Once again, AOC annihilates Jow Forumsfags

Once again, AOC annihilates Jow Forumsfags.

>"Imagine if more people in power spent years of their lives actually working for a living," she wrote. "We'd probably have healthcare and living wages by now."
Several hours later, Ocasio-Cortez further defended her previous employment, saying she is proud of her work in restaurants.

>"I also worked for Sen. Ted Kennedy, piloted literacy projects in the South Bronx, studied Development Economics in W Africa, served as an Educational Director & won international science competitions before I ran for office, too," she tweeted.
>"Working people that GOP dismiss as 'just a waitress/cook/etc' contain multitudes, & are just as capable & intelligent as anyone. Classism—judging someone's character by their income—is disappointing to see from them.
>"What is so appalling to GOP about having an honest job? Some of the most nuanced, intelligent, & grounded people I've ever met weren't at BU, MIT or Harvard events when I was a student. They were the plumbers & waitresses I hung out with at happy hour, who had ferocious intellectual curiosity *and* a lived context of the real world.

>"In other words, Republicans who criticize my being a waitress as evidence of lacking skill can take their classism to the trash. You are insulting the capacities and potential of virtually every working person in America (& the world) for having experience that's earned, not bought. (And that's if they even take out their own trash, which I doubt)."

Why has the Right-wing decided to betray working class people and align themselves with ivory tower elites?

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She can't be stopped. Also I would like to nominate AOC as queen of Jow Forums

They don't put the court jester at the top of every thread.

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a kikerican? nice try jew!

>the AOC generals
It was me making most of those lol

Yep, that'll hold them off until someone decides to ask her another question involving numbers and percentages.

You'd think that someone who dealt with cash tips all their life would know how to do fucking math, but I guess it's the busboys job to divvy it up.

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Fake and gay>

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AOC is ENTP. Our republican base is ESTJ. Ask every ENTP on this board how easily they outmaneuver ESTJ's without even trying.

She's perfect bros

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>a low-level employee thinks she's better than a nation-wide employer
First of all, she is nowhere close to working class. Second, she has this awful tendency of thinking she is the only self-made gal on this planet, and every other rich dude got there only through jew tactics and greed.
Why do people even try to support someone that can't see her own reflection?

>Entire job is about lying so you get more tips and withold taxes
""""Honest"""" for a woman sure.

Why does she keep making up fake insults thrown at her by republicans? This is just like when she said reps were making fun of her for dancing, which wasn't true.

Has nothing to do with those people. Has to do with her lack of experience vs what she spews from her mouth. She's the dumbest person in the history of elected politicians and you and her are proof of dunning kruger.

>tfw AOC is more of an oldfag than 99% of Jow Forums

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Nah you don't get it, anything from the old internet is cringe, anything that hates niggers and jews is based. Get it right if you're a real alt-righter 4channer!

everyone on Jow Forums wants to fuck aoc

>I would like to nominate AOC as queen of Jow Forums
We need a new poll.

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>Implying the GOP is better with numbers


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How is she "no where close to working class"?

>We'd probably have healthcare and living wages by now
Man it sure is a shame America doesn't have that

Im not an english grammar expert, but why does An comes before Honest? Shouldnt it be a honest job?

Good bait, but you don't really believe this shit do you?

Nobody wants a waitress to run the country, just like nobody wants a waitress to do their heart surgery.

People are good at certain jobs and AOC is terrible at hers.

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>why does An comes before Honest
Because it begins with a vowel sound, pronouced like ''on-est''. Same with ''an hour''. There are some exeptions though I think, because English is a mess.

She literally has the same degrees from college as Ivanka, but from much less established institutions. Of course, college is a joke, but she’s fucking retarded for trying to attack a woman who was at the G20 summit literally as an envoy for “women’s rights” in the workplace

Occasional Cortex.

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Hello, my name is Manuel Cortex. Please let me vote in your election gringo.

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>be a protoprostitute that pretends to like men for tips.

She is ugly spic bro


>Why has the Right-wing decided to betray working class people and align themselves with ivory tower elites?
The Democrats and Republicans are Uniparty when it comes to betraying America's working classes.

Ah ok, thanks, same thing is applied to french, habite - je habit - j'havite. It always happenes with vowels, but h is an exception

>Rents a suit for a photoshoot

are you fags retarded?

>too poor to afford own clothes and has to rent
>"please listen to my ideas about how to run the economy"

>mad at her for wearing expensive clothes
>mad at her for not wearing expensive clothes

I don't think anyone is mad at her for not wearing expensive clothes. People are mad because she's clearly full of shit. Nice try though.

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Fuck off with this retarded cunt she has no good points to ant one with a brain if toy let her run ruff shot of the gov we be poor browner and starving.

No she’s dumb, but that guy who asked if Guam would tip over is the king

Or when she was supposedly insulted for needing help moving into a DC apartment.

Hank Johnson is still in, for anyone paying attention.

Because she takes people on twitter to be “reps”, because she’s a stupid fucking bartender thot who thinks everyone uses Twitter in this country of over 350 million people, not including illegals. She’s completely unfit for the job, has anyone even seen her in her district?

>rents expensive clothes to appear wealthy
>shes poor! POOR!
so why does she want to appear like shes not?
flipfloping master

wtf do you want her to wear in congress

The point is the clothes aren’t rented, you genuinely think this broad doesn’t have that pantsuit in one of closets right now?

Its not flip flopping its code switching

>Only the rich are allowed to rule over us

Do those boots really taste that good?

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>Poor people shouldn't have nice things
As a Congress woman who was a former waitress, is she only allowed to wear clothes from Walmart? Is there anything she could wear that you wouldn't then criticize her for?

>Econ degree from BU
>can’t find Econ related job in NY
might be a retard

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Remember that picture of her poor shoes that she apparently wore out going door to door begging for votes? How she held that up as a symbol for her realness and hard work and dedication?
That's why she is being mocked for wearing expensive clothes to a photo shoot. If she was really about what she claims, she would have no problems wearing Wal Mart clothes as a symbol of solidarity with the working class.
But you know, she didn't do that.

>calls someone unqualified
>others call you unqualified

>happy hour drunks I served, I mean hung out with, had a ferocious intellectual curiosity.

What's so wrong about being told the truth.

Econ was her MINOR but she gets away with claiming it’s her focus

Her family moved out of the Bronx when she was like four and she spent her whole life living in Yorktown Heights, a wealthy suburb that even when AOC was growing up had a median income that was pushing $80-90K. Her dad was a fucking architect. She's not working class.

>Graduates from Boston Univ. It’s perceived to be one of better schools.
>Becomes a waitress upon graduation
It’s not like she got gender study degree from state university.

>What is so appalling to GOP about having an honest job?
I dunno, according to them I'm the devil for driving a diesel truck for my daily routine on my job.

Hmm Ms. AOC. Can we discuss the evil red dye that is in this maraschino cherry you just served me and how it helps the patriarchy? Quickly please, I need to go clean the bus.

Seems like common thread amongst the liberals.
>grows up upper middle class
>liberal indoctrination
>hates them selves
>Wishes they grew up “poor”
>Wants to make everyone EQUALLY poor except them selves because they’ve “earned it”

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we cant govern ourselves c'mon guys
we need a strong elite, who's families have been in power for decades. they know what's best for us. All I want is to be happy, work hard, have a gf and start a family. I'll complain on the sidelines about politics and whoever wins the battle becomes my hero.

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This bitch is so propped up it's ridiculous. Nobody ever hears about the hundreds other reps.

>evil red dye
You mean HEK-293?

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i would expect that person who rules over me is better than me in most ways. why would i want waiter to rule me when i am STEM graduate... i would probably do better than her.

>if I appeal to the minimum wage making joe smo and make him feel smart I’ll feed less bad about replacing him with niggers and increasing his taxes
She’s so fucking transparent it’s not even funny anymore
Lower-class “intelligence” that she’s referring to is usually pseudo intellectualism protected by a layer of terrible life choices and a willingness to open their mouths and not shut up

But then you would have made fun of her for looking low class in the halls of Congress. You obviously don't like her so you'll criticize whatever she decides to wear.

We don’t have “people who rule over us” in USA.....in theory
>Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.