PeterSweden has gone full cuck
What's new
A few years ago the guy was full 14/88.
(((They))) got to him.
>Human rights
Smart guy thinking about his career
>bro centrism lmao
Pick one.
Pick one.
Pick one.
Pick one.
Pick one.
>Human rights
Pick one.
>things I oppose: things that are wet
>things I support: water
is rightwing virtue signalling now a thing?
>doesn't support white nationalists
>supports Israel
Never change, Sweden.
Israel likely paid him
>has sweden in his name
>retards expected anything different
is this what double digit IQ existence is like?
He is a norweigan, calling himself swedish being the biggest nigger-jew shill on this planet.
A shekel for a good goy
Everybody sooner or later learns Amalekites are true evil.
Fuck this faggot, Swedes are not human
There's nothing centrist about Israel. It wages aggressive war on several of its neighbors killing dozens of civilians every week. The kike is full of shit.
Look at his eyes, this guy has sold his soul to the owl. Poor fella...
Sounds good to me
>Lists of things to support does not include sweden
Sweden. YES.
He was just about to cross the finish line
Anyone have the 'post about swedish jam if you are being blackmailed' image. I can't find it
>imagine wanting to be e-famous so bad that you turn into a literal whore
Harvey Weinstein did nothing wrong. At least he was trading multi-million dollar careers for blowjobs. These Z-tier e-celebs are taking it up the ass for a couple hundred bucks a month.
lmao, what a cuck.
> Yes for Israel.
> White Nationalism no.
What the fuck is this guy's problem? The Joos did a number on this fella.
literally who
I agree with Peter Sweden.
I'm guessing he diddled a kid. That's how they get you.
There's plenty of cringe with this con artist but larping as a Swede gotta take the cake. Even foreigners in Sweden make fun of him.
I hate this smug septic so much.
Should start Turning Point Sweden
Now wait a minute.
This is a bit odd. He mentions Israel a lot. He attends the conferences and gets into as many Israeli groups and gatherings as he can. A bit too many. Too much.
...What are the chances he's trying to infiltrate their societies? The chance that he's entering a personal proxy war that nobody's caught on to?
>leftists support Muslims
>right-wingers support Israel
Boy, all this freedom and democracy sure is great!
wasnt he always a cuck?
Does a Somalian not express love when raping a Swede?
I would have replied this 10 mins ago but i've been too busy busting my sides
They lost their white identity. White identity is Christianity. Swedes are not Christian anymore
The guy has always been a (((christian))), what the fuck did you expect? He's literally a member of a pro-Jewish support organization.
>great Israelis and jews
Sweden is absolutely lost until kikes like this are assassinated to make a statement
Fuck off, goatfucker
You couldn't even attempt a refutation of the point, could you, Jew?