Why can’t millennials afford a house?

Why can’t millennials afford a house?

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They spend all day reading faggot slide threads

i live in one of the most expensive cities on the west coast and literally all my friends who complain that they cant afford a house of their own, have gone travelling for 6-12 months at a time



a "starter home" is 120k, my student loans are 48k, and my job prospects start at 55k before paying taxes to cover boomers' social security and their illegal maid's welfare benefits.

>i live in one of the most expensive cities on the west coast and literally all my friends who complain that they cant afford a house of their own, have gone travelling for 6-12 months at a time

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they got cucked by boomers

Jews. Asset inflation is central bank policy

They can. They are shit with money and financial decisions in general, hence the student loan crisis. I still blame the Boomers for fucking it all up and being greedy bastards, but their children are useless consumer whores.

They all fell for the college meme, and now work jobs making 15 bucks a hour, while they have 100K in student loans slowly crushing their souls.


The eternal boomer:

- Increases debt by 1000%
- Invites the entire third world into the West
- Wants to make up for a life time of unfair privileges by telling YOU, you can't have the job because you're white and male.

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We have to bring in immigrants because you wont work.

Why millenials so fucking gay?

Stupid gullible boomer.

Becouse boomers sayd fuck it we will die soon, and drowe economy to shit.

Millennials are suffering from avacado addiction. Everyday when I drive into work I see dozens of avacadicts pan handling.
Worst part is if you give them any money, it goes straight to the grocery store.

Or is that zoomers?

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Too bad the immigrants didn't work either.
And thanks for all the rape and murder too.

Fuck I'd kill for a house that cheap.
THIS is the cheapest house I can find in LA.
I have a great job with the city, but as soon as I save enough, I'm moving and buying a house in a northern state.

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Cus we were made to pay the bill for our boomer parent's fun lives and their pensions. Couple that with increasing taxes to pay for all the brown people's gibs, increasing cost of living, and wage stagnation, the next generation doesn't have the opportunity to have lives of their own. That's why.

You damn kids just want everything handed to you. How about you stop buying your starbucks and avocado toast and start saving so you can afford my $750k "starter house" and retire when you're 90.

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Yes and enjoy those nice interest rates of 0.001%. In my excuse of an EU-puppet state you even start to pay extra taxes if you have more than 30.000 euro's.

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Because they didn't buy Chainlink, despite having 2 years.

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>>The eternal boomer:
>- Increases debt by 1000%
>- Invites the entire third world into the West
>- Wants to make up for a life time of unfair privileges by telling YOU, you can't have the job because you're white and male.
- Destroys a corporate culture accepting of training.
- Destroys "entry level" jobs by importing 'trained' workers.
- Destroys the value of a college degree by convincing EVERYONE to get one.

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Paying the media monopolists $500 per month for cellular and premium cable


The short version is that boomers ruined fucking everything.

houses are more expensive now than they were in 2007

Avocado toast is expensive

>bought land in the woods for 10k
>built a 3k cabin on it with my Dad and grandpa
>only bills are cellphone and car insurance ($49 a month total)


>living in commiefornia
first mistake

>Paying the media monopolists $500 per month for cellular and premium cable
Is it even possible to spend that much on that shit?
My phone costs me $10 per month, and I'm thinking of switching to a $5 plan.
And who the fuck pays for cable that isn't a gym, a retirement home or an airport?
I can think of only one person in my age group who has actual cable, and he only has it only for sportsball.
Most young people will at most have Netflix, and that shit is cheap.
Most of us just torrent shit, because fuck the Jews in Hollywood.
Try harder faggot.

can't invest in crypto, cuz I have no money


You would be better making an investment in a condo in orange county.

I am serious

my internet is 50 bucks a month. are you retarded

And most importantly none of them know how to fix up anything. Remodeling a home has never been easier with all the DIY stuff online.

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Lad, you are not in America. A typical phone plan here starts at $100 not including the price of the phone (another $20-40) for even the cheapest unlimited plan. Couple that with a home internet package $(80), TV $(80), premium package (HBO, etc) $50, and a sports package $50-100 and you're getting in that ballpark.


make the equavalent of 1980's wages to pay for a 100x 30 yr mortage

Was born and got stuck, it's not forever.

Avocado Taost

A two story house with land where I live is only 75k

>MFW haven't watched TV in 6 years

A lot of millenials do own their own homes.
But there are a lot of lazy, entitled, bullshit millenials that can't afford a house (they have worthless degrees) who complain that its somebody else's fault/responsibility.
Fuck millennials.
The most useless generation ever.

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They have limp wrists so they can’t give a firm handshake.

House is a liability

Houses are too expensive and the ones that aren't require one to travel 45 minutes to and may or may not be accessible due to downed trees.

>Lad, you are not in America. A typical phone plan here starts at $100 not including the price of the phone (another $20-40) for even the cheapest unlimited plan.
Most people don't need an unlimited plan. Also, it is always cheaper to purchase your own handset. There are plenty of great handsets in the $100 - 150 price range. I'm proud to say that I never got jewed into signing a mobile phone contract. I have no sympathy for the retards that do.

Where I live even shitty houses cost 250k, rent is skyrocketing, and floods of illegals/visa workers will pack into houses/apartments, driving the cost up. Boomers have also fucked up the housing market, and shitty Californians. It pisses me off because they turn the city into a California-lite but don't realize their shitty politics turned their former state into the shithole it currently is.

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Nice houses are expensive, I have bills to pay, and saving money is a long-term process - not an overnight one - that I've just finally been able to do after years of financial and educational stagnation. When I graduate with my business degree in about 3 or 4 years, I'll be able to get a comfy white collar office job that pays in the $60K-$70K range and start stashing away serious amounts of dough to put towards a mortgage.

It's also a two-fold issue, most of my millennial peers are lazy as fuck, and are very entitled. It's not just Boomers fucked up the economy (which they did), it does have to do with the millennial work ethic. Lots of peers have useless degrees, but expect some desk job at 100K+ a year. They call out constantly or just don't show up on time.

>most useless yet

Overall I’d say there could be a bit of a dip in a couple years but I wouldn’t count on homes becoming affordable again this next cycle. Houses won’t be affordable again till the boomers finally age out of them, which will be too late for Millennials to raise families in.

importing millions of shitskins to create fake equity in homes to promote spending is more important to globalists than affordable housing.

Housing is expensive BECAUSE of the foreigners (increased by over 100 million within a few decades). Deport all the foreigners in California and suddenly 20 million apartments/houses will open up and rent will go down

sublet apartments or houses and cram 10 people into a 2 bedroom apartment
mexicans and indians are used to living in squalor so they don't mind packing a house or apartment with 10 or more people. since theres millions of them they scooped up most of the available housing so normal families got priced out. I lived in thousand oaks once in a $1500/month studio apartment and I was the only white guy there besides the landlord. It might as well have been mexico

My aunt was in the Marines for 20 years and bought property wherever she lived. She has a few homes in San Diego. One time a tenant was extremely late on rent and my aunt couldn’t get a hold of them. She had a property management company visit the house because she lives in Texas. 14 people were living in a 3 bedroom 2 bath home and not one was the original tenant. The original tenant was renting out the place to Mexicans and price gouging them. Unlike my aunt, the tenant wasn’t running their credit or criminal history so they were okay with the price. All Mexicans of course.

They will just get Chinese and Indian dirty money to buy the properties. Nothing will change until we line up Wallstreet against the wall and start putting a bullet in the brain of every banker, politician and Hollywood Jew.

Boomers took that option off the table with immigration.

illegals and the rest of Obama’s base of lazy welfare recipients, get mortgages with $0 down and all closing feed paid for, with zero underwriting scrutiny. Not only mortgages either. Cat loans too. Do you want to be the sales manager who says no to a car loan from a “protected class”? You many not have a job the next day

It’s the same dichotomy where homeless people can take a dump on the sidewalk with zero consequence, yet Joe Taxpaying Citizen throws a paper cup into trash bin instead of the recycle bin and is fined $125

The new Amerika.

The core problem is globalists who import millions of foreigners to hyperinflate housing

>1998 L.A. house ~$150k.....most Americans can afford that even with a minimum wage job
>2004 L.A. house ~$600k...most Americans cannot afford that

Know who can though? illegals/mexicans. Why? Cause they literally have 4-6 FAMILIES per house

>John Smith, his wife, and 2.5 kids can't afford $800k house
>Paco, Rodrigo, Francisco, Pablo, and Pedro and their wives/kids they put to work can though....shit raise it to $1.2mil, they can still afford it!

That's the core problem, groups of spic families are buying single homes that were designed for a single family, that single families can no longer afford because spic families are driving them out of the area

>sell house for $200k to John Smith
>sell house for $800k to Paco Fernandez
gee, tough choice
>John Smith must just not work as hard as Paco!

Except for the the invaders replacing them. They also live like 8 to a house so they can afford overpriced housing. Essentially people are fucked
It doesn’t matter if boomers die because 3 billion spics/poos/chink will buy it up

The tightrope of immigration driven retail mortgages while making sure bank Jews maintain control is precarious at best.

chinks/poos/spics will buy them up
We need to deport foreigners

The globalist US ponzi economy believes that it requires a continuous flow of demographic-shifting shitskins to prop up housing prices. Immigrants from North America are too poor to be able to provide economic value, and consume public resources at an alarming rate. When Trump refers to 'legal immigrants', he's talking about those the ones that crash boeing planes, malpractice doctors and shit in the street to get their shit legally. Permanent residents, student visa, work visa, H1-B

Pumping in immigrants to sustain our debt-based wizardry will only defer the re-calibration to accurate prices only defers the bubble into the future. Probably making it worse.

Unfortunately poos, spics, and chinks are already buying up any available real estate even at shitty high prices because they can into pyramid ponzis. Then they just sit on it. No repairs, sometimes dont even rent them out. They just rot and the value goes up due to continued scarcity, just like back in India

>1990s major cities are majority White and affordable housing at 2X median income ($100k)

>2000s cities are now majority shitskin turned into turd world shitholes and housing is now in bubbles at 20X median income

>housing bubble is totally not because of shitskins who now make up 95% of the entire population in cities

The most outrageous thing is that the politicians ooh and aah about how out of control housing prices are when they are the ones inflating their value at the behest of the banks by bringing in countless immigrants

Thats by design buddy

The majority of the banks assets are in mortgages and properties, if the value dips just a bit you get a recession which happened last time

Next time they wont be able to bale them out so they have to bring in countless immigrants to artificially inflate the value of housing

Western economies are literally a ponzi scheme which rely on exponential growth with no end

Yeah I can't believe /pol is being stupid enough to miss this one. The housing cost crisis is due to immigration. It's unbelievably obvious. Immigrants flock to cities for gibs and because they're leaches (interesting thought: rats and parasites are more densely populated in cities than anywhere else on earth, so are immigrants). Demand outweighs supply and boom, skyrocketing housing prices. If millenials or later gens ever want to see affordable housing again (some for the first time) then demand a complete stop to all immigration. You can't have your cake and eat it too, it's one or the other: immigrants or affordable housing in cities.

Foreign investors will buy all the property as boomers die and you'll be renting forever because capitalism has failed. beaners and ching chongs will just fill the void.

>Third Worlders and muh GDP

Let South Africa be a warning to all you fucking boomers out there who want to import third world trash to keep your economy going after selling out your own children. As soon as they get majority control you'll be BTFO and you'll fucking deserve it as much as South Africa deserves it for handing their country over to a bunch of fucking niggers


The worst part about all of this is that those shitskins aren’t going to pay for those houses, they’re going to get section 8 gibs paid for by whitey to live in those houses. The kikes are going to get whitey’s money still, but worthless shitskin free-loaders get all of the reward. Middle-age white millennial workers will be living in closets, alone, while paying for spics and niggers to live a suburban lifestyle

The only reason prices aren’t dropping is because the government is spending more on housing benefits. The REAL, AVERAGE rent paid for by a typical shitskin is insanely low, they get all the fucking money for free from whitey

the housing industry could be hurt by the immigration crackdown

the only problem we have in this country really is the job market and cost of living
so what do boomers do? give tax benefits to anybody who owns a house. Let ping pong and Chuck mcMueler buy whatever they want. Let in double the rate of people of America and the UK. To keep wages down and demand for housing up so they can extract wealth from anybody who can't afford to buy a 500k house in a shit suburb. Because charging 160 a week for a single room as the absolute cheapest isn't extortion
And then they'll be set for life when the bubble pops and the economy tanks because basically all investment money went into artificial housing rather than something fucking productive
FUCK YOU BOOMERS. FUCK YOU GEN X. You think you're missing the blame but you had it even better here than boomers

And when you talk to them they can't even get their head around houses not going up 30k a year on the asset while any loss they make in the process if they can't find a tenant for a bit is replaced with a tax refund.

You know, it's one thing I admired about the shitskins. There would be whole generational families living in one house, pay off the mortgage, then buy another house. I lived beside a family of pakis in Calgary, new subdivision, I had the house built. They where taxi drivers, worked in shifts. 2500 sq foot houses. White people need to go back. We used to live like this and pool our family resources. The jews convinced us that you arn't a man until you leave home at 18 and move across the country
I did it on my own, I worked IT for 20 years and in my "spare" time flipped 7 houses.

spics/poos can afford any house if they live 20 working spics per house. Indians already do that. Indians also buy up trucking industries and drive 4 Indians per truck non-stop. That's why the trucking industry is turning Indian and Arab.

the pakis using benefits and multi wife fraud to buy up literally millions of houses in 20 years

All of these socio-economic changes came within the last 10 years. Our +50 year old demographic/immigration problems are finally catching up

up until 1999 housing in NYC was affordable at 2-3X the annual salary. People bought houses in NYC for $170k in 1999, prior to open border policies

NYC had not yet experienced a dramatic increase in immigrants until 2000, then the gooks went all in and prices rose dramatically. once affordable blue collar hoods went from $170k to $600 in a matter of a few years. Now these same hoods are $1.2 million

before open borders, people were not packed 20 to an apartment and did not share with roommates.

milpitas is a money laundering operation for chinks
most of the bay area relies on this formula
>old person dies or moves out
>1100 sqft shitbox on 5000sqft plot is put on the market for $1.5m
>chink buys with an all-cash offer ~$100k over ask to take it off the market instantly
>agent does zero work and walks away with a pile of money from commission
>chink uses home purchase to launder money out of china
>home is rented out to h1b pajeets or spics, or gooks, whatever, 3 or 4 of em typically
>h1b is only $70k-90k, but with 3 or 4 of em, the $3500~$4000 rent is reasonable

Once the h1b is cracked down on, the $3500~$4000 rent is no longer reasonable, the pajeets are not there. The $1.6m is in no way justified. $1.6m at 3% will make $48k a year, and zero hassles from renters. Also that $1.6 is now going down, the appreciation is over. It was totally worth it when you bought it at $1m and a year later you could dump it for $200k more. Or 2 years later $500k more. But now? eh. Bonds will get you a better rate and carry less risk. Time to bail.

the primary objectives of globalism are:

>create unaffordable housing, in order to destroy White family formation

>import millions of foreigners to hyperinflate costs of housing and to replace White demography

I see this everywhere in LA. 10 beaners rent out a 1 bedroom apartment meant for 1 white person. It's easy for them to all chip in $250 bucks per month but an American who doesn't wanna live like in a 3rd world shithole now has to pay $1500 all by himself unless he wants to live the 3rd world beaner lifestyle. Fuck that. Fuck sanctuary cities and their fucking retarded democrat politicians who promote this kind of degeneracy. 1 room bedroom shouldn't cost more than $600 bucks. Like in the rest of the world.

With globalists welcoming a flood tide of immigrants with open arms, you’re never going to have enough housing

You mean there are 30 million illegal assholes here driving up home prices, and millions more Chinese assholes using their stolen loot to buy everything else?

Heaven forbid a single working father of a family might be able to afford a home. Those poor oppressed boomers who's houses are worth 5% less must be devastated

The "Golden Horde" sells their overpriced homes and then moves to Washington, Oregon, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, and Montana driving up the prices there to insane levels. They are like fucking locusts bringing the "kiekocracy" with them.

Of course I support immigration! Come, rape our women, take our jobs, contribute to the ponzi economy! We'll be reaping the economic benefits of having more people, more expensive housing, more expensive everthing, and people willing to work for lower wages in the long run
and since I make money building houses, I will get richer off of the flood of millions of shitskins we let in

The only thing I do feel bad for is the brain drain that happens in the original countries of the immigrants. They need workers more than we do.

>low income housing units
You mean foreigner housing? "Affordable housing" means "let's bring in more foreigners and give them housing" kind of like how "immigration reform" means "more immigrants"

Canadian here, Housing here is very fucked, at least where i'm living at the moment. Moreover, I live in Vancouver, one of the most pricey places to live for absolutely no fucking reason. There's fuck-all to do here, and it's 1m+ for a decently sized 4 bedroom house, also foreign scum like indians and wetback beaners stink up the basements and the den areas of the houses. Because here in Canada, there's this little thing in which, you live with multiple people in one house, so like this one dude will be living in your fucking basement, and another in your garage, it is just fucked.

beaners, poos, chinks and assorted shitskins throw 18+ people from 5 different families to cover the cost of a home that should only have 4-5 people living in it
It why areas like Fairfield and Vacaville in northern cal have cars park in every inch of the road on residential streets. Being 10+ people in a home end up having 5-6 cars. The only way to escape it is move to an even higher home value area where they can't pull it off, but little to no average family starting out can do that
Like a nice white family with two little kids bought a home up the street a few months ago but it was 525k.

>lets flood White countries with shitskin locusts and blame NIMBY for not having enough houses to shelter the invaders

Why should we support increased development? To give our land and build homes for Zhang and Pajeet? If we enforce zero immigration, first home buyers would have plenty of supply as the older citizens downsize and move to nursing homes. Construction would mostly be renovating existing stock and independent and assisted elderly living and not building 20 story chicken cages in every suburbs

The Greens are 100% correct to have a NIMBY attitude, it’s a shame they don’t want massive development in their backyard but are ok with having Zhang, Pajeet and Ali living all around them in a 40sqm apartment

I sometimes see 5 illegal beaners crammed in 1 motel room. So they basically pay like $10 bucks each per day, so most of them pay like $300 per month for rent while destroying our housing prices and economy. Fucking filth. Fucking sanctuary cities.

WHO THE heck is pushing prices up?
The corporate REIT’S, foreign money launderers, and millions of smuggled immigrants. Whatever it may be, its borrowed money, and no bubble cant fly through the air without oxygen (possitve cash flow) for too long; money needs to be repaid, business loans dont work without repayment!

Immigration to keep housing prices inflated

Dey two bizay killing each udder


They are promoting the last stage of white flight in LA and the west coast in general, they want us all in the frozen homeless and ODing on chink fent in bumfuck Midwest. Real estate kikes will buy those tiny hovels and rent them to invaders with subsidies. The illegals will move 30 of themselves in there, pay a few hundred a month and the taxpayers will pick up the rest, of whatever the rent is on a $500K-$1M+ property.

California’s Housing Bubble Counts on Blistering Population Growth

The endless and blistering population growth has been held up as powerful reason why home prices can only surge in California. A population decline in some of the most expensive areas would put these housing markets in a heap of trouble.

My house is located in what used to be a rural part of Maryland 25 years ago.This area is full of "D.C. White Flight," even though it is technically closer to Baltimore than D.C. My wife and I purchased our four-acre lot in 1998 for $62,500, and contracted with a local builder to build our house for an additional $200K (that was a hefty sum for us)
Today, that same size lot goes for over $800k, and the lot and house together go for over $3mill.We now live in a house that we could not afford if we had to purchase it at today's price

If immigration continues at the current rate, the flight out of the D.C. suburbs is going to drive the price of our home to over $10M (which I think is absurd).Housing prices in the Baltimore/Washington D.C. Metro Area are out of control. So much so, that I now see people commuting from North of Baltimore City to Washington, D.C. That is a hellacious

If you enjoy paying 300k for a starter home in a 80% Puerto Rican neighborhood, go ahead and come on up! A 1 bedroom apartment in little Puerto Rico (Kissimmee) is like $1200 a month

We are born into a society where our elders betrayed us for easy money. America will hit Indias levels of poverty some day

I just don't have the money.

Whites used to have 1st world living standards before the 3rd world showed up. we literally imported 3rd world living conditions
sharing with housemates was NEVER the case, before locusts showed up and started overcrowding and hoarding our resources

in US, after free trade, the roomates trend has surged, with 20 strangers packed into and sharing one 3 bedroom house or apartment

This was never the case prior to open borders

Our living conditions plummeted to 3rd world standards.

I live in Florida (not Miami). They all came over the past 15 years. Idk what to say, most people are hispanic. You hear a lot of people speaking Spanish. Even if you live in a well off neighborhood, they're only like 50% white. They also live like in their home countries, 18 people in a 3 bedroom house.

Across the street from me there's a house with 5-6 domiciling middle aged mexican men. In Canada

the last 10 years in my town is pajeets. 8 people in one apartment. Indians here all follow the same gypsy stereotypes. Rude, crafty, nepotistic, scamming. In public they're always in crowds, and they function as a herd of gypsies.

>Yes goyim, the millenials are the problem. They arent buying our hyperinflated houses. We need 20 million more poos, spics, and chinks to do the job millenials wont

According to Fannie Mae’s report, as baby boomers exit their owner-occupied homes there could be a glut of new homes and steep decline in price-- returning to historic, pre-globalization levels

Government Solutions to prevent a return to home affordability includes Mass Immigration, which spurred the dramatic price surge in housing booms 1 and 2

Adjust immigration policy to create more potential homeowners, to keep hyperinflated prices afloat
Advocates for this tactic suggest that creating more legal households would increase the number of potential owner-occupants in the market


if they need shelter, theres plenty of it back home in mexico or asia

that vacant shelter they abandoned in order to invade the US and demand that Americans give them shelter

prices cant collapse when they are propped up by billions of locusts invading and packing 1000 insects into one house

population ponzi scheme maybe, chinks/indians/subsaharan africans breed like crazy but have low numbers and once the economy contracts and property can't get propped up further by selling houses to any immigrant with cash/credit then immigration comes tumbling down, labor or liberal, it'll come down or powers like one nation/degrowth parties gain traction. The higher up politicians I've met are VERY aware of the rapid rise of outlier parties; if you think half the boardroom meetings in LNP/LAB aren't discussing how italy just upended their entire policial spectrum + other countries like sweden/germany/austria/denmark/greece aren't going the same you'd be a retard, they know if immigration keeps going they'll end up out of power. Especially once the economy contracts

reminder that the people whining about rent costs are the same retards who support mass immigration and the resulting overpopulation and skyrocketing real estate prices

these same retards want strict rent controls too which makes new developments less economically feasible and creates a stricter have and have-not system trending towards multi-generational payment plans for home ownership

their economic illiteracy is turning our nations into banking serfdoms all while they LARP about being woke freedom fighters from their iPhones

Landlords pack 20 people into a room who are used to overcrowding conditions back in their countries. This keeps rentals high, which keeps the housing bubble afloat. The population ponzi relies on an endless stream of immigration to prop up the housing bubble

can't wait to live in a mega super tower slum

it’s all cuz of immigration. We’re letting in around 1 million legal immigrants every year, and another 3 million illegals, who take all the housing/jobs. This causes the housing market to become sold out, which pushes to the point where working Americans are paying 70% of their incomes in rent just to find a relatively safe and clean place to live. Landlords are encouraged to overcharge, as tolerable neighborhoods and decent schools become more scarce

We also have the Air BnB debacle to blame, as former rentals are snatched up by industrial-scale illegal hoteliers

If Trump had made good on his promises re: immigration, we’d see an immediate drop in rents and home prices, coupled with a rise in wages. In short, we’re being squeezed from both ends, and the investor class loves what’s happening.

Literally all of our problems are tied to immigrants but nobody is allowed to talk about it

Mass immigration means infinite demand for finite housing. Natives can't compete forever against global capital. Young natives are especially disadvantaged as they compete for entry-level properties against established couples from overseas who have more capital, saved over many years, to compete against the young natives

Young natives end up living in shithole sharehouses or with their parents or moving away from their family and friends to areas with less economic prosperity and opportunity where prices for land and property are reduced

The social effect of this are native-flight from the most desirable places of a country

The only young natives who can buy are those who are given lump sums or loans from family. Some of these loans bankrupt the family if they go sour, some don't. Overall the rich inheritee young native ends up living in a multiculti city that is nothing like what his/her parents/grandparents/great-grandparents/great-great-grandparents knew.

They're too expensive and jobs pay fucking jack shit. That simple.

>millions of homeless Whites as a result of the Yellow Invasion housing bubble

It’s funny how people keep saying we are in a bubble. A bubble lasts a few years, maybe a decade. But Vancouver’s housing has been going up in a straight line for 40 years. go back to the early 1980s and see when the boom started. It was due to chinks from HK invading Vancouver in the 80s and 90s.

In the 1970s, Vancouver was Lilly White!!! you’d find an odd Chinese restaurant and that was it as far as diversity went. Today, more than 90% of the population is Chink. And all those Chinks came over with suitcases full of dirty laundered money and bought houses of White people

It is apparent that the housing bubble is from Asian/Spic/Poo locusts

That’s not a bubble. That’s the YELLOW PERIL INVASION. Its the new long term reality. If you want to have a roof over your head, it will cost you dearly.

Nothing sans mass riots will change this


Damn I wish a starter home was 120k. That would be too easy. A started condo here is 200k.

I saw pretty nice houses for 250k in Portland when I was visiting. Given that even bartenders get at least 40k per year, the only explanation seems to be spending on stupid shit like cars and rent.

Shut the fuck up, boomer. Of course you shit stains are less likely to be late when you make up your own hours. The last faggot boomer overseer I had set our 12 hour work day to start at 3 AM and showed up at 5. We ask for half the reasonable living standards you pieces of shit got growing up and you have the fucking nerve to say we're entitled for doing so. You're hardly better than your kike overlords.

first of all, never come back to my country again. no one invited you and no one wants you. fuckn pidorashka.

secondly, those houses used to be $50k before the immigration flood

>bartenders get at least 40k per year,
Oh boy I fucking wish. I make $30,000 a year. People order fucking $50 drinks and then drive away drunk in Mercedes where I work.

By the way, if you don't tip and come to the same place twice you WILL get "secret sause" in your food. (Usually spit, sometimes worse). I'm the ONLY person in food service I've EVER known to not do this.

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>Why can’t millennials afford a house?

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Why the fuck would you go to portland? Retard

>haha yeah bro just be homeless and eat out of a trash can for 10 years so you can eventually afford a house

What is a mortgage

Nice tip new friend, I will go twice then press charges, lol. Easy money.

>tfw I nearly make a master's degree holder's wage
Thanks for making me feel better!

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You missed the words 'preferred' and 'minimum'. You are allowed to apply with an associates and ask for $30/hour

who's the dummy that when to college? college is stupid.

we cant, but tech jobs and jobs in general are located in city hubs around america. we cant afford to sit still in one town and call it home for the next 60yrs of our lives. This is the 21st century, u move where the jobs are. Owning a home isnt economical for us right now. rent or gtfo

Its not prioritized.
My fellow millennials are not career orientated beyond a 4 year degree.
They piss away money on amazon bullshit, or going places to look good on social media.
Extremely shallow in general
Flakey, entitled, and delusional.
Boomers in general failed to teach the average millennial anything about personal finances.
The reasons can go on for days.
My generation is a waste.
The one nice thing is that if you have any motivation at all to succeed, it is easy to stand apart from the competition.

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I think the more pressing cost would be the down payment.

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I'm also allowed to apply as a highschool dropout and ask for $40 an hour.

In both situations, they will tell you to fuck off.

Good luck. People have tried, it never pans out.

basically the same thing as renting but youre responsible for damages and cant relocate

houses go up in price each year more than what can be made in a year

don't forget transportation, health

The average price of a house is $300,000. To get a mortgage on that house, you need a minimum $20,000 down payment and an income of at least $68,000.

Median household income in the US for 2017 was $60,000. Literally half of all Americans can not afford an average house, even if they have $20 grand laying around for the down payment. The average American has less than $400 in savings.

It's not just millennials who can't afford a house, it's basically everyone below the top 20% of earners (who are the "middle" class according to most presidential candidates) who did not buy a house before prices started inflating wildly in the 90's. I know tons of Boomers who can't afford a house, because they foolishly lost theirs after refinancing three times to use all the equity on vacations or stupid remodels in hopes of flipping.

no, we won't work because you brought immigrants and we don't want to be wage slaves competing with them, because we have higher standards, kill yourself.

But you can sell it and make your money back. Owning is HUGELY better than renting, which is why they've made sure you cant own.

Plenty of decent jobs in the trades.
I don't know why people look down on the trades so much.
My friends in the trades all make over $35/hr.
Some make over $100k/yr thanks to plenty of overtime being available.
Meanwhile an office worker with a masters degree making $36/yr salary is working 50hrs/week.

They're too lazy to work

Rent it out if you relocate.

At the point you paid off the loan, you only owe the state-sponsored property tax mortgage, the insurance company-sponsored homeowner’s insurance premium mortgage, and God’s maintenance and upkeep mortgage. The house payments never really end until death do the homeowner part.

So i left home at 16. i made roughly £10/12ph
(most of freinds with degrees dont make that much yet)
the place where i live i COULD buy off the government for £325k.
how am i going to buy a house nevermind a one bedroom flat.
its the immigrants
>yes i know its not 2005.