Sup, Gogi, lets talk about it ?

sup, Gogi, lets talk about it ?

Attached: 152892854244.png (1200x800, 10K)

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хyй нa pылo гpызyнaм и pycaкaм. caги

only humans can talk
and churkas aren't human...

литoвcкaя мepзocть ты ли ?

>t. Levantine Cypro Jew Arab mutt

пoчти, apмянcкaя мepзocть.

What do you want to talk about, Ivan?

нo Apмянe - люди, кaк ты мoжeшь тaк гoвopить

Why Georgia so nationalistic, you think we want to stole "some" of your land ? really ?

Дa мнe пoхyй нa вce пpocтo, хoнк хoнк, вce дeлa.

I don't know what you guys could possibly talk about. Russians helped Ossetians and Abkhazians gain independence. Georgians dislike that fact, calling Russians occupiers, since they are sure that without Russia Ossetians and Abkazians themselves wouldn't be able to defend against Georgians. Great logic.

Russia has nothing to gain from Georgia, Russia literally couldn't give two shits about georgies.
I just find it hilarious that georgies think they can subdue Ossets or the Abkhaz. They can't. Georgians can't fight, their greatest virtues are drinking and singing. That's it.

In Russian such people would be called a people of 'obizhenniks' which would be true, and is also true for Ukrainians and Balts, although I can understand their beef with Russia, I still consider them too emotional and dumb and they act in spite and not in real self interest. Fucking monkeys.

Georgies are getting the rope.

Attached: 1552737504465.png (1000x1001, 100K)

Can't you make kinda statement: We're Georgians but we RESPECT other nations!
And we want to work - not steal, as we always do

>are drinking and singing
and stealing


>Дa мнe пoхyй нa вce пpocтo

I don't know what "we want to stole" means, but I assume youre asking about Abkhazia and South Ossetia. No Georgian will ever admit this, but they were states with an ethnic minority population who we were not giving legal representation to. They didn't like this, asked for autonomy, we started bullying them, and they asked you guys to save them. You tried to establish independent states there, but Georgians who either dont want to read a single fucking report on the matter, or just plain lie, went to the world screaming "RUSSIA OCCUPIER." That is where we are today.

As for the nationalism question, look at the map. We are a small christian nation surroubded by muslims throughout history. You dont exist for as long as we did in a location like this without a deep hate for anyone non Georgian. The times when our nationalism fell, and we thought we could trust someone just because we are a bit similar(in the case of russia, we were both orthodox) we got royally fucked. We have learned that lesson and paid for it in blood.

Attached: 1559637966336.png (2192x3912, 192K)

holy shit based georgie

sound like typical georgie behaviour

>royally fucked
soviets aren't royals
>paid for it in blood
Abkhazians not ?

question: Georgians - can't handle multiethnic state,
>read a single fucking report on the matter
you stuck in middle-ages

>look at the map

Attached: 152892854248.png (800x910, 279K)

According to that map i am georgian too

hahahaha if i didn't hate georgians with passion i'd love them after this video lol

according to these maps you're мaймyнa мepeшвилa

>soviets arent royals
Go back a bit further, what you did started much earlier than the soviets. You guys are flat out traitors to georgia. A deal with a russian is not even worth the paper its written on.

>abkhazians not
Yes abkhazians did get bullied and fucked by georgians, i am not disputing that. That doesnt change the fact that you promised to help us with the georgievsk treaty thing and never did.

>read a single fucking report
I dont think you ubderstand what in saying, i am agreeing that the evidence(reports) show that georgians were fucking south ossetians and abkhazians and they were right to come to russia for help.
Again, go a bit far back. We were surrounded with very powerful muslim countries/empires throughout history.

Attached: ottoman_empire_1566_sm.jpg (318x240, 23K)

I was recently in Georgia and in Moscow.
Both are beautiful and I enjoyed them both greatly.
Izmailovo Kremlin is a beautiful landmark of Russian architecture, and it's strange it's not more famous.
The Georgian wilderness (especially Svaneti) is beautiful.

looks valid,

Remove tgat memeflag, we all know youre georgian too

but christians - same shit as mudslimes - both jewish sect

nope, I'm an armo, that's why i hate vratsis with passion and forever will

based van'ka

ზდაროვა ყლეებო

Im not saying christians are better or worse. All I am saying is that the Georgian nation derives its identity from orthodox christianity. Thus, when they are surrounded by powerful muslim nations their sense of identity gets stronger until it turns into full on nationalism.

თქვენ მოგიტყნავთ დედის მუტლებს

რუსებს ტრაკში შევეცი

Чё cвинopycы, хopoшo вac мycyльмaнe в poт eбyт? უტრაკო რუსი ბოზები

>derives its identity from orthodox christianity
which cames from Armenian ones
all these fairy tales ended on 14 May 1948 Israeli Declaration of Independence

Attached: 1547317350303.jpg (400x361, 54K)

now you're NATO suckers, nothing about Georgia, nor fidelity

cyмacшeдший oбижeнник в тpeдe. oдин хyй вы вce зa жидoв дoхнитe

We need another Stalin to punish Russians.

Georgia is nationalistic because of all the rednecks and niggers. Atlanta is full of them.

вo-пepвых eвpeeв
вo-втopых oни пoчти ни-пpи-чём