinese, you retarded fuck. He's not going to tolerate you. He's not secretly in favor of a group that wants to kick him out of the country.

>He's fucking chinese, you retarded fuck. He's not going to tolerate you. He's not secretly in favor of a group that wants to kick him out of the country.
He's born in the usa to /ourasian/ tawainese high iq parents. Grow up you midwest post industrial blight scarcity mindset faggot.

Yang has seen this country, has seen the suffering in the heartland. He sees also the potential for our nation, all of which is within our grasp if we band together and do what's smart rather than what's easy.

>ahead of his time
His time was up before he even started


>He's born in the usa to /ourasian/ tawainese high iq parents. Grow up you midwest post industrial blight scarcity mindset faggot.
He's smart! That means he's too dumb to realize it's bad for him to support white nationalism! Duh!

>Yang has seen this country, has seen the suffering in the heartland. He sees also the potential for our nation, all of which is within our grasp if we band together and do what's smart rather than what's easy.
What Yang claims is not a fact of life. That is just what Yang claims.

>He's smart! That means he's too dumb to realize it's bad for him to support white nationalism! Duh!
cope. you're only white nationalist because you think resources are scarce and you'd rather have white people provide for whites than share a country. here's the thing. the coasts are rich af, and yang wants to bring this kind of prosperity everywhere. with real income, you're gonna start being a regular tolerant person real quick.
>What Yang claims is not a fact of life. That is just what Yang claims.
it is a fact of life. Trump recognized the same thing, but he'd rather "win" some minor factory that employs 100 people in exchange for billions of tax credits than to solve the fundamental problem.

>cope. you're only white nationalist because you think resources are scarce and you'd rather have white people provide for whites than share a country. here's the thing. the coasts are rich af, and yang wants to bring this kind of prosperity everywhere. with real income, you're gonna start being a regular tolerant person real quick.
I'm not a white nationalist. I'm just saying Spencer supporting him makes no sense.

And stop assumming things about what Yang wants. What Yang says is irrelevant.

>it is a fact of life. Trump recognized the same thing, but he'd rather "win" some minor factory that employs 100 people in exchange for billions of tax credits than to solve the fundamental problem.
What I'm saying, what Yang says about his intentions are not trustworthy. Eveyrone claims to have good intentions.

Yes. In fact, he is so much ahead of his time, that electing him now would be useless and make everything worse.
Kill all Jews
Deport all niggers
Deport all beaners
Kill all faggots
Find someone like Yang, but with non-retarded policies and who isn’t a stupid chink
Peace for the races

>Is Yang ahead of his time?

No, he is BEHIND his time. The time to propose it would have been during President NIxon's time. Yang's proposal cannot fiscally be done due to the huge federal deficit interest payments eating up almost one third of the useful leeway in the budget. If we had no gigantic deficit, then it might be possible it is the best approach towards economic stimulus especially since during Nixon, the country was not as burdened down by people who genuinely refuse to work.

So Yang is BEHIND of his time, not ahead of his time. It's why his ideas make some sense, but also don't make sense with modern considerations on deficit. The deficit does genuinely limit the options the country can safely take.

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Money juat comes out of my asshole. Eat my children.

Fuck this chink. Maga 2020.

take your meds ya schizo fuck.

i don't remember anyone crying about muh deficit when we printed 4 trillion for the banks, or spent 3 trillion on the iraq war. we are rich as fuck we can afford whatever we want.

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This guy has smallest simian fucking head.
He looks like he is rewarded with fruit for solving timed puzzles.

Yang is too intelligent for dumb Dem voters.

Their entire voter base is all emotional women and college kids who decide based on the biggest zingers against Trump.

Do you think a single female voter even listens to a weird Asian guy mumbling about economics they don't give two shits about?

If there was any opening for some nerd to become President talking about 22nd century problems, you'd have Bezos and Musk as serious candidates.

Yang is finished.

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Have you ever considered mental help?

what do you expect someone running as a democrat to say you retard

>tfw too smart to win the presidency

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>it's ok if he says retarded shit, as long as he's a democrat
