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That's right,let those poor people in you fucking nazis

Why are the democrats lawns over grown and pools dirty?

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desu, a word from the wise:

leave the US before leaving becomes involuntary

Is Honduras genociding Mexicans?

Mexican women don't wear underwear when they eat so the flies will stay off there mustaches.

Since when did the jews themselves flock towards the camps?

How do you kill a mexican? slam the toilette seat on their head when they are getting a drink of water.

its always gotta be about the Jews. They always have to insert themselves into every situation.
>oh these rising gas prices reminds me of the holocaust, which I survived, by the way

I think a Mexican was in my backyard a couple weeks ago, my dog is pregnant.

Stop expelling them. They always survive to cause trouble in the future. 110 and never again.


No goy you need to save atleast 80million

Turn Israel into a refugee camp. The Israelis will not mind a non-stop flood of 3rd world diversity flood into their country

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I don't think they have any camps in Mexico maybe they should stay there.


> (((Eisner)))
> We failed to serve refugees from the Holocaust
> We are failing again today
Who is we?

If a country that is to a large extent made up of Holocaust survivors (Israel) feels no obligation to help refugees then why would the rest of us?


VPN bait

because the pool's closed

Attached: pools closed (11).jpg (372x434, 20K)

Not the first time they've tried this.

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Everytime I ask the redditors to name 1 single country on the planet where undocumented immigration is legal, I just get 400 downvotes and no responses.

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Attached: MUH SHOAH3.jpg (1242x1488, 418K)

>Holocaust survivor
Fucking how, the latest camp was in 1942, its 2019
The person would have to have just been born in '42 to be 77 today

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Oy vey! My name Dr. Abel Shalomberg and I am a professor of Holocaust studies at the Dreidle-Eli Center of Jewish Studies. It is a common misconception that the holocaust ended in 1942. In fact, the latest research shows that some death camps were running until as late as 1952.