National socialism as a concept is a retarded ideology made up deranged druggie losers that had to create a whole...

National socialism as a concept is a retarded ideology made up deranged druggie losers that had to create a whole delusional phantasy about superior genetics. Anyone who unironically thinks Hitler had good views needs to be legitimately gassed. It's pathetic seeing so many retards here, even non germans i. e. T*rks, indians even jews having nazi sympathies

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T. Federal agent

Ah, this thread again.
Another retard that doesn't even know what National Socialism is. Well at least you got the name right.

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>being a communist shill
You bring shape upon Bulgaria. Your people have a right to flog you in the fucking streets.

Also, right wing politics have no need for racial superiority to function.
Not only are you wrong, but also retarded.

while all that might be true, at least its not as gay as communism.

It's a retard's way of coping with his degenerate life.

t. gypo

real bulgy's call you a faggot

Define National Socialism, please.

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As if i care what a gypsie's opinion on the matter is. If anything that's the only thing i agree with the nazi faggots on.

Wouldn't gassing be part of the national socialist paradigm?

pot calling the kettle black

The only wrong thing hitler ever did was openly go after the jews, attack the soviets and focus on aryan thing too early.

Hitler was a damn hero and we would have had the balkans if everything went as planned

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The strong rule the weak. He lost and Germany was ruled by the allies.

>the national disgrace of his people sees himself fit to insult anyone
>doesn't even know what the nazis' relationship with Romania was

I'd tell you to stop embarrassing yourself, but I could use a show.
Tell me.
Which parts of national socialism's economic policies do you disagree with?

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A robot
>Insert claim
>provide evidence for claim
>prove claims
>shows photos of shoes or dead bodies
>shows hollywood movie
>shows testimonies of captures peoples and Jews
>irrelevant or false information please rectify these discrepancies

I think the guy gave up

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any time I see some faggot unironically praising communism or posting a pro-communism image I just sage and move on

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Communism as a concept is a retarded ideology made up deranged neet losers that had to create a whole delusional phantasy about equality of outcomes. Anyone who unironically thinks Marx had good views needs to be legitimately shot. It's pathetic seeing so many retards here, even non proles i. e. bourgeoisie, middle class even jews having commie sympathies

Yes, but beating a corpse isn't wrong if it's a communist corpse.
Fucker might be pretending.

You never know if someone is either a retard or a shill, or both. Fuck it, Jow Forums has gone to shit anyway.

You think this is a gotcha? Ha. I sufficiently explained what it is in OP plus it's already a priori knowledge. Fucking mongoloid.

Based and redpilled

That doent disprove this one
>National socialism as a concept is a retarded ideology made up deranged druggie losers that had to create a whole delusional phantasy about superior genetics.
Noone can disprove that nazi bullshit race thery about "aryans" was 100% antiscientific.

Sorry, I couldnt tell if you explained it already due to your spider language.

>its uh druggie and gay XDDDD fugg :DDDD

You sure are retarded, arent you?

That’s because it’s Hollywood bullshit, and low quality Soviet/Russian propaganda. You seriously believe Hitler was running around killing everyone with brown hair? Also Aryan refers to indo Europeans.

The ultimate goal of National Socialism is the preservation, protection, and advancement of a single homogeneous people, the state is dedicated to the people rather than the other way round.

He literally was running around killing everyone with slavic surname.

What did it cost?

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Is that seriously what they tell you in Russia? If that was the case, Eastern Europe would have been very depopulated, but the truth is quite different.

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It fucking is very depopulation. They literally killed 25% of belarussian population.

Authoritarian socialism > authoritarian capitalism

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>Byey Gitlera
Who the fuck is Gitler?

That’s called starvation, and war, we already know millions were dying of starvation, and disease even before the war, but you think that one of the largest invasions in history, scorched earth tactics, apocalyptic levels of fighting, and a complete disregard for civilians by both parties wouldn’t result in large amounts of casualties? The Soviets also probably conscripted just about every able bodied male in the country to fight as well.

han m8, you just a loser

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Are the concentration camps and literal video footage of Himmler walking around one in Belarus not enough for you mouthbreathers?

It didn't take long for you downies to deny reality.

The nazis relationship with your shithole was taking land off you, retard. You were Hitler's lapdogs.

Concentration camps are where you put soldiers, criminals, etc the Germans put captured soldiers in them you fucking retard, the Germans captured several million soviet soldiers in the first few months of the invasion, and what would you propose they do with them? If they wanted them dead, they wouldn’t waste money, manpower, and resources building, and guarding massive camps just to kill the people in them, stop being a spastic, and use your brain.

Stalin was a murdering pig. You re a fucking idiot

They gave Northern Transylvania to Hungary, and a small section of land to the south was given to Bulgaria, the Germans did this to appease Hungary, and Bulgaria, but they also gave the Romanians a fair chunk of land in Ukraine, and modern day Moldova.

Oк бaй тoшeв бyмъp

He obviously wasn’t trying to kill brown haired people you complete fucking brainlet, why the fuck would a brown haired man even say that? It’s obviously fucking propaganda, and it was created to divide, and conquer Europe, to turn people against National Socialism using these blatant lies.

it should be easy to understand OP, but is obvious most people here are plain evil

What makes anyone in here evil?

Both of you fascists and communists are irrelevant relics from a bygone age.

Globalism and liberalism are what rules most of the countries governments today.

Most of the modern communists and antifa are mere tools and useful golems for corporate capitalists to furthur the rich capitalistic oligarchs agendas.

These fools have no idea that they are just foot soldiers for the filthy rich liberals.

There will never be a revolution because they won't allow it, they want everything to be comfortable with movies, games, and consumer products galore.

Keep larping about revolutions because no citizen in a first world country would throw away their comfy life.

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You're the only one speaking about brown haired people, "brainlet". He aimed to genocide various ethnicities. Why the fuck are you bringing up hair colour, are you lost?

Im of the opinion that Hitler was a reactionary and most of his political views were circumstantial.
"National Socialism" isn't really fitting.
He was more of an expansionist than a nationalist outside of rhetoric and not really socialist in any meaningful way either.

Believing in an all powerful 1% that can do whatever it wants is dumb. During the french revolution the upper class thought the same and got completely raped, same thing would happen if wealth inequality got untenable. At least i'd like to believe that the majority of people are rational, but with how things are looking today I might be kidding myself. This thread is proof enough, filled with absolute aspies.

How are nationalist and expansionist opposites? But yeah he added in "socialism" to lure in german workers.

You think race theory is just phantasy? Well, no scientist even comes close to explaining why Germanic countries are the most productive and richest in the world. You have to be delusional to think that race doesn't play a part in that.

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Slaves are supposed to hat us. We're your enemies. That fact that you Bulgarians allied with us in WW" only shows how pathetic the slavic race is.

Read a book faggot many communist countries were racist(south africa is to this day). Even the DDR hated forigners and even forced immigrants to abort their children
They were formally blocked from integration: all areas of their lives were regulated by government regulations, and pregnancies among female Vietnamese workers were punished by forced abortions.[15]They were sometimes subject to xenophobic violence, and even when their physical safety was maintained, they became the target of resentment due to their preferential access to consumer goods.[

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How is killing niggers evil they aren't human

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I assumed you were talking about the propaganda about him going after brown haired people, he wanted a Germany for the German people, he did not want to take the entire world, and he would rather each separate ethnic group move to their own lands, and develop themselves, I believe that his talks of the “Aryan race” was because he wanted to create a new or perfect people, not necessarily Germans, because he did not believe the Germans were a ‘master race’ yet, through a process of eugenics, and training a people could eventually be created that could be considered above all others, but he also wished all other people tried to be the best they could as well. As for wiping out certain ethnicities, I can’t find a good reason to keep gypsies around, and jews have proven themselves to be one of the most dangerous elements on the planet if ignored, but even then he wanted to deport them to Madagascar. Although all of this could have just been himmlers autism.

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The only reason they are supposed to hate you is because they were told to hate you.

Commie kike

This is probably most of you faggots in real life. Go show these pictures to Jamal and his friends. You won't, basedboy.

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What's the point? Commie policies varied based on the country. The gypsyland dictator, ceausescu banned abortions whilst other soviet countries had them legal. They weren't one big monolith you mischlings think they were.

what a hook