I want to go back to the dark ages, Jow Forums
>how we gonna maek it happen?
I want to go back to the dark ages, Jow Forums
>how we gonna maek it happen?
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself then you will go back to the dark ages
Create a superplague that prefers to infect brown skinned people
No flush toilets, no supermarkets, no cell phones, no medicine worth a shit. No birth control. No penicillin.
Why would you want to go back?
Literally wait a few years
You use vaccines to kill plagues not other plagues
Sword fights n dragons an shit americucks wouldnt understand 1776
fallout habbening bois
fuck christcucks. we need to go back to Greek nation states
It used to be so comfy
Convert to Islam.
but what if I like bacon more than mohammed?
You asked how to get to the dark ages.
>No flush toilets
Squat. It's proven better.
>no supermarkets,
The virgin supermarket vs the Grand Bazaar
>no cell phones
selfie thot machine
>no medicine worth a shit
>No birth control
Don't need it, father a child, you worthless piece of skyte.
>No penicillin
It's okay to die if you have a kid
not to mention
>plague doctors
Plague docs
Gimme the mask
yeah but without Islam
You can't have it both ways. I guess you could move to a fucking dung hut innawoods and scare the gypsies camping out.
You want to go back to a time where you had to do whatever your lord commanded. Where you had to eat nothing but vegetable stew and stale bread. Where you weren't allowed to read anything (if you even could read) except the Bible. A time where "physicians" thought drinking children's piss would cure ailments. And you want to do this why?
This is now a plague doctor thread
>I am doctor
>You can't have it both ways
I can
And I will
Import more moslims.
Move to India
Convert the empire
women like this will
nah, thatll only bring degeneracy.
I want modesty, hard work and farming back
just wait for the socio-economic collapse to hapeen
and OH BOI will it happen
>It's shit
Dark age commoners literally had a healthier diet and ate more calories than modern wagecucks.
They actually had tradition and were what would be today's Old Orthodox.
Any man would sustain himselfwith clothing, housing, food and energy and serve his Lord to repel foreigners that harm his family.
Those all sound like good reasons to me.
Literally better energy, mobility, gastronomy, parking and housing opportunity than in modern times.
Women like this WON'T do jackshit for their men.
The granddaughters of these sortsof women are honest:
just wait 50 years.