What the fuck had happened to white males in the West? They're worse than niggers now and have gay haircuts.

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Fuck boomers

>worse than niggers
There's a lot of catching up to do before anyone gets that far

public schools.

> pic
these haircuts are still popular in usa? lol. last time i saw such haircuts in 2011.


That's French

>Fuck boomers
day of the hatchet when ?

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Literally this
No other institution on earth besides the single mother home has the power to strip white men of their pride, rationale, and morality than the mandatory nigger exposure cage.


Why do they even bother to have a split between juvenile and adult offenders, when they're always charging kids as adults, anyway?

Not defending these faggots, just wondering.

kalimera from Serbia,s'agapo,the hatchet day is very soon

What type of pizza did they order tho?

Are American public schools really that bad?
t. Guy who went to an all-white school

Because who wants to pay to keep someone locked up for 60+ years?

It’s mostly for petty crimes like possession of weed or fighting. If you go and murder someone for no reason you will always be tried as an adult and get life in jail or death


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weed pizza

holy shit whats her name

thot patrolled

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fat tits and butt

They should get an extra 10 years just for those bad haircuts

This is what suite life did to Zach and Cody.

The more north you go the better, but yes. It's a mandatory kike infested brainwash.

little niggers watching too much ninja turtles

White americans are the niggers of whites, nothing unexpected

In my opinion they should’ve all so executed these two. Just like they should also have executed those two British 10-year-olds that kidnapped and brutally tortured a five-year-old to death


Based judge, kids look like absolute shitheads.

Americans are sooooo fucked up. Things like this would never happen in Finland.

not gonna lie i'd do mommy mdr

Why does reddit always try to use proper grammar and spelling n' sheitt but always fucks it up?

This has been bothering me too the last few years. Those two are assholes, but they are clearly not adults. It always seems like children are charged as adults if there is a lot of public outrage, and not based on the mental state of the juveniles. That's bullshit, and really should have no place in the judicial system.


Obviously in need of drug money. Plague of many black communities too.

the glorious suomi fug :DD perkele torille

You may axe a nagging wife here but not a defenseless gramma.

> Legalize drugs to live hedonistic life
> Hedonistic youth with his life ruined by drugs murder you in cold blood to buy more drugs

What goes around comes around.

>13 year olds
>life in prison
welcome to murica

>weed never killed anyo-
Degeneracy kills

yours are just as bad.


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So when a Czech kills his grandmom with a hatchet so he can get a pizza, what happens?

of course,a wife is basically a nagging Hevon vittu

he goes to slovakia

Lol grandma got caught slippin nigga boys will be boys


Kid on the left could get easy pussy, not he is just going to be a bottom in prison for the rest of his life. Sad.

Evangelical christian parents

Hawaiian. Everybody knows pineapple belongs on a pizza.

And anyone who disagrees is disrespecting mummy Tulsi.

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A 13 year old murderer would probably get out at 18 with clean record.
I'm not saying that's ideal - not at all, but some middle ground would be the best.

Even in europe there's still fags riding the bieber helmet

Ahoj Miluji te yeah thats what a kid with rich parents from Praha would do

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Are white Americans any different to niggers now?

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>"Hey, user. What do you think of this tattoo I got? I've never gotten a tattoo before, but its never too late to try new things, huh?"

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Because the usual determinant between being charged as an adult vs child is whether it was deemed that they could understand the right and wrong of their crime. Crimes this heinous are usually pretty clear that they know what they're doing.

This was from 2012. The article itself is two years old.

>A 13 year old murderer would probably get out at 18 with clean record.

Ok, so a hatchet murderer gets 5 years then record is wiped clean. Jeez.

Ok, try this one: the 13 year old has been killing people for years, and has killed 45 people. Still 5 years and wipe the record? If not, how about 2 murders, 3, 4, etc. At what point do Czechs realize that someone is a broken piece of shit? I think one hatchet murder of nana = broken piece of shit, but I'm a murrifat.

They´re gona be the pizza now.

Would mummy tulsi get angry and smack me if I suggested 6 inches worth of meatlovers?

Public schools with niggers.

mummy tulsi is a size queen, so yeah, she should would get angry

More like a hot pocket
Boi pussy surprise with a cherry un popped and a huge load of softserve

*North midwest


>reads crime and punishment once

I'd dip my garlic bread in her bbq sauce if you know what I mean

is this classed as a trusted sauce in amerilard?

Maybe you could offer her your three inches twice?

>2013 news
scraping the barrel, kike. there was a nig on nig murder of a pregnant woman yesterday in britain. 6 year old news from some bumfuck state in america isnt really comparable

Looks like the Beatles mate jajajaja

Goddamn, american justice system is no joke, is too severe imo.

2 inches three times, or 1 inches 6 times, there's so many things I could do

Top kek

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It's cool to be anything other than white. Why would retard kids not want to emulate the non-whites when being white is negative?

>parents heavily influence the development of a child's morals
>therefore kid's parents would have been fucked up
>therefore kid's parent's parent's would have been fucked up
>therefore kid's parent's parent's parent's would have been fucked up

Why do teenagers always have these gay haircuts?

You must be in WA? Otherwise you're up late?



Mommy Milkers

This is what happens when boys don’t have fathers. Plus faggy haircuts.

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>Why do teenagers always have these gay haircuts?

Girls that age love guys who look a bit girly. When I was that age and had long hair, I got more attention from girls, and more antagonism from guys. Vice versa when I chopped it all off for wrestling season.

I wouldnt won't mommy tulsi to find me on my phone late at night
Yes I'm in Best Australia

THEY is the most sad bit in your pic
>no interstellar socialism/white federation because we need to pay for nigs, nogs and wogs to ruin everything

This. I was charged and convicted as an adult at the age of 15. I stole beer from my neighbor's shed and took a bike from some kid.
I had to do over a year in an adult prison. It fucked me up, mentally and on paper. I'm now a convicted felony of a "violent" crime. My rights are stripped and it's hard to get a decent paying job.
The penal system is fucked up in some states. I'm in Florida. It's the number one state for convicting kids as adults.

>life in prison

They should have been hanged

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I've always been afraid of child psychopaths, since our psychology teacher told us about her master thesis studies where she met with one.

Imagine being a mother whose child stabbed her with a knife and cried it off as accident. Then 2 years later you find out that the kid has been acting out their psycho impulses for atleast 4 years by killing neighbours cat, poisoning birds & abusing her cousin.

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Straight out of reddit. Fuck off we're full.

>Weed doesn't kills
Remember kids drugs are for faggots, yes also alcohol

Good man...

p a r t i c u l a t e s

"Lizzie Borden took an ax and gave her mother 40 whacks. And when she saw what she had done, she gave her father 41."

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Their sweet boipucci must look like the Grand Canyon by now.

>What the fuck had happened to white males in the West?
3rd world'ers and niggers have culturally enriched us to the point that our youth are behaving like them, turning this country into the same kind of shithole that people want to flee from in the 1st place. Who could have possibly seen this coming???

That is one of my worst nightmares. I don't think it's likely but what if my future kid is a psycho? He could just kill me in my sleep, it's fucked up. I think that the pic related movie messed me up.

Judging from their heads I'd say they are poor, fatherless/abusive father, and very stupid.

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Maybe you shouldnt have been acting like a nigger. Now you get treated like one.