What has happened to the White Man

Seriously? How have we become so weak and cowardly... Why are white guys becoming more and more gay or just feminine? I know for the most part the whole white girl being more attracted to black guys is a meme, but there is some semblance of truth their because they just are more alpha or "manly". We've become the very thing we hate... betas. What do I think is the root of the problem?
Porn... and jerking off to it, especially on a daily basis. Porn fucks with your brain in a very negative way, the more you watch over time the more "extreme" shit you watch which could easily go into cucking and sissy shit making you a total and utter bitch.
>If there's one thing to take away its this, RETAIN YOUR SEMEN! Your balls are literally the source of you "manliness", your male vitality, your male energy, your testosterone growth, women sense this shit too. The more you deplete your sack to stupid worthless shit on a computer screen the shittier you feel as a man, and the less energetic you feel, you also let more shit slide that you otherwise wouldn't, you essentially become more like a beta bitch.
>I'm not saying Nofap is the cure, i personally feel like that shits a meme, BUT ill tell you this, jerk off once a week IF YOU HAVE TO, a mans natural testosterone levels peak on the 7th day of abstinence.
There you go /pol I threw you fucks a bone to hopefully get your "alpha" status back and fuck some bitches. Stop watching porn, jerk off as little as possible, retain that semen in your balls, feel more manly energy flowing through you,
Have sex.

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Sexual liberalism selects for this.

thats like a shirt id wear on the first day of 3rd grade

Whites have always valued acting like domesticated pussies over being real assinine men.

I remember when this meme used to be "first world problems" but then trannies became a thing.

>Why are white guys becoming more and more gay or just feminine?

Have they? Or is that just the vocal minority syndrome?

There have always been weak, effiminate poofters OP—but if they displayed that behavior in public they'd get their teeth stomped through the head and out of their asshole.

Nowadays they can be whiny pathetic faggots and broadcast it to the world, safe from behind their computers in the bubble of safety.

Kek, im also wearing a shirt with horizontal white lines.

look at this shit lol


sale time at old navy?

if the mother consumes food stored and packed in plastic during pregnancy, it can fuck over the childs hormone system for good. Just a warning to the proto parents in here.

Reminder: The Browning of Britain continues unabated and indeed accelerates exponentially. FIFTEEN YEARS anons, 15 years until whites become a minority in the 5-6 year old age group in Britain, 10-12 years after that they become a minortiy in schools full stop.
(And these figures do NOT take into account future non white immigration which is also accelerating)
The game now is to keep the masses distracted and content just long enough to get them over the finish line, some time after 2030 they can and will drop all pretence, by then it'll be too late to stop and an uprising will be exactly what they want/need in order to justify the inevitable purges.

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>what happened

Source: dude trust me.

>How have we become so weak and cowardly
Speak for yourself.

Richard spencer and stephen moloneux are fucking retarded shills set up to define public perception of the movement.

Lower testosterone than average. It's not fucking rocket science. You can narrow down most of our nation's problems to this.

"Britain" feels good to be a Scot right now, fucking state ae England man! We still got a good few decades on us and the Hebridean islands are always there

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Theres more gay niggers than there are gay white people. Who do you think has the majority of all the aids? Thats right NIGGERS

Porn is a factor but I would say lack of incentives. I don't mean by "gibs" - life is supposed to be a struggle - but our sense of purpose has been diluted. If that makes sense. Many such factors.

As soon as I felt more in control of my life, I definitely felt a boost.

the guy on the left is greek not arab you fucking shitskin.

>Seriously? How have we [white men] become so weak and cowardly...
>Happy Hannuka to all my jewish fellows :^)

You dont deceive anybody here, rabbi

Most guys who watch porn also have sex so no. Porn isnt why white men avoid women, women being human shit is why they avoid women and only a minority of white men avoid women to begin with.

Greeks are our Arab brothers.

Attached: greek-referendum.jpg (620x349, 76K)

Numerous, but pron is a huge contributor. Also onions

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>women don't like me
>women are human shit

I feel bad for your mother and sisters.

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It's specifically the Millennial generation that this is a problem. Previous generations have always been fighters. A good amount of Gen X men were military service and the 80's were horrible times when it came to bullying. The Millennial generation was coddled and it made us weak. The Zoomer generation might learn from our fucking shit generation and push back. They're gonna be the generation if any generation to start and fight in some sort of civil war while us faggot fuck millennials sit in our rooms and jack off to furry porn all day.

Child support/alimoney enslavement, and of course cuckolding is what you desire my friend. Hatred of women is due to noticing their backwards behavior(NO MATTER HOW MUCH TIME I SPEND WITH YOU AND HOW MUCH YOU DO FOR ME IMMA STILL GONNA FIND THE NEAREST COCK TO SIT ON AND ILL BETRAY THAT COCK LATER TOO!) is too common in all of them not due to individual women not having sex with me dont be ridiculous.

Just because you're brother is attractive, strong, and fucks women doesn't mean you're not the useless little brother that faps all day and doesn't do shit with himself.

Nofap is retarded. Lift weights, run every day, eat healthy, and grow a spine. This is what makes you manly. Not jerking off doesn’t do shit and is an excuse used to avoid actual self improvement.

this basically.

If you try to organize or fight for what you believe in you will be on a watchlist or end up dead or in prison
Im blonde hair blue eyes and my ancestors fought in wars and invented things that have changed societies
I stay in the best shape possible and look for the truth in life and that is exactly what these establishments don't want you to do
Im not a white supremacist or anything like that and I treat everyone with respect until I find out what kind of person they are but in my own life experiences I have seen that minorities in general and these diversity initiatives are a detriment to our society and if it gets to the point that I feel they are taking over what my ancestors built in any meaningful way I will be on the front lines
They can have the media and entertainment and sports and all this little shit they are given to be pacified but I will never be controlled by this movement that they are trying to start
A lot of people feel the same way and that is why Trump is our president and not Hillary

i hope now one here still has a beard. it looks gaf unless u are some macho biker guy with long hair or a chill hippie dude with long hair.

no man with short hard should have a beard, minmum hair length is chuck norris 70's80's style hair helmet/mullet. longer beards look especially stupid with short hair.

man buns and undercuts dont count as long hair. hair has be long on the side and back.

you posted an officer worker.

They day that office guy chimps out is the next day you find out how much of a fucking madman he is.
When he flips out - Run...

Secularism and egalitarianism

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You lot became to pussy and passive. we are mass killing your people here and the world doesnt even mention it lol. we are taking over europe and america and you are basically giving it to us.

Perhaps its guilt from the evil things you did in the past? perhaps youre a submissive race?

All i know, its great to see the white race fall.

>they’ll never expect what’s coming next
Yep, white guys are total wusses bro.

Imagine being a nigger

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>Imagine being a nigger

imagine your race being bred out of existence. master race?

We're in the "good times create weak men" phase and it will get so bad that we're forced to take action
Better hope your hi point doesn't jam when it goes down

>We're in the "good times create weak men" phase and it will get so bad that we're forced to take action
>Better hope your hi point doesn't jam when it goes down

thats exactly what those white farmers said before we raped them infront of their children then slit their throats.... "shifting phase"


Speak for yourself, I work outside.

Tech. TV. Men are being changed into women. Why faggotry has been abolished from societies for eons. Destroys society. More to life than tapas, coding, and marching with rainbow flags, faggots.

He's not wrong, though.

Niggers breeding there own race out of existence? Oh no

can't you do all that and also not jack off?

>Perhaps its guilt from the evil things you did in the past?
I am proud of those things. Colonization, subjugation, enslavement, nuclear annihilation of two cities, two world wars, etc. All such actions are a result of organization, intelligence, will, statesmanship and science. Our ability to commit great evil proves our superiority.

Because fucking traps is hot

Becoming a trap is even hotter especially if you've got a huge feminine penis

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It's all bullshit. White man needs time to rebuild himself under new conditions. You used to live in a simple and understandable world where there are no niggas, no danger, no challenges. You need to take timeout and shake up yourself before (((they))) replace you with something else.

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>Niggers breeding there own race out of existence? Oh no

lots of space in america for us :)

>I am proud of those things.

ofcourse you are, thats why karma is fucking you right now. fucking you right out of existence

>I'm not saying Nofap is the cure, i personally feel like that shits a meme, BUT ill tell you this, jerk off once a week IF YOU HAVE TO, a mans natural testosterone levels peak on the 7th day of abstinence.

Joking about the trap thing

It's not every 7 days. Your T might peak but what happens is your t converts to other hormones which are far more beneficial.

Traditionally Aryans only had sex to procreate. Once a year in some cases(still practiced by some Indians).

Don't have sex.

what the fuck? is this a stop motion clay penis?

It was all planned. The evil in the world must retain power. The only threat to that evil was the white race. But your altruism destroyed your. The Hegemony, through war and social engineering and pharmaceuticals and the food industry, destroyed all the strong white males.

>You used to live in a simple and understandable world where there are no niggas, no danger, no challenges.

Now do you understand why caste systems were created?

To preserve the order

Attached: casta.jpg (425x599, 88K)

>59 white farmers killed in 2017
We have almost 120 million white males here and if you account for 55 and liberal fags we still have 10s of millions that can fight
As I said it's nowhere near bad enough and yes a lot of innocent people are going to die before it is
Once it's all over, the strongest men will be left and it will all be rebuilt
It is shown time and time again in Africa that blacks are not capable of maintaining a functional society and those farm lands that are being taken will be fields of dust after a few harvests and they'll be begging for the white men to hold their hands again

white farmers killed in 2017

6% minority. its big numbers ;) i thought you whites were good at math ?


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>maintaining a functional society

thats why we are taking yours and europe. you dont get it do you.

>yes a lot of innocent people are going to die

yes, whites are good at defending themselves, not one of these pussy farmers faught back when we raped them or shot them. you USE to be a scary race, now you're walk overs. not even you americans are fighting back its hileriously great to see

If you had it you would run it straight into the ground
This isn't even intelligible

The caste system was a good idea but class mobility is something a society needs in order to quell dissenting voices.

>If you had it you would run it straight into the ground

we are fine with that :) are you ?

A lot of men come from divorced parents, schools that shame masculinity, and taught aggressiveness is bad. Also a lot of them are infantilized by video-games and pop-culture. A lot of men I work with are chubby/overweight guys who watch marvel movies. These same pussies call AAA for a flat tire, and scoff at guys who have hobbies like working on cars. It's weird, they're total bitches about that kind of stuff, but have this attitude like that's for peasants.

It won't happen, the more minorities that are born the bigger the prisons get
Sentences are getting longer and the vast majority are too busy blaming the white man and begging for reparations to do anything meaningful
The ones who are successful, ballers and rappers, would rather give their money to italian car makers and right back to the Jews in the diamond industry rather than uplift their communities
I'm done with this conversation because you aren't making any valuable points

For fucks sake, as I grew up it was always "fapping and fucking increases you test levels because your body goes into alpha mode"
Today it is "noooo dont fap or fuck you squirt your test out of your balls"

This constant circle jerking gets really tiresome. One decade you should fap, the next not.
The only thing that hasnt gone constantly 180 is my mom telling me to stop licking uranium quartz because I wont become spiderman... atleast something stays straight through 30 years...

>The caste system was a good idea but class mobility is something a society needs in order to quell dissenting voices.

Found the goy

self improvement is a fkin cope

nice bait