The US sabotaged Japanese economic success back in the early 1990s. Will it do the same to China?

The US sabotaged Japanese economic success back in the early 1990s. Will it do the same to China?

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Yes by waging war with iran so china can't get it's oil. But I hope the attempt fails.

>Yes by waging war with iran so china can't get it's oil
How does that prevent China from getting oil?

Killing China is crucial for the future of the world.

I rather China survives. China and Russia combined is the only thing stopping Wallstreet from turning everything into their assets.

usa is an egg with a piano dangling above it
the egg is her national status and the piano is her fiat currency dollerydoos beyond contiguous land borders

This. A multi-polar world means more freedom for everyone.

China gets alot of its oil from there.

Attached: trump on oil in the straight.jpg (602x960, 131K)

>Multi-polar world in the nuclear age
Pick one (1)

Attached: B-59 Near Cuba.jpg (800x619, 80K)

Doesn't Trump want to pull out of the peace treaty with the Japanese?

Yes good. The balance of terror is the ultimate arbiter of peace.

Has the US ever done anything good? It seems like it's pretty much just one long history of undermining and aggression

He wants to fuck all yellow people

>Saved Europe twice
>Foreign aid for third world countries

1913 christmas bill passed for federal reserve banking was undeniable point of no return

>Saved Europe twice
When was this?

>Foreign aid for third world countries
The way they do it is dumb and it just ends up funding warlords

woodrow wilson is the dogs name

I hate america but the Marshall Plan was pretty good (even though it wasn't motivated by just good intentions).

Joining WW2 was an undeniably good decision even though they took way too long.

Except when it doesn't fucking work.
>As he recounted it to me, Brzezinski was awakened at three in the morning by [military assistant William] Odom, who told him that some 250 Soviet missiles had been launched against the United States. Brzezinski knew that the President's decision time to order retaliation was from three to seven minutes. Thus he told Odom he would stand by for a further call to confirm Soviet launch and the intended targets before calling the President. Brzezinski was convinced we had to hit back and told Odom to confirm that the Strategic Air Command was launching its planes. When Odom called back, he reported that 2,200 missiles had been launched; it was an all-out attack. One minute before Brzezinski intended to call the President, Odom called a third time to say that other warning systems were not reporting Soviet launches. Sitting alone in the middle of the night, Brzezinski had not awakened his wife, reckoning that everyone would be dead in half an hour. It had been a false alarm. Someone had mistakenly put military exercise tapes into the computer system.
We were quite literally spared WW3 by a 60 second window after some dumbass NORAD clerk misplaced a disk.

America joining WW2 was essentially a non-factor

I wish it had happened. Most nukes would land on the so called civilized world. Basically Russia, America and Europe. If it had happened that time we would have been saved. Now in this age, we're all gonna be involved. Only south America might inherit the earth

absolute nigger

>America joining WW2 was essentially a non-factor
Are you... are you really sure? Are you sure you're not talking about WW1 where it was really a total non-factor? I don't know about you but personally I would hate if my country was liberated by the soviets.

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I'm sure. If you want to thank someone for putting down the krauts, thank Stalin and his boys

I'd much rather have my country liberated by Soviets than amerilards

In every instance there was a false M.A.D alarm every party involved shut it down because they recognised it would just be too insane to use nuclear weapons in any situation. M.A.D for everyone is the way to go.

>America joining WW2 was essentially a non-factor
Sure if you ignore -> how the Soviets depended on American weapons, how Japan had basically conquered Asia, how England was borderline defeated, and how France was the actual non-factor

But I'm not talking about their importance in the war, I'm talking about wether joining WW2 was "good" or not.


Post-war Japan > East Berlin

>because they recognised it would just be too insane to use nuclear weapons in any situation
user the National Security Advisor was fully prepared to tell the President that there were 2,200 ICBMs heading for American soil and that he needed to authorize a retaliatory strike within a

Yeah but WW3 didn't happen. Can you prove that if he told the president, every echelon of command would have believed it and went all the way through?

>Macroeconomics is complex so I'm going to pretend it's some magic conspiracy only Ron Paul retards can understand.

Funny how you never see actual PhDs writing petrodollar conspiracy peices. Must be the Jews.

It's improved the lives of 22 million illegal immigrants and their 10-15 million children by giving them better education, healthcare, and social services.

America could have sealed its border but both parties believed in the free movement of goods and people. That may have hurt natives and increased inequality, but it did help a lot of poor Mexicans.

well they were but ur 10 years behind there stumpy

>Yeah but WW3 didn't happen
Due to an extraordinary chain of luck that had nothing to do with human refusal to use nuclear weapons.
>every echelon of command
You don't need every echelon of command to do it. Just one asshole in a bomber or two of them in a silo out of many thousands like them are enough.
>would have believed it
They'd have believed it because that's what they're trained to do. Soldiers follow orders. And if that isn't enough for you, they'd have sure as shit believed it when warheads started falling.

There are a lot of factors that go into this. Post-War Japan would be much better than it is today if not for amerimutt influence

>It's improved the lives of 22 million illegal immigrants and their 10-15 million children
By throwing them into concentration camps and breaking up families?

>Post-War Japan would be much better than it is today if not for amerimutt influence
Do tell

They've separated 10-15 million children from their families?

>where should I post my thread about what will happen in the future? hmm.
>yes, the history board seems like the place!

I'm talking about the ones already here.

And yes, the 2 weeks in the camps plus US welfare is a huge improvement. Why do you think millions are coming?

this is plaint out just wrong

The chinks/poos prop up the wall-street designed asset bubbles that allow them to turn everything into their assets

case in point: global housing crisis since china entered WTO

Housing Unaffordability Due To Foreign Ownership, Chinese Funds, & Migrant Millionaires, Study Says

A new study has provided evidence linking unaffordable housing to foreign ownership, Chinese capital and millionaire migrants

A white paper published by Josh Gordon, an assistant professor at Simon Fraser University’s school of public policy, found a stunning 96% correlation between municipalities' price to income ratios and the proportion of their detached houses in which at least one owner was a non-resident. The correlation was called "unimpeachable" by a leading research who commented on the paper.

Gordon said: “When I plugged the numbers in it blew my mind … I mean, holy smokes.”

This is compelling evidence that when it comes to the extreme ‘decoupling’ [of prices from local incomes] seen in the housing market, foreign ownership is the primary culprit.

>The US sabotaged Japanese economic success back
it didn't.

>the Green Revolution which saved billions, was American and spearheaded by the Ford Foundation,Rockefeller Foundation,Norman Borlaug,and the USAID
>the Internet was developed by both civil and military figures in the US and has defined the Information Age
>lead and leads the world in all matters of technology, creating vital inventions such as the mobile phone, the personal computer, the polio vaccine, the defibrillator, the microwave oven, assembly lines, lasers, GPS, video games, email, the laser printer, the electronic spreadsheet, Google, WiFi, the modern electric vehicle, and just about every other base of modern life
>forced the decolonization of European empires such as the Dutch
>ensured victory in WW2 for the Allies when the balance of resources showed that wasn't at all a certainty before they entered
>ensured all Europe wouldn't become Soviet/WP
>helped rebuild Europe via Marshall Plan
>got Japan to stop raping China
>constructed global financial and economic system that has resulted in unprecedented prosperity and stability
>championed liberal capitalism which saw several Africa-tier countries go through massive increases in SOL
>allowed first world living standards for tens of millions of dispossessed from Vietnam, Italy, Mexico, Ireland, etc.
>stopped totalitarian communist economic ideology in South Korea, Taiwan, Austria, and other places, resulting in those places being first world in direct contrast to their Communist equivalents
>started detente with China which, along with Japanese trade in the 80s and their entrance into the WTO (also sponsored by the U.S.), massively contributed to China's rise in living standards in recent years (though of course primary credit still lies with the Chinese themselves)
>protects trade routes from rogue states like Iran (cf. Praying Mantis), Somalia (cf. OEF-HOA), ISIS (cf. Inherent Resolve), and Iraq (cf. Gulf War 1) preventing mass shortages and riots that happened all the time in earlier centuries

>That may have hurt natives and increased inequality
Objectively and statistically, it did not. Undocumented immigrants are mostly unskilled, so they either partake in seasonal work that otherwise goes undone (such as farm work) or they go into unskilled job that complement the skilled native U.S. population. Furthermore they're one of the few groups that are a net fiscal benefit for social security (some 60% of the U.S. federal budget now projected to be 80% in 2050- I swear this is going to pop soon) because the payments for it are automatically withheld from them but they can't access it (because they use fake SSNs that aren't linked to anyone on file and thus can't be rewarded in turn).
The detention centers and family separation touch a very small percentage of the immigrants and have only really stepped up recently. About 11 million undocumented immigrants work in the U.S. currently with a median household income of $37,000 (in 2007 dollars; that's $45,600 in 2019 dollars), and the opportunity for their American-born citizen children to succeed. Most of them were subsistence farmers or menial laborers from the lower classes of Mexico and Central America prior. They're objectively massively improving their lives.

No country in Europe would allow the same. In the U.S., legalization of the current undocumented population has cross-party support, with 67% of Americans being in favor of it (the main disagreement is what is to be done after in regards to increasing or keeping stagnant the legal quotas). This isn't even on the fucking table in the "enlightened" Europe, where center-left figures like Macron openly adopt a 100% no-tolerance policy to all undocumented immigrants.

Attached: immigrationwageeffects.jpg (980x533, 124K)

Japan is a US puppet
China is a sovereign socialist republic

Firstly, most economists are imbeciles. Secondly, it is a simple fact that having the US dollar as the global reserve grants unparalleled privileges to the US and that when these privileges dissolve things will go to shit.

imagine thinking the world would have even survived technological adolescence with the vacuum of power coming off two of the worst wars in human history in a generation let alone thinking it would be better

The Green Revolution was the greatest single mistake the West ever made. Norman Borlaug gave the Third World all the hard won technologies of western agriculture on a silver platter.

The current population boom began after the technologies of the German chemists Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch were given over to the Third World in what was then known as the Green Revolution.

Transferring technology to the locusts and The Green Revolution was the greatest single mistake the West ever made. Norman Borlaug gave the Third World all the hard won technologies of western agriculture on a silver platter.

The current population boom began after the technologies of the German chemists Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch were given over to the Third World in what was then known as the Green Revolution.

The primary objective of the program was geopolitical: to provide food for the populace in undeveloped countries and so bring social stability and weaken the fomenting of communist insurgency.

There is significant evidence that the Green Revolution weakened socialist movements in many nations. In countries such as India, Mexico, and the Philippines, technological solutions were sought as an alternative to expanding agrarian reform initiatives, the latter of which were often linked to socialist politics

us is a uk puppet

America contributed to it but mostly a runaway real estate bubble and loan crisis is what destroyed japan in the 90’s. The bubble economy and the rise of Korea and China manufacturing was the double whammy to knock japan off its trajectory to this day.

Actually it was the mid 80s Plaza Accord.
And no, the Amerikikes don't hold anywhere near that power over China

As opposed to the US bullying anyone who doesn't bow down to their requests? Yeah no thanks, bet you're a fucking mutt who rather enjoys stealing other people's oil and wealth and sit on your dumb ass & lazying away while the rest of the world starves. Fuck you dude.

They allow Israel to continuously bomb the muzzies for no reason?

Honestly, what's the difference? Either way you get the men all killed and the women all raped.

I can't stand it. . .

We have to do something.

>sabotaged japan
>japan is a first world country and burgerstan is 17th world
>life in japan is /comfy/, you can totter around tokyo piss drunk at 2 AM and sleep on a sidewalk, then wake up and all your stuff is right where you left it
>functional rail transit
>secure nation that cares about its own citizens
>intact family unit and healthy family relationships
>pride in their culture and history, preservation of ancestral practices
>everyone is thin, dresses nicely, acts civily, obeys the law, and not an ignorant raging bother for everyone around them with psychopathic "road rage" every 3 seconds and constant hatred, seething, rage, screaming, niggering, chimpouts, florida man, and other buffoonery that makes your flag into the laughing stock of the planet

maybe the cia can sabotage themselves, too. seems like it might work out quite well.

>m-muh salaryman...
facts show burgers work longer hours at far more stressful paces and have zero job security. in japan you're hired for life, barring a serious fuckup or the company going broke. in burgerstan you get hired and fired in 3 month rounds we call "temping" and the majority of the workforce are "permanent temporaries" with 3 months of work then 2 months of unemployment to wipe their savings and ensure they never get paid a single penny of benefits. no health insurance, no PTO, no pension, not even unemployment insurance, because they'll go out of their way to badmouth you to anyone necessary and invent a "cause", so it will be your word against theirs.

wow. neat. really jogs my skull-sushi.

We literally helped build Japan's economy