By now you've all had a chance to encounter one of these true believers. Now you know why the secrecy. Some people literally cannot mentally handle the concept without becoming religious towards it.
Here's the Reality:
The Tic Tac UFO is part of a laser hologram/ electronics warfare system.
310g Acceleration. 1.5 kilotons of energy per second with zero energy excursions.... It's a laser hologram and part of an electronics warfare system, not an object. It's a projection. It has digital counterparts that show up on radar systems as part of an electronic warfare attack. It's not a physical object or it would be forced to obey the laws of physics.
The reason the data was pulled from the Nimitz was because their systems were being used to coordinate the exercise which tested the new system and also being tested on. There may also be a psychotronic component.
There are no aliens.
People need the tools to properly think about this tic tac shit and in the right perspective:
an f-18 fully loaded weighs 33 tons
the tic tac was roughly the size of an f-18.
to accelerate that at 310g requires 1.5 kilotons per second of tnt worth of energy.
1500 tons/33 = 45 f-18's worth of tnt detonating per second to accelerate at 310g.
Think about that. It's a dead give away that we are dealing with a projection.
I don't discount the possibility of alien visitation. Many of these sightings could easily be super advanced probes. There's no need for little grey men. Watch "I know what I saw" on Amazon. Two astronauts, commercial pilots, air force, navy, army, sightings from very trustworthy people. And if that's not enough, read UFOs and the National Security State by Richard Dolan. There's a wealth of strong evidence.
Nathaniel Miller
>There's a wealth of strong evidence. no there isn't.
John Howard
i once saw an alien fucking bigfoot
Dominic Davis
space nigs are not allowed to post here. fuck back off to sigma draconis 6
Parker Hernandez
>It has digital counterparts that show up on radar systems as part of an electronic warfare attack. This statement makes no sense. Radar systems cannot detect holograms or any other image projected by light. They require a physical object for the electromagnet radar waves to bounce back from. Radar will bounce from flocks of birds, from weather fronts, and many other physical objects. But not from an image made by photons of light.
Jace Brown
it seems like you desperately want this to be aliens but there is nothing to prove these tictacs are even physical objects. maybe this topic is beyond the scope of your ken.
Redpill: Nazis did not lose WW2, but lost Germany. They had established bases in Antartica and have continued their research and progress in secret. UFOs are just Nazis keeping tabs on the rest of the world and laughing at how slow "modern" jets are.
Ryder Wilson
here's what you'll be hearing soon
>UFO's are archaeotechnology from previous advanced human civilizations
Reminder that OP is shill pushing a retarded conspiracy theory.
Aaron Gonzalez
you dont understand how electronic warfare works . but go on and tell me more despite the fact that there is nothing to prove these tic tacs are even physical objects.
You don't understand how radar works. Radar can't pick up projections, you complete mongoloid. Second, if there was a giant fucking laser that had the possibility of creating an entire fleet of super realistic UFO's, the heat signature from such a device would be enormous and visible on cameras. You are fucking retard. Reporting your shill thread.
Adrian Gonzalez
his theories are logistically impossible.
Kayden King
False contacts can be inserted electronically.
Dylan Jenkins
you lack the cognitive ability to make your case.
none of your posts contained any math.
now you are resorting to fallacies, ad hominems and strawmen, maybe it is time to reconsider your beliefs, if this is what they have lowered you to.
What does that even mean? Your schizophrenic garble makes no sense.
Mason Brooks
you are the aliens believer
Camden Russell
Reported again. Enjoy your ban.
Robert Williams
The Nazis had the world's first stealth fighter in the 40s. Read about Admiral E. Byrd and Operation Highjump; when going to Antarctica in 1947 they were met with heavy resistance from flying saucers (Nazis).
>makes nonsensical post >is asked to explain himself >no ur retarded!
Benjamin Jackson
why are you particpating in a thread after you allegedly reported it?
Brayden Miller
You got BTFO and your bait/shill thread will get deleted.
Elijah Nguyen
He means an enemy can hack false radar signatures into the screen.
Cooper Perez
If you are going to devote your life to something strange why not devote yourself to Jesus Christ? at least he's awesome. Give your faith to him, not an E-war psywar system.
Andrew White
On an entire fleet of destroyers and fighter jets, for an entire year, sometimes on a daily basis for hours up to a time? If that's the case, the U.S. military, the most powerful military in the history of the world, is absolutely useless. Radar system were examined and reset multiple times to check for faults, everything was functioning correctly, there was nothing to suggest a fault or enemy meddling. If there was an enemy ship or device in that airspace, it would have been picked up. Then there's also the fact UFO's were seen visually by dozens of pilots.
Jace Nelson
>On an entire fleet of destroyers and fighter jets, for an entire year, sometimes on a daily basis for hours up to a time? If that's the case, the U.S. military, the most powerful military in the history of the world, is absolutely useless.
In my theory the USA was doing this to itself to test the potential of the system.
I'm not convinced, but I think you are much closer to the truth than all the extraterrestrial bullshit explanations. There are no aliens and no UFOs. Anyone with half a fucking brain knows that. The whole UFO think stinks to high heaven of some Jewish disinformation campaign. What are the kikes trying to hide and why are they trying to gaslight the goyim?
I wonder what the preparation for the prophesied apocalypse will look like. The major armies of the world gathered to do battle one last time equipped with superweapons and tech that nobody knew existed until deployment.