She's further left than Comrade Bernie. Both have interventionist foreign policies. Both want to give free healthcare...

She's further left than Comrade Bernie. Both have interventionist foreign policies. Both want to give free healthcare, free college, $15 minimum wage, etc. The only difference between them is she supports reparations and Bernie doesn't. So why is she being shilled here?

Attached: 2020_Dem_-_Tulsi_Gabbard.jpg (737x415, 53K)

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Lol this bitch can't even Hang with Yang. Fucking light weight.

She's getting shilled because non Americans think if they shill her here then we will elect someone who cuts ties with Israel. They don't care about her domestic policies, they just hate Israel.

t. heeb. we don't hate israel, we hate zionist jews rofl

get gassed faggot

Israel is a zionist state. That is the whole point of Israel.

Because she's a hot MILF. What are you, some kind of fag?

This. With extreme prejudice.

Yeah so we need to get ANY non interventionist candidate to the top, because that is a NO WIN SCENARIO for the deep state. The deep state itself is built on the foundation of the military industrial complex. Without war, without those massive defense contracts, it withers and dies.

Attached: db7699b9-4e79-453f-b54b-a7f70a989464_screenshot.jpg (894x480, 24K)

there can still be a two-state solution. it's not like we should help iran drive them into the sea

>Both want to give free healthcare, free college, $15 minimum wage, etc. The only difference between them is she supports reparations
And Trump said hed build a wall and here we are.

If you are the descendant of a slave and that slaves owner do you have to pay yourself?

I'm voting Tulsi Gabbard for President!

Attached: VotingforGabbard.jpg (119x250, 23K)

We no longer want to give aid to Israel.
We no longer want to fight their wars.
Israel did 911
Israel attacked the USS Liberty
Israel did the Levon Affair
Israel was caught spying on the USA.
Israel stole our Uranium and nuclear tech.
Israel murdered JFK.
Dual citizen politicians put Israel b4 USA.
Israel is trampling our constitution.

Is that good enough to hate the kikes user?

>can't even greentext t. heeb.
Fuck off glownigger

Lol she will be long forgotten while Yang is still going strong.

cause pol is a leftwing board and democRats are the real fascists, honk!

>interventionist foreign policies

Tulsi wont change the aid to Israel.
So far we *have* stayed out of their wars since Iraq.
She wont call out the Liberty, Levon, spying, Uranium affairs.
Israel didn't kill JFK and even if they did she wouldnt call it out.
She wont call out congressmen with dual citizenship because she loves beaners who aren't citizens.
She is right about not going to war but until we actually have a war she wont get any traction so until then we should all do the sensible thing you fucking mong and support the only person with any class, style, creativity, and intelligence (Yang) so that we actually have a chance of winning.

absolutely delusional

She’s Russia’s Bernie

Attached: Untitled.png (660x683, 263K)

Well let's see, she cant even break the 1% barrier and yang is zooming on past it (1.2%) so perhaps *you* are the delusional one.


Attached: tulsi brap.jpg (2109x2568, 3.89M)

>Israel didn't kill JFK and even if they did she wouldnt call it out.

Jews did, check the evidence.

Attached: JFK.Jews.png (957x620, 109K)

I tried to point that out to an American and got called a Trump shill, they said no one has a good domestic policy so it doesn't matter. I see this as cutting your cock off because Shlomo took your foreskin but whatever.


>ITT: Democrats pretend their primaries are decided by the voters.

Attached: 1553607741786.png (600x600, 530K)

JFK was done by a combination of the CIA, LBJs political faction, and the CIA affiliated mafia. The FBI covered for them. They all had distinct motives apart from any Jewry. Not impossible that the Jews were involved or even accused by one of the guilty parties, but it is not a fair to say the Jews did that one. And dont get me wrong, i am aware it is clearly the sort of thing that is right up the Jew's alley.

Jeb was polling higher than Tulsi ever will.

more cope

Idk it sort of sounds like a Tulsi Shill trying to cope with her getting Yanged.

>what is the worse way to into US electioneering politics?

this is more of a testament to the stupidity of the religious right than anything else

>Both have interventionist foreign policies

Liar! Propagandist!


And this is why the Demonrats and MSM are alienating her.

>we don't hate israel
>we hate zionist

Sweet summer child.

Attached: wtf is this shit.jpg (720x540, 71K)

She's a fucking globalist



Attached: jews-against-israel.jpg (500x362, 100K)

>Both have interventionist foreign policies.
Gabbard is NON-INTERVENTIONIST. She opposes regime change wars and the MIC. That's what she's known for. Bernie believes the same. She endorsed Bernie Sanders in 2016.
>Both want to give free healthcare.
Medicare 4 all is not free. It's funded taxes. I have no issues with supporting health care for those who can't afford it.
>free college, $15 minimum wage, etc.
Yeah. I disagree with her on that. That's why I would never vote for Democrats.

Zionists and globohomo Jews *are* slightly different, but for all intents and purposes there is no practical reason for distinguishing between them, HOWEVER your post (the image) and the vernacular (sweet summer child) carries the true stench of faggotry that is not indigenous to this board.

Yang can't hang with Yang. Oh boo hoo muh mic. If they cut Trump's mic, he would have made a huge embarrassing scene about it which would have brought the debate to a screeching halt, gotten three weeks of free media coverage, and still won.

>supports increased American intervention in Middle Eastern conflicts
>voted against prohibiting the U.S. from providing weapons in Syria
>supported sanctions on Iran
>supported sanctions on North Korea

Attached: Cipo7kEVEAAaioe.jpg (900x1200, 167K)

So how do you explain her being unable to match Yang's overwhelming popularity?

nice lies, faggot

That woman on the left looks familiar.

Attached: imrs.jpg (800x450, 83K)

Anyone so stupid as to advocate outlawing ARs, freeing the beaners, and opening the borders.. Etc. Etc. Cannot be trusted to keep their promises on literally their only reasonable policy choice. You fucking moron. Get on the YangTrain before it is too late.

What was that faggot?

>>Q: National Security: Do you support increased American intervention in Middle Eastern conflicts beyond air support? A: Yes.

>HR 1698 - Iran Ballistic Missiles and International Sanctions Enforcement Act - National Key Vote
>>Gabbard's Vote: Yes

>HR 3898 - Otto Warmbier North Korea Nuclear Sanctions Act - National Key Vote
>>Gabbard's Vote: Yes

>H Amdt 917 - Prohibits United States from Providing Weapons in Syria - National Key Vote
>>Gabbard's Vote: No

Attached: DgzcZROW4AAI60q.jpg (680x659, 90K)

Image is normieweb but there's nothing really wrong with "Sweet summer child" it's a chan-wide thing.

It raises serious eyebrows. 95% chance someone who uses that phrase is a homo.