
A Canadian cartoonist lost his job for this. Just what we are willing to do to beat you fascists. This speaks volumes...

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Fucking leafs. Day of the rake when?

Man censorship and deplatforming is a bitch isn’t it? Hope it never happens to the right

Why does Trump get blamed for a couple of dead spics in a ravine. Nobody forced their hands.

Canada needs to be nuked

How is it anyone's fault the the illegal? is this Trump’s fault? The parent put their child in a dangerous position and paid the price for it.

Wow the corpses do not look staged at all! It makes me almost as sad as the photo of Aylan Kurdi

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If he doesn't like it he can start his own newspaper.

If they turned the border into a golf course at least it would have proper security.


God damn stupid fucking app won’t add images anymore
>inb4 phonefag

There are no fascists, you are playing a game you can't win.

Thanks user!!

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I have those feelz fellow phonefag. Use mimi

Trudeau is starting to learn that it is wise to stay on Trump’s good side.

something something borders are racist. you know the dance by now user

Ah yes, if I spit up in the air and it lands on my face it's Trump's fault. Gotcha.

Because Orange Man Bad

Maybe he should try drawing a cartoon that makes sense.

go outside


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Is this trying to say that, if he built the wall this wouldn't happen?

I assume someone who hates Trump drew this, so why was he fired?

ADL just made another video...

>so why was he fired?
Politicizing tragedy makes companies take a nosedive in the stock market. I assume he was fired for being a huge retard.

I tell you, if I was Canada I would be sending buses and planes to pick up these migrants in Mexico and taken to Canada, before they are captured by the evil Americans and thrown into Concentration Camps!

He’s a freelancer and just lost one of his contracts, that’s hardly getting “fired from his job” and this was in new brunswick, probably one of the shittiest provinces in canada where everything is owned by one family.

Don't you have some Muslims to blow or something? Be gone cuck.