Why are there so many homos in brazil?
Why are there so many homos in brazil?
Brazil is liberal like USA. The whole New World is liberal as f
My theory is because it's a big country. And since the homos will get beaten in their own villages, they all move to the capital making it one big homo city.
I blame Christianity
this but unironically
I blame you
Brazil should be a nuclear testing ground
I wonder this allot, it's also the tranny capital of the world (maybe tied with Thailand)
One user suggested the other day that Brazil has extremely high rates of toxoplasmosis
there's a lot behind this post, think about it
Does anyone have the webm of that weird mutated Brazilian dancing around in the grass on some property?
Not the ape looking one, this other one the guy was in a nice place and looked like he didn't render properly in real life
It's also the HIV capital of the world
Same reason there are a ton of black faggots; retards that respond only to impulse will fuck anything. Give them access to a dead body and they'll suddenly be necrophiliacs. It's just that simple.
have you SEEN the size of tranny cocks in BR
Too much gay sex at the beach.
>Why are there so many homos in brazil?
It's because of erotic and sensualistic culture of warmer climates, which is why you have so few LGBTs in North-Slavic countries
Must be something related to ass and anal worship.
>follow MMA
>Brazilian fans ruin it
>follow surfing
>Brazilian fans ruin that too
spit off the balcony
Niggers and spics be gay. Niggers because they're a bunch of fatherless sex-obsessed animals and spics probably because of those gay Mediterrenean Hadrian genes
low impulse control, no strong sense of values and their only hero figures are stupid mutts like castro etc. I'd probably fuck gay asshole too if i was a mulatto mutt.
You've clearly never been to a favela gangbang.
Imagine the smell
What else is there to do in Brazil besides being gay?
Jesus Christ why can't Brazilians and south Americans stop themselves from doing this:
XD XD :3 xD yeyeyyeyeyye :D X3 so epic x) jajja
They're worse than western emo kids. Anyone else?
It is has something to do with low iq
Imagine the smell. Uma delicia.
I can't believe my eyes, is that really a homo parade?
Homosexuality and Degeneracy is the Counter-Culture to Christianity
Low iq, impulsive, thus can’t stop making them dicks feel good.
Every time I walk into a public restroom and smell the stench, I am reminded that that fags put their dicks in the source of that smell.
Same thing when I find some degenerate’s shit because those apes don’t flush.
I have a theory that men have this capability of detecting handsomeness to know who to befriend and then fuck their sisters, but fags hijack that system and sexualize it.