Russian S-500

can take out:
>including supersonic ones
>even space weapons fired from orbit

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>Russia has begun the production...
No, it didn't, Russia has no money anymore, putin and his friends stole it.

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Sure it can

this is alien Tech...

why do you think the US is chimping out so much because of turkey buying the S-400?

Nice, going to build a total of 3

This. They have, what, 10 T14 Armata tank?

Nah, that crazy energy beam jews and their golems use sometimes can't be stopped by this.


Can't wait to see all 4 of them

Lol the s300-400 can even shoot a 30yr old Jewish f16 out of the sky in Syria. Larp more Russian shill.

Ivan aint shit


I love how burgers have this false sense of superiority, it will make the enivitable more enjoyable.

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how can a country with the same GDP as Italy do this?

cost is relative, and american shit is overpriced.

wait for the s-700

Christ almighty dickshit, buy a copy of Jane’s or something. The S-500 comes from a totally different line of development and is intended to replace the ancient A-135 and work as a supplement to the S-400.

It doesn't. It's all propaganda. The US are creating an illusion of the multi-polar world so their colonies would remain loyal to them either directly or through their "enemies".

Уникaльный aнaлoг нe имeющий aнaлoгoв мoжeт, a мoжeт и нe мoжeт cбивaть дepeвянныe caмoлёты. 3Д peндepы пocтyпят в мaccoвый peндep в ceнтябpe 2024 гoдa.

a great part of JEWestern strategy is to attack defenseless nigger countries with very low casualties of military pigs in order to make the wars more politically viable. Russian air defense systems and anti-ship missiles are making this harder and harder, this is one of the reasons why they are raging at Russia.

>a мoжeт и нe мoжeт
Does that mean “maybe, maybe not”?


What about S-600 or S-700? Don't forget the S-800

so when will it be operational? also, what will be the advantages it has as opposed to the s400? also, after shit like last night in syria, can we expect some of these to be given to KING ASSAD?