Would it solve the housing crisis if people were allowed to build their houses as deep and high as they want?

would it solve the housing crisis if people were allowed to build their houses as deep and high as they want?

Attached: xzibit.png (2038x1556, 1.16M)

thats how you end up with commie blocks

Height mostly. Also retarded permits needed for people to build their houses and or to add something to their houses. Add importing sub humans that take up housing space, and you have how we arrived at the current situation.

In France we have that
Don't think is that what you want

Attached: hlm.jpg (1280x841, 221K)

This, unless you eject all non whites from the country it will end up forming giant lawless no go zones.

Ah yes German engineering.

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>housing crisis
made up problem

You fucking moron.

To build up you need to increase the strength of the foundation.

I went up just one story on my house and they have to rip up my basement and reinforce everything for it to be safe. Large buildings have enormous foundations both thickness and depth. You really need to start from scratch if you plan on building a tall building.

This. You’re ignoring the effects that radically increased population density will have on transport and basic services.

the housing crisis is a manifactured crisis.

Our population would decline if we weren't importing people. If our population would shrink, the housing prizes would plummet and more money could be spent elsewhere.

The boar knows. You start packing Niggers into high rises and you get some of the worst crime on earth. In most American cities they are knocking down the “projects” because they quickly turn into a lateral urban jungle once you fill them with pavement apes

Nah we can't have people be free now, that would mean a fair competition.

Import a million 3rd worlders and all of a sudden you have a housing crisis. Who would have figured

everyone who decides about housing owns real estate, meaning that they would lose personally if they were to fix the housing problem, meaning they will never even try

Don't forget loans. G. W. Bush did that and caused the 2008 economic collapse after all the mexicans he imported defaulted on loans.

You can certainly cram more people per square km like that but then you have to add more utilities, police, fire, public transportation etc to account for the increased population density. This doesn't take into account the engineering logistics of adding a ton of weight to old buildings not designed for it.

what about underground

You can solve the housing crisis by not cramming every immigrant nigger and shitskin you can into your shithole country.

There isn't a housing crisis in the first world, and no. tall buildings are ugly and unsafe. subbasements are expensive to keep dry.

The housing crisis only exists because more people are living in houses than people are building them.
- Stop giving houses to people who have not worked enough to quantitatively justify living in a house.
- Stop importing people who do not build houses.

like RATS

Not when they start falling the fuck over.

But he thought giving them all houses would make them natural conservatives!

>There isn't a housing crisis in the first world
There is, and it's because of rental properties. Landlording as a profession and rental homes as an investment were a mistake.

>Landlording as a profession and rental homes as an investment were a mistake
partially true. Owning a home isn't for everyone. Some people only plan to live in a certain spot for a short time, and some people don't want to deal with home maintenance. The problem with the professional landlords is they are over-incentivized with tax breaks. The national association of realtors is the largest lobbying group in the USA

I don't think it's a good example. Commie blocks were built with the purpose of housing growing population in area thy hope to develop. In reality nobody wanted to live there and the population didn't grow as they expect. In contrast in a capitalistic society people will build if there is demand

Those things are literally made to house niggers


German OP obviously understands shit about engineering and probably tries to solve technical problems with "Sozialwissenschaften".

why don't you just become the next Marx, OP?

>German engineering

The inside of that house would literally be 90% staircase retard.