Is stealing from the rich morally ok?

Is stealing from the rich morally ok?

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Are they jewish?

Only if because they earned the money by exploiting people's worst habits

A rich baker is of a higher moral standard than that of a rich pimp.

>oy vey goyim, the scary nigger is much worse for you than the people who have fucked the west in to shit

No. Rich people were given that money fair and square. People have purchasing power, the rich created innovation or filled a demand. You can’t shop at Walmart and be upset that family is worth more than the bottom 40% of Americans. Listen to interviews with billionaires. They all had companies they had to build from the ground up despite failure. It’s a story of grit, determination, and a dream. We can’t say its not fair after we the general public give these corporations our money.

Jews are part of the exploiting group retard


It normalizes stealing, which is terrible for poor people, as it is much easier for rich people to steal from the poor than the other way around

Everyone is someone else's Rich Person. Look at how college communists freak out when someone suggests THEY share anything

Is stealing in general morally ok?
You should learn from thw rich, not hate them.
Personally I hate the poor.

You seek to create a maxim based off characterization of a group of people.
So to decide the moral validity of such a claim you would need deconstruct the idea of a rich person into traits. Which is dangerous to fall into stereotypes.

If morality is how one ought to act. Then we judge how moral a person is based on their actions.
Which should be the maxim hating on someone because they are rich is the equivalent to hating someone based on the color of their skin.
Chances are they are bad people but should we give everyone the benefit of the doubt?
Stealing from the rich is dependant on how they get that wealth and what they do with it.
Though this has many believing that if the rich don't share the wealth they are being immoral.
Like the dragon is evil for hoarding his gold, nevermind how he came into it in the first place.




Personally I hate the rich, cause you don't learn anything from them.
They get rich because they have the chance to be born in a rich family, benefit from the best schools, and from both heritage and nepotism later on in adult life.

but when the rich steal from the poor it's usually not called stealing and it's done by entirely different mechanisms.

Stealing is never moral.

Its not stealing if they steal from you.

Using their wealth to influence politicians to make policies that fuck you over is stealing from you.

No matter who your are or what you believe you can shove you "morality" UP YER ASS

It's okay if they're jewish

You can't steal from a thief.

So jews are immoral

No, stealing is not okay from anyone you liberal retard.

Just because there are people who have it easy doesn't mean there's not plenty of people who worked their asses off to be successful.
If you fail to distinguish that, you totally dismiss the heroes of our society on a whim.

If they gained their riches through state tyranny or if theft critically damages a tyrannous state
Just like killing is never moral
If you allow yourself to be erased because you held to your morals your morals were retarded

Those people you're talking about are very few to exist. A lot of the elites come from higher middle class/upper class families and have been advantaged in a lot of ways, not only financially but also in terms of education, language, culture, etc, as Pierre Bourdieu resumed it. I mean, guys like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates come from such families, and the elite of my own country all come from prestigious rich schools in Paris, such as Louis-Le-Grand.

I would like the names of counter-examples, perhaps you can inspire me.

No, but killing most of them is.

I dont understand the point you are trying to make

Killing your aristocrats only creates a vacuum that will inevitably filled by new ones. It doesnt magically make everyone equal. One would think a french of all people would know that

Don't mind him thats prime retardation.

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I didn't advocate for killing the aristocrats though. Imo the state should just both nationalize and decentralize all power. More power to the regions and communes to ensure equal access to success.

Everyone has equal access rights already. What you imply is equal outcome

no, but stealing from the poor is

Imperfect equal access as this country's high school and universities are actually ranked. And the best schools which offer the best paying jobs are centralised in Paris, and anyone who isn't upper class can't afford to live in Paris.

Well that's life. Not everyone is rich. Competition and variety is necessary for society to thrive

This is what middle/upper class people always say to justify the existence of this system, since there's this need to feel superior to poorer people and since they never had been affected by the evils provoked by inequality and poverty.
It is by continuing on this path that we'll end up in bloodbath revolutions. The oligarchs want this division and the people to think in this social-darwinist/capitalist way of thinking, and I refuse it. I prefer national and classless unity.


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Even among a unified people, there are still critical differences that will crystallize in a class system sooner or later. Rather than rebelling against order and human nature, accept it and make sure the rising tide raises all boats rather than trying to sink the bigger ones

Wealth = power. People that use their power irresponsibly should be deprived of it, simple as that.

>The digits of truth

Not rich yet, but steal from me I will personally burn your house down around you and send shit bouquets to your widow you communist fuck

I agree, which i think personally means we should elevate all schools to a same level of education and prestige unlike today for example. Permit everyone to reach their goals instead of permitting even more inequalities and nepotism.

Corrupt aristocrats will destroy society eventually though. That is how dictators and eventually democracy arose in places like Athens. Their malign influence is the primary cause of ills in the world


retards. Retards everywhere.

Who cares. They're rich, whatever you steal they'll make back in a day.

>Howard Schulz
>Richard Branson
>Ralph Lauren
>Roman Abramovich
These are just some famous examples, but I don't think there is value in overly analysing the famous and super rich people.
There's a lot of not famous millionaires who made their fortunes being entrepreneurs. Why would you hate these people?
And even the people who had good parents who made everything possible for them. Why do you blame them for it? What is their guilt? Nobody starts off an equal slate. One of the main parts of motivating the accumulation of wealth is providing for your children. What is wrong with that? Fuck equality.

That's not how it works

We must look like a man earned this money ...

How naive are you?
No one gets over in this world without graft, corruption, collusion, fraud, deceit, and moral turpitude...
Or sucking a dick.

Nothing is perfect but democracy is communism lite

> in actuality, I have no principles, but pretend to when it's most convenient for me.
fucking cumskin nigger faggot

Somebody get this hothead outta here

>that person is more successful than me, he must be corrupt and suck cock
You are the kind of poor I hate

Of course, you do, cocksucker.
I couldn't give two fucks about what you think.
You have the mentality of fifth grader.

What part of “thou shalt not steal” do you not understand? Using jealousy (already a sin) as a justification for sin is surely a one-way ticket to hell. Think about your soul, user


Assuming you're not using a twisted definition of "steal" and just mean the usual private removal of property from another's possession, without consent nor lawful excuse, I would say no, unless you're recovering something that was stolen from you or acting as an agent of someone it was stolen from originally.