It's time to reveal your powerlevel

Listen faggots,

I've been browsing this board for roundabout two years now. I've learned a lot, recognized the issues of our time and will commit my live to the resistance.

We are losing this battle. YouTube and Social Media are censoring us, Antifa is allowed to do whatever they want, policies to restrict our freedoms are being formed in this moment.
Freedom of speech and freedom of association will be heavily restricted.

What are you going to do about it? Posting on pol while you take a shit at work? Be a good wagie and keep your mouth shut so that you can afford drugs, vidya, vacations, any espace at all from the nightmare we will soon inhabit. Start speaking up and dropping red pills or stop larping on pol. If you truly cared about the truth, you would value it over personal comfort. Reveal your powerlevel. Make a sacrifice or see your grandkids being black trannies. I know what I aim for.

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>I've been browsing this board for roundabout two years now.
>two years


lurk more

I don't see any demographic/ideological problems in Europe and the US.

Whether or not he’s a newfag he’s right and we need to do something (in Minecraft)

I don't need to spend five years of my life on pol before I can realize we are getting our ass kicked. There are literally drag queen story hours and antifa attacks on the street weimerican. Time to leave pol and make an effort for once.


fucking idiots.

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We're going to win this through political organisation, not sperging out alone.


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How long you been in this cesspool? I started browsing Jow Forums during Jow Forums harbor.

Without spreading awareness there won't be a political movement. They can censor us online, but we can all speak in our circle of influence.

>What are you going to do about it?
Hmmmm maybe we SHOULD get real violent, just start shooting anybody we're against? Maybe we could storm gov buildings one day, and go out and mow down shitskins the next? Fuck you. I'll tell you what I'm going to do. Call out glowniggers when I see them, you fucking kiked glownigger.
Your pozzed fucking shit show of a globohomo agenda waked up normies way faster than any action we could take ourselves, so we expose you, and we keep exposing you, and every single day the common man becomes just a bit closer to the point of no return; that point after which there is nothing but fascism, brotherly love, and an all out no holds barred reciprocal genocide against every kike and every kiked shabbos goy like yourself. Shitskins just have to go home unless they've been actively engaged in activities which are designed to harm the white race. You get the rope, if you're lucky.

If they are losing, why are you worried officer. You tube and Twitter action is red pilling lots of people. The media isn't trusted anymore. The old order changeth.

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Didn't read because im going to go fishing but Sieg Heil anyway.

Go back to east Berlin you poor commie

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Since 2006.

2012? It was around when Dorner was doing his thing. But, yeah. Linger longer, kiddo.

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Does this mean I ha e to download Minecraft to my Atari console?

Surely THE BEST days of this board are behind us

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>We are losing this battle. YouTube and Social Media are censoring us
The obvious answer is to circumvent social media.

Start putting redpill docs on cheap flashdrives. You can buy them by the bucketful now. Load them up with books on native European spiritualism, NatSoc, economic theory, banned history books, propaganda, fieldcraft manuals, and then just leave them in public spaces. Libraries, gun clubs, bars, gyms, boxing clubs, restaurants. The human mind being curious WILL slot them and then the content will spread organically.

Fucking good idea. Put on

Europa the last battle
Greatest story never told
We need to talk about the Jews
TDS 170
Cultured thug - why did Hitler hate the Jews

thats a bit hard when you can literally be excommunicated from society when you reveal your powerlevel. In America we don't really have free speech, it never applies to people like us. You will be kicked out from your house, fired from your job, blacklisted from your bank, and no one will care. I do agree that we need to be more productive but we have to be smart about it, the old ways will not work today, the internet, police state, mass surveillance, will make a political movement akin to ours almost impossible to keep afloat.

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