I kicked my girlfriend out of the house, because she lied to me and cheated on me...

I kicked my girlfriend out of the house, because she lied to me and cheated on me. She then sent me a picture this morning of her fucking some other person. I told her to get the fuck out. She then demanded money from me, I told her I'd send the pictures and videos to her mom if she tried to get money from me. Told her to get the fuck out.

I only found out about this because I saw her Instagram, she had pictures of her at some degenerate dom torture thing. There was also a video of her almost passed out in a car on drugs.

She said that I was fucked up for making her homeless and that it wasn't fair because she did something mean to me in response to me telling her she is a fucking mess.

Who is right here Jow Forums? Is it ok for me to basically make her homeless for being a cheating, lying, manipulative, abusive whore of a woman?

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post her tits

yes it is

>is it ok for me to basically make her homeless for being a cheating, lying, manipulative, abusive whore?
Sounds to me like you aren't making her homeless. She made herself homeless. She made her grave. Let her lay in it.

Have sex

Yes send her packing. Don’t be A pussy about it

post pic

Just ignore her until she dies or something

Absolutely this
Careful of your states laws though
If she’s been with you long enough in my state, she would have to be given a written 30 days notice to vacate, and the police would actually be forced to let her back in your home.

Send her back to get parents lol

This user gets it. I kicked my ex out of my house the next morning after i found out she was cheating on me the night before. She ended up being a turbocunt fat roastie with a coke and alcohol problem a few months later. One of best decisions I ever made.

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Send her mom the pics anyway as soon as she has her stuff out and you change the locks. Send them to anyone else she knows too. She broke the NAP and then tried to extort you, so go nuclear.

>cheats on you
>then demands money

So she posted pictures of herself at a sexual event? How dumb a girl were you dating? You must have missed a million red flags to have this relationship be so far along that she lives with you

You're in the right here , what else are you suppose to do ? Let her cuck you ? You only had 2 choices , murder or kicking her out and you chose the smartest option .

doesnt matter because none of this happened anyways, and if it did you never would have posted it because you would have killed yourself.

Have sex

You are in the right.
You will look back on this moment and know that you stared into the abyss, but correctly stepped back from the edge.

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The fact you’re even asking who is in the wrong here is making me a little concerned about you

LARP harder.

Thanks for the support guys. I know I'm doing the right decision.

I admit I was a fool in this regard now looking back at it.

You're right.

I rebuke what you say in the powerful name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I do not receive that for my life in the powerful name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

You did the right thing 100%
My IQ is 131

Imagine being such an incel, you think basic relationship drama is a LARP.
Have sex

You're not a real man for not sticking by her side and allowing her to be happy and find her own way in life as an independent woman by choosing many partners and exploring harder drugs to open her third eye as you continue to live together as a couple.

Thank you.

I guess I'm just somewhat traumatized by the whole thing. She really hurt me. Used me really bad. It's hard bro. I love her so much. I can't believe this happened. But you're right I shouldn't be doubting myself here. I know I'm right to kick her out of the house.

Lmao wtf did this THOT expect?

Dont bite the hand that feeds you. Of this hoe cared about you she wouldnt ask for money.

I got cheated on. Fuck em, once a cheat, always a cheat. Kick them and block them and dont buy this im sorry shit, you saw how nasty she can get you need to be just as nasty

Do you legally own your house or was it shared with your gf? If you legally own your house, then change the locks, if she has a double keys and everytime she shows up call the police and have her removed.
Cut contacts with her and don't talk with her anymore. Move on and find someone better. Just don't text her about anything. Cut contacts.

Should I still send the evidence to her parents?

It's my ace in the hole here. I know it would ruin her life though if I did that.

The place is in my name. Not hers.

That's some limp dick ass bait.

Seems legit. Post pics, blur out face if you have lingering regrets of ruining a whore. Also, let up on the blogposting next time.

You can just tell her parents she cheated on you, and sent her pictures of it and you could prove it if they didn’t believe you but their daughter destroyed your relationship. Her father should express his approval if he’s a man.

If you ever cared about her at all, you'll send it. Not out of revenge, but a desire to help. She's on a shitty path, and parents don't want to see these things happen to their children. End the relationship, but inform the parents of her behavior and your concern.

Post the pic she sent you, cuck

Block her number, keep info and pictures and go to police that you want a restraining order.

Be careful because if she had her legal residence at your place then you can’t evict her without notice. Don't put threats in writing to her just ignore her or go to police. Keep crazy out of your life. You’re doing nothing wrong.

Never forget, it’s not just cheating, she did not give you informed consent on risks to your health. She was fucking strangers and exposed you to diseases and possibly HIV. You need to take the risk to yourself seriously.

Imagine she’s coming at you with a needle full of her random partner’s blood. Get tested, don’t even think about fucking her again.

>gives a shit about other peoples opinion regarding your actions

She did this to herself, user. There are consequences to our actions. Kicking her out was the right thing to do.

Then you're fine. Don't send the pictures to her mom. What would you get out of it? Just useless drama. Just cut off any contact with her. She'll try to do anything to get back with you and manipulate you, so the problem will be how strong your will is. Because she doesnt really care about you anymore, she just wants to have power over you now.
The best thing to do is from now on block her numbers and change the locks and act like she doesn't exist.

Just going to instigate things even further. if you take one more step she will too, and women are fucking crazy. Best to leave it


I would feel guilty, but you have a point. They need to know what's becoming of their daughter. Someone has to help her.

Very smart.

"To try to act as if there is a difference between 'civil unions' and same-sex marriage is dishonest, cowardly and extremely disrespectful to the people of Hawaii," said Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Tamayo, who directed her testimony at Hamakawa. "As Democrats we should be representing the views of the people, not a small number of homosexual extremists."


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The only thing you did wrong is not posting the pic, faggot

>she just wants to have power over you now

Oh shit, I didn't think of it that way.

Good point.


They're gross, she's fucked up on drugs or something. Not attractive to look at. It's just sad to be honest.

Not this time, he may need to involve police and revenge porn could get him in trouble at this phase.

But OP, when things cool down, delete the exif data, crop them a little differently, then put them on a USB and take it to a public library and do share.

OP, I don't know how old you are but at some point it hits you that while society has told you your entire life that having a good woman at your side will complete you spiritually, that they are equals and sensitive and blah blah blah, it's all bullshit. Women are idiotic, shortsighted, completely self-centered, and utterly incapable of loyalty or of comprehending any noble male ideals. No woman will ever love or value you as you love them.
It is good that you were able to learn this now, when you still have the spine to do the right thing. Which you did.
Now post the nudes.

Based and Biblepilled

This, desu

>She said that I was fucked up for making her homeless
Did you not laugh in her face at this point and cut contact?
I'm assuming this is a slide thread so enjoy your seasoning in the options field

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Beat the shit out of her first for wasting your time and money then throw her out

You made the right call OP

Kick her out idiot.



Make her homeless and beat the shit out of her. She clearly just exploited you and never really loved you.

you did not do anything, her actions are the root cause to her being homeless

This is one of the better suggestions

Don't break any laws, user. She's not worth going to jail.

and that man nailed it user. Take it from an old fag who has been down this road before. She just wants control of you to use you and manipulate you further. She is trying to extract more resources out of you before she fucks off. She is done.

Post her nudes/sextape or you are larping

This is a good post

Don't send the photos. Depending on your state you might have revenge porn statutes that could get you fucked up.
Even though you'd likely beat the charges, cause some statutes require a reasonable expectation that the photos wouldn't be shared, you don't want to go through the court process.
t. prosecutor

Thanks for the support guys. She's coming tonight to get her things. I'm going to be there because I don't want her to clear the house out if I'm not there.

Time heals all my friend. Have introspection on yourself. Try to separate emotions from rational thought. You were in love with the person she used to be. Shes not that anymore.

If you still love someone who cheated on you, that makes you a huge bitch. Nut up and go on the prowl for someone better

Have someone else at your side. She's going to cause a lot of drama and do something that will get you in trouble. Be careful.

I believe you.

Good info. Thank you.

You did the right thing

think about what a real independent strong male would do, and then do that.

if you have to ask if you did the right thing, if you still arent sure then you are a basedboy.
how brainwashed can you get?

you told her she was a mess and her responce was to cheat on you and get wasted drugged?
and then she demanded money from you after cucking you?

Make sure to have a friend with you.
Never know what bullshit she might make up if there isn't a witness.

THIS. PLEASE HAVE SOMEONE TO ACT AS A WITNESS. Have both of you observe her actions when getting her things. Consider recording all dialogue.

You did good user.

You're in the wrong for not honor killing her

If I were you I would have a friend over, and I would be recording the entire thing with your phone. She could call the cops and claim you raped or beat her when she came to get her shit.

Good point. I might buy a cheap recorder to record the whole interaction.

And bring a friend please please please


Thank you.

This is why you have to be retarded to not be MGTOW.

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I highly suggest bringing another person like a friend or family member like a brother to help watch over the situation in the event she brings someone with her as well.
Who knows what kind of leather daddy freak she could bring with her.

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Based and retributionpilled

Will try to get someone to at least stay outside of house door as witness.

Bring friends, bring at least one or two. Bring your fucking mom if you have no friends and no i'm not kidding. The presence of an older female WILL stop the crazy before it starts. Do not be alone, that's what she's planning on.
t. female

You did the right thing

No. The witness must be in the house with you. Surely you have 1 friend?

Yes, you should.
You should also sleep with her sister and best friend, as the Chad of Legend did. The her while family against her.

I have some, I'll try to get someone who is available. If I can't I'll just record the whole interaction on my computer or with a recorder.

Of course.

Flag checks out. Degenerate.

You did the right thing

Kick her out of the plane, no parachute. Get someone who shares your principles.

I reccomend to start mentioning stuff about this to any close or mutual friends, tell your family about this as well and ask them if "it was the right thing to do" but remain strong in your conviction on this.
If shes a psychobitch she might do what a few other of my friend's exes did, which was as soon as they split began to spread rumors of him being an abusive, racist, violent, rapist, ect ect ect to every one of his closest friends, colleges at school, and some of the teachers.

Perhaps if you are fast to the draw you can get your side of the story out first before she can start doing damage control.

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Its better if you have someone with you, maybe a few friends or just a family relative is enough. If you can't get someone; pack up all her things and put them outside the door and lock yourself. If she complains and starts to act crazy, call the police.
I know this sounds a bit extreme, but she can really ruin your life if she wants, specially with the legislation you have in America.

Is it your fault she doesn't have the money to rent her own place or your fault that she can't go move back with her parents? Then you didn't make her homeless, her poor life choices did.

should have never let her move in


leave her in streets you idiot.

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