We're winning the war

It's that simple. Sure, you can post the same 5 or 6 .webm that you've been shilling for years, but that doesn't change the fact that while you win the occasional battle, the war is ours and you've already lost. We have the business class, the rich, all of Mexico, South & Central America, the FBI, the CIA, Cuba, and Canada on our side. You're going to be utterly destroyed in the long run. We don't have to be better fighters than you...In fact the Confederates tried that. We control all the infrastructure, manufacturing, we're more organized and well funded, and we have vastly larger numbers than you Nazi pieces of shit. So sure, you're better individual fighters, but we're a better and more well-equipped ARMY.

One day one of you will finally have the nuts to pull out your steel and do something and I can't wait. The gloves will finally come off and every law enforcement agency in North America will drop the fucking hammer on every last one of you. But the thing I enjoy the most is HOW you lose...Every time you go crying to that yipping chihuahua of Israel, Donald Trump, or you go crying to Portland or Berkeley PD. Guess what IDIOTS: we own the local police, the judges, and have supermajorities in the legislature which means everyone is on OUR SIDE. So you can whinge and whine all you want. The worst thing that will happen to us is a little fine and some community service. Remember the lock-boy in Berkeley? We do. ZERO CONSEQUENCES.

COPE. SEETHE. This continent belongs to us. I dare you christian nazi shitbags to show your fucking faces again in Portland. Next time we're coming even harder and heavier. KNOW THAT!

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Other urls found in this thread:


tldr faggot nigger

I just dont want niggers in my city

Weak Psyops are weak

You a fiction writer? Because that' s a lot of head canon in there.

wait what??! Who is we? who's them ffs??? I'm confused right now.

Gess what retard you are gonna live in a multicultural hellhole, not me fagg. have funn getting groomed,robbed, murderd acid atacked,knifed . Iam going fishing with my white frends and family in my white town living the dream.

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we have 90% of the territory and 90% of the guns in america
everyhing else just follow the lead
it's going to happen

Didn't read faggot. Try reddit

Honestly, this is pretty accurate.

So what you're saying and demonstrating is that you're domestic terrorists? Yeah you sure have a bright future ahead of you ;)

Dumb LARP trying to inspire physical retaliation.

It's not gonna happen.

Honestly D I L A T E,

And when you win, the economy collapses. No corporation will willingly die on the altar of social justice. They're fine with it when it costs them nothing, watch how quickly the tables will turn when there is an economic effect. Weimar had hyperinflation and then Hitler showed up. I remember AOC talking about MMT a little while back. Whew.
You know what else, communists were the 2nd fastest growing party in Weimar, just so happened that the fastest growing party was the NSDAP. Normal people do not want your vision for society and you'll just keep attacking further and further into the normals. I'm sure that gay Asian man was quite the Nazi...
Literally calling a gay Asian male a white nationalist, Jesus Christ get a grip.

lol shut up cocksmoking tranny you will all be murdered when you feel safest and and it will not even look like homicide see you att he bus stop queermeat

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>pretending to not being a multicultural shithole

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>in my white town

not for long. your christian churches with their refugee ministries are going to fix you right up.

thanks. please make it copy pasta. We need to spread this around Jow Forums and let these white beta males know whatsup.

no it's probably not. guns are useless in the hands of cowards.

>domestic terrorists?

Nope. freedom fighters. That's what happens when you are in control. But go cry about how life isn't fair in another thread so I can continue not caring.

we all know how this ends kike

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You retards own the cities because you've convinced all the morons to rally behind you. You keep beating the shit out of people and it's turning the public opinion against you. One of these days you're gonna kill someone who did nothing to deserve it besides saying shit you don't agree with. Then we'll see who the law agrees with. The US government doesn't like you because you're domestic terrorists. The people of Mexico don't like you because you're flooding their beautiful country with illegals. Most of Canada hates you because you're violent. The MSM lies for you but even they can't keep covering for your acts of violence against innocent people. The cops don't like you because you're nothing but a problem they have to deal with, so if you think they will come down on someone for shooting one of you violent assholes you are mistaken.

You are weak. You are fewer than you think you are. The support you get from the glowniggers pales in comparison to how many people think you should all be locked up. You aren't fighting fascists, you ARE fascists. And we will make sure that you do not succeed in stealing the power you desire so desperately. So keep it up. Keep calling regular people Nazis, keep beating people with deadly weapons. Keep ruining your public image so we can crush you power mad retards once and for all. We are many and we will never give up to the likes of you.

>watch how quickly the tables will turn when there is an economic effect

Economy will be fine. The far right are poor, stingy, broke losers. No one is going to give a fuck about you when you're gone.

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The amount of niggers and muslims in weedlmao land was astonishing.

You're probably not part of anything. Even if you think you are.

With AI and automation, very few people need to be in the chain of command.

You probably think you are special, but you are not.

There will be a mass extermination, and you will die too.

Don't mix tranny drugs with onions, your delusion is just too sad to read.

whites go extinct. You've lost control of every last one of your countries. All of them. There's nothing you've actually accomplished that isn't some internet LARP or meme that is actually real. You'll continue to lose. That's what the trend shows.

We just keep winning over and over again. you meme and larp and tell yourself fairytales. We control the narrative, not you. Even if one of you dies we'll just claim self defense and the media will back us up like it always does. And so what if we are fascists? We'll dial it back once white people are gone, but for now it's total war. COPE.

kek, the far right isn't who you need to worry about. It's anyone to the right of Marx.

CIA calm down, it's not time for civil war.

Weimar was a different time, desu
Lots of people went to bed hungry and then ideas popped in peoples head
Communism didn't die within the NSDAP, it was mangled into NatSoc ideas to win the election
And also lots of free accessible guns for everybody and no interest in investigating certain "murders"

This thread is made by a MOD.

We're just gonna take everything from you.... you're gonna start murdering people and you're gonna trigger the fucking hornets nest of humanity and you're all gonna fucking die.

>freedom fighters
oh so you mean domestic terrorists like most if not all other violent groups calling themselves freedom fighters throughout history and the world

you're a joke and you're going to get BTFO terribly, being goaded into worse and worse extremes thinking that because it hasnt happened yet it wont

they're just giving you enough rope to hang yourself with you dumb fuck

David go to bed.

then why do you feel compelled to spell it out, this is common type a liberal "if i say it with confidence no one will know its bullshit" and just comes off as weak cringe shit. you got nothing, you are not winning anything, outside of portland you are just targets waiting to be splattered. no one believes you have any allies beyond the kike machine and it's useful idiot rainy day coin purse, which is already running dry. you are going to die a weak little bitch struggling against unknown hands pleading for life...if you do not OD first. everyone knows that, even you bitchlet. you can't even stop me from saying nigger faggot or even carving such into your boyfriends tranny hole. you are a gnat.

So you're saying that their movement will be subverted and all these original agitators will be purged? Like the strasserists?

Jannies keep deleting his name but it's out there for everyone to see

>we have Canada on our side
okay-tier shitpost

>Get ass beat constantly
>Nobody likes you


Sage and hide

Yeah, you're all so smart and have everything in your grip

Which is exactly why Trump lost in 2016


>We'll dial it back afterward


Things that have never happened in all human history


I'm gonna say the n word

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109 countries and counting...


This, this shit happened in PORTLAND, bike lock fag was in BERKELEY. Do the same sort of shit in Texas or Missouri and you'll find yourself in county real goddamned quick. No shit that they'll get off light in these places. That in no way means that the whole country is that way or ever will be. Righties should be leaving those shitholes anyways.

Shit post. There's no "we", whitey controls your beaner ass and you know it. Without whitey you'd be wiping your smelly beaner ass with tree leaves and eating dogs. Smelly brown fuck.

if you weren't scared, you wouldn't rant like this


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Link? I'm in Portland

Oh, I am totally demoralized now.


I just don’t want niggers, kikes, insects, shitskins or anything remotely non-white in my country.

you're a kike

Thanks brah. This is good shit. Can't wait to see justice

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You don't control the narrative. If you did, you wouldn't be here shilling. You come here to shill because you know it's one of the only places you have no control over. Journos have cameras everywhere and you keep beating them up to stop them from showing everyone that you're fascist monsters. The tide is turning against you and you're desperate to regain control by snuffing out the dissent. I don't need to cope, I'm too busy laughing at the best defense the real fascists have.

A bunch of idiots who could never defeat Trump in a stand up democratic vote and a bunch of angry fascists hiding behind the word Nazi like it's a blanket.

One of these days you're gonna kill someone at a protest. Hell, if you carry out these acid attacks even the MSM won't be able to protect you anymore.

Cope harder, seething glownigger. You can't beat us even when you've backed us into a corner. If you could, you wouldn't be telling us we need to give up. So get fucked, your revolution is over.

np burgerbro just remember (((JOSEPH))) was a (((CHRISTIAN))) (((EVAN)))gelist(((S)))

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it's too late for that to work now
You've birthed the environment that creates Hitler

it's only a matter of time now, soon PC will be nothing but a faint rumor that it even existed, like all the other times it has happened in history.

that I'm sure you know little about

Hi shlomo.

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It 404d quick check it archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/218045738/

Post a picture of what OP looks like.

we have truth and nature on our side, even if you win you wont have that, so how can you ever win?

At least you are doing what you believe is right. I commend you. Thanks for helping to destroy this bastard nation. I hope it takes you down with it.

>We have the business class, the rich, all of Mexico, South & Central America, the FBI, the CIA, Cuba, and Canada on our side
Yep. Yet you are the "resistance", right?

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>US security officials have classified the left-wing group Antifa as "domestic terrorists", confidential documents have revealed.

>A confidential intelligence report by the DHS and the FBI accused the "anarchist extremists" of attacks on police, government and political institutions, along with any other symbols of the "capitalist system" or displays of racism, social injustice or fascism.

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y'know what? nobody's fucking behind you
your entire worldview is based on fear and power to withhold. that's the whole basis of your power, the only reason to back your 'cause'
it's plainly illegitimate, self-destructive, and any alternative will see it defeated
but go on, please remain fully confident in your unassailability kek

You don't get it. Antifa WANTS you to attack them. That's exactly why they do what they do.

When will you understand? We don't need to fight you, you are already fighting yourself. More extreme groups and narratives appear year after year and clash the previous ones. What will you do when lesbian terrorists will murder transactivists for being men? When the left will claim safe spaces clustered by race in order to protect minorities? When muslims will claim the right to apply sharia law within their community? When Mexicans will have so much criminal activity that they will control the economy?
You're going out faster than us while we will adapt. Maybe meanwhile we will mass convert to islam and teach you some Islamic traditions, I don't know yet.

Ok, CIA.

Give them what they want then.

there is no war retard

tldr "We didn't get to jump any pride boys or anyone that could fight back, have 4 webms of an old man being beaten, a gay journalist being beaten, and a guy defending the old man getting beaten." GG fascist antifascists.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

You dont have all of canada, enjoy your larping while you can loser, and enjoy the jail cells for your domestic terrorist groups

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Imagine feeling glorious and epic because you take it up the ass then throw a milkshake on someone. Hahaha.
Thx for the laughs OP. You're a real hero, the warriors of old are waiting for you in Valhalla !
I think you deserve something special for your trouble, someone will present it to you soon, but we want it to be a surprise. Hope you enjoy !

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What about all those Muslims you pushed in? Do you really think all the Muslims will be happy to live in an atheist dictatorship run by rainbow faggot jews?

You sound like an angry Jew. Lol. Life is fine where I am. Nice and white and happy. We laugh at you wallowing in your filth.

I'm so giddy with excitement.. the sad thing is the ones that can't be saved who used to be good people. They just keep digging their own graves at this point. Any and all glowies and communist kikes reading: repent, and find Christ. That's your way out. That's it. Save your life, thanks to the true Messiah and son of of God.

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Good morning antifa, how's your day?

>We're watching you ;)

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War is the enemy of freedom.

You who fight destroy.

Today, the peak centralization of actual wealth has passed. Money isn't wealth BTW, it's a veil behind which real wealth is concealed. Banks print money out of thin air, just to hide their poverty.

Wealth is the goods and services that support the only thing that matters: society. Today, across every field of industry, means of production are being decentralized and delivered into the hands of individuals. As free people make what they need, just as they did prior to the industrial revolution, they eliminate the parasitization that is the only source of sustenance for the vampiric bankster cabals.

Without that flow of the wealth from the production of the free people of the world, they become ordinary plebs.

Then you serve nobody. You aren't winning. You're just losing faster. Keep on serving the banksters and their thugs. Keep ignoring that the centralized pools of wealth and power are shrinking daily, every day, because people are gaining the means of production, and don't need industrial capital anymore.

Be obsolete, forgotten, and craven. That's on you.

Hi shareblue kikes!

So, let me get this straight;
You're telling me violence is good, and is supported by the corporate overlords who are your silent masters as you do their bidding, for the purpose of removing a race of people who built everything you have, in order for you to see the world crash and burn? Except you don't think it will crash and burn, you don't think you will remain as slaves, you believe whites are the only thing standing in the way of utopia. For some reason. You see the corruption in
>the local police, the judges, and supermajorities in the legislature
and you believe this to be a good thing. So from what I can tell, you have no morals, no ethics, you're bloodthirsty, with a superiority complex, and everyone on your side is the same way, and you think these are the people who will create a strong and stable society, while you project all of this on to us, accusing us of the same lack of character as yourselves.

Going all out, Oof!
Wanting to fuck little children makes you a loser already, no matter the outcome of the war.
You claim there is no God. I hope you keep that conviction on your death-bed.

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Why just for minorities? Birthrates as it is not enough to collapse?

got any more of his warnings?

consider drinking a tall glass of antifreeze

>winning the war
>against Gun Ownership
>believes Concrete Milkshakes are enough to stop bullets

weak psyop, all fields

Christcucks need the rope too, your fictional Jew is not necessary and is actively harmful to any future white progress. Get off your fucking knees.

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Screen cap this glownigger
>board of peace

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Also Agent Xer Acts like the cops outnumber us.

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this too
already running into problems in the UK when they try to push globohomo in the schools

>shove around a pudgy Asian geek
>WeRe WiNNiNg tHe wAr!
ok my guy you're the real Durutti Column

The worst thing that could happen to you in this fight is winning.

You have become the thing you hate most. You cannot win, even if you defeat your foe.

Just like Stalin.

Radlib nigger, not even tankies like you

The fact that you posted this is one giant cope. Cry some more, leftie shill/LARP. Keep telling yourself that.

You winning will be the best things for literally no one