Mexicans are just like you and m-

>mexicans are just like you and m-

Attached: Spics.png (447x676, 369K)

Other urls found in this thread:

democrats are literally just "idea guys" they can think of the best ideal thing they could imagine in their head, but they cant put it into practice or take care of the evil reality of the world.

taking children away is safer than letting them become underage prostitutes in the u.s



>Guatemala is in Mexico
Ok buddy

This cant be real.

The real question is why she tried to smuggle semen samples across the border.

Spics are spics are spics.

Hot, more?

Is there a mandatory child vaginal examination when you cross the border?


Attached: 1555279145030.png (1324x813, 1.14M)

Future Democrats, ladies and gentlemen

Der ewige araber

You vastly underestimate the psychopathy and evil the central American mongrel race is capable of.

Stop "migrating" and no ones kids will be raped! Win-win.

Attached: 1560994553113.gif (607x609, 821K)

Achmed go fuck your family. Don't bother real people.

Welcome to spics.


gotta catch em all

I'll guess that once they find out they are not with a family member they check for rape, may also have come to light while they were looking at that 'unknown disease'.

1. physical abuse leaves obvious signs
2. go fuck your dog

democrats are literally just feminists
men were always responsible for providing, gathering, creating, women were always responsible for stating the needs of the rest of the family. its coded in our psychology
they think with postulates not realistic strategies.
men were always responsible for deciding what is possible/reasonable to get and what is dumb investment.
now there is no one.
that's why whenever any feminists take over we are seriously fucked


Fuck you for not posting it, btw.

>There were some Congolese people caught crossing the border, it was suspected they had Ebola.
Ebola-ridden Congolese are somehow wandering the deserts of Mexico

>The girl who was with her who was supposedly a family member was not really a family member, just someone who bought her from her family in Guatemala.
Democrats: Slavery was the greatest evil! Reparations now!
Also Democrats: Let's import people who buy humans.

I know i should fear bad for the little girl but i actually enjoy these niggers getting raped and murdered. They should stay in their own countries.

I didn't really think rationally, I'll admit. I saw the image and got so pissed I wanted to start a spic hate thread.

Attached: 1515926485995.gif (320x240, 1.99M)

That was painfully obvious during the debates. Especially when Sanders was asked how his plan for universal health care would actually work, he didn't actually answer the question just kept going on about how we need universal health care

They're insane and retarded

>drumpf seperates children from their families!
>abortion is ok tho!

>people dont move between countries to get to better ones
nice cope brainlet

They do the jobs we won't!

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That could be a cultural thing, who are you, who are any of us to judge someone else's culture? We must respect and not only tolerate, but celebrate all the cultures of the world.
We are stronger together.

Fucking animals. This is why North America needs open borders; so burgers and leafs absorb all those criminals and maybe they will stop flooding my country

Go to bed Justin

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whats the message?
can't really read the taco text,,

He said, pay more taxes and then have no premiums. That was his plan all along and he never changed from that.

probably something like
>hurr durr that'll teach ya to sell drugs in my drug area
they need gassing asap fucking vermin

>South America crime ridden shit hole
>little girl getting trafficked across border
>thinking it mattered whether she was separated or not
Just throw them back across the fense and if they turn cripple it's their fault but at least they won't come back

The "family member" was almost certainly a beaner human trafficker.

Basically saying this is what happens to supporters of some shit or other and calling them names.

not a real article if we are the master race we need to make sure we get the right information out there 100% of the time

It's 4am, I just woke up. Got to get an early start on accepting those refugee claims and sending them all to Alberta so they vote red in the federal election this October.
Smarmy bastards are the only conservative place left in this country.

>muh master race
>muh fake news
CNN much, faggot.

This is going to happen to everybody who still supports "La familia Michoacána" ( a narco group) and some insults.

fuck you cia the article isn't fucking real

Your feet are worse than mine.
Anyway bump.

>This is why we separate children


So narcos killing each other?

seems legit


Could be or just the locals who support one group of drug cartels over another.

Fake News sense tingling

Demoncrats want no wall and for children not to be separated so they can continue to profit off their child sex trafficking operations. Same with drugs and firearms. They give 0 fucks about the migrants. Only for profit.

US should have genocide all the spics when they had the chance.

Pretty sure England thought Spain was suppose to do that.

Don't spics commit an inordinate amount of sex crime?

we need to import mexican women to be bred by BCC (big canadian cock)


>i enjoy rape and murder
Flag checks out. Anyone still wonder why we don't want mexiciniggers in our country?

You mean rape, and yes only behind arabs and niggers.

What insults?

>The girl who was with her who was supposedly a family member was not really a family member, just someone who bought her from her family in Guatemala.
What the fuck, so you can go to Guatemala and buy children? That's like even better and safer than Thailand, isn't it?

South America really is fucked.

Faggots and bitches I believe.

I thought they were above niggers.

And I mean molestation, too.

You apparently can buy children in most shithole South American (((Countries))).

But why would you share your loli with 19 others

I haven't heard of a single nigger above rape, user.
They just don't see it as a crime or wrong in any way.
If their Uncle Tom king Bill Cosby did all of them will.

The closest thing would faggots and pieces of shit

What sort of animal puts their stupid lusts ahead of the innocence of a child. This sort of shit makes me want to be a cop, or judge.

They had to take up collection in the group to buy her, fren.

That is 80% less than a normal american woman
what is the problem?

Nice, more doujin fodder, but this time with delicious brown cunny.

>This sort of shit makes me want to be a cop, or judge.
Why not be both, and throw in executioner.
Judge Dredd showed the way.

it bothers me how inhumane this shit is

The parents send the child with coyotes. The coyotes are the 20 donors.

Michoacana, no lleva tilde.

Nah, I know niggers rape, but I thought it was mexicans that raped people more often, while niggers did more violent crime.


kek, nice one, user.

Why is the US importing rape culture?

Non-whites are subhuman and the water is wet.
>On an average, 51 out of every 100 people are vulnerable to modern slavery–bonded labour, forced begging, forced marriage, domestic services and commercial sex work–in India, according to the Global Slavery Index 2016
>Female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as female genital cutting and female circumcision
>removal of the clitoral hood and clitoral glans; removal of the inner labia; and removal of the inner and outer labia and closure of the vulva. In this last procedure, known as infibulation, a small hole is left for the passage of urine and menstrual fluid
>new law
>definition of domestic violence and does not explicitly criminalize marital rape.
>In sub-Saharan Africa, 40% of women are married as children.
>Child marriage is widespread in West and Central Africa, where 42% of women are married as children, and in East and Southern Africa, where child marriage afects 37% of girls.
>high child marriage prevalence, such as Niger (76%)
>The 9-month-old baby of a young woman who was allegedly gang-raped by three unidentified assailants in an auto rickshaw in Gurgaon, India
>Mexico has no laws defining or sanctioning child prostitution as criminal activity.

>still wonder why we don't want mexiciniggers in our country?
For the same reason i don't want sudaca niggers in mine. Why would they come to my country if they know they're gonna get raped, should've stayed in their country. It's that simple.
>up to 80% of women have been raped
>The use of rape as a weapon of war in the conflict in Darfur, Sudan
>episodes occurred in Rwanda in 1993-94, where 80% of women were raped and resulted HIV positive.
>in Uganda, 70% of the women reported having been raped by combatants
>Democratic Republic of Congo
>Since the conflict began in 1997, hundreds of thousands of women and girls have been brutally raped. In some villages as many as 90 percent of the women have been raped
>The 2017 records of Family Courts show that 60 percent of Egyptian women were subjected to marital rape, while 10,000 complained of sexual violence.
>Central African Republic
>90% of women having been raped since the conflict began.
>approximately 90% of Tutsi women were raped
>During Liberia's recent civil war, 75 percent of the women were raped, most having been gang raped
>In 2012, a study reported that 50 percent of Black women were sexually assaulted, raped, or molested by Black men by the time they reached age 18.

WE ARE VERY DIFFERENT RACES. NIGGERS ARE TOP SUBHUMAN. Anybody having some nigger genes like Arabs and Mexicans is also little subhuman.

Attached: races are different.webm (360x324, 294K)

Your god knows you said that. Congrats on a one way ticket to hell faggot.

I bet those 10 semen samples had African component.
>A large majority of Mexicans have been classified as "Mestizos", meaning in modern Mexican usage that they identify fully neither with any indigenous culture nor with a Spanish cultural heritage, but rather identify as having cultural traits incorporating elements from indigenous and Spanish traditions.

>Mexicans who self-identify as Mestizos are primarily of European and Native American ancestry. The third largest component is African, a legacy of the slavery in New Spain (which saw the importation of some 100,000[87] to 200,000[88] black slaves). However, geneticists theorize that in regions of Mexico that did not have any presence of slaves, traces of African ancestry might have come from Spanish colonists and not African slaves themselves, as said ancestry is of North African and Near East origin.

What the fuck?

>Nigger and female Medical Professionals in Hicksville
>Specially cognizant of all possible diseases
>Haitian Niggers, Oriental Chinks, and Hindu Poos
>Can't possibly be evolved AIDS because no immigrants have ever brought disease. Southern ignorance is cause for alarm.

>Child gets separated from parents.
>Child gets raped.
>This is why we should separate more children from their parents.
>They can't possibly get raped or die while separated under custody. There have been zero migrant deaths and rapes in camps and prisons in all of history.

>A Leaf

Don't you have some American soldiers to kill for government pay, tory-loving mudslime?

Attached: africa and the nigger.png (998x883, 678K)

I left my wallet on the back of my tailgate yesterday when I drove home. Went out to look for it in a thunderstorm with no success. Half an hour after I got back home, a Mexican guy was at my door with my wallet. Everything was still in there. I did cancel my cards obviously. When I tried to give the guy some cash he refused a couple times. Said he found it in some intersection.
What the fuck
I love Mexicans now

Mexican government = Mexican criminal organization.
They hide their rape statistics, they have their rape dungeons, they have legal child prostitution. That's a fact that they rape every day million children, but no subhuman thinks that's wrong. Africa, same story, India, same story. Mafioso all rape children and btw El Chapo was known to call his rape children vitamin bonbons.

I honestly don't understand how people can be attracted to children that way. Maybe it is a disease spread by diddlers because I was never diddled. But in any and all cases whatsoever it is a crime against humanity. The innocence of a child is like Christ. To harm a child that way is probably the most unpardonable sin ever. It's probably what the bible means when it says the worst sin is to offend the Holy Spirit, which is like the spirit of an innocent child. It truly is heinous. To think that the democrats don't even acknowledge this happens, and thus, in practice are supporting it seems equally heinous.
>El Chapo Called Girls He Raped His "Vitamins", Said They Gave Him Life

Nigger genes in action. It's hard for whites(humans) to understand that subhumans are all rapists when you remove white laws.

Same reason why men form brotherhoods and women form brothels

Most of the pedo rapists in this country are creepy older white guys, like a lot of you in 10 years.

>like a lot of you in 10 years.
This user knows, he's talking from experience.

Makes me want to go bowling.

I don't think I understand your point, Park

There are good and kind people in every race don't forget that.

Please G-d, don't let this be true. If 4/pol/ has this element within it should be purged and I hope the NSA gets them before they can chimp out.

Be honest, if those heads were bald you'd be cracking them open for gold

Thank you. It's true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best… They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

maybe that's the reason they detain the children. maybe they should make a quick DNA test to be sure if children are related to the people who claim to be their parents.