Reminder, incest is the next big thing to be legalized and normalized.
Reminder, incest is the next big thing to be legalized and normalized
It's more of a credible right than LGBTQWERTYism
No shit. I'm okay with it because I have sex with a cousin in her homeland where it's legal anyway (she's on the pill, we're not having an inbred).
It's all ready like a third of all porn.
The west is so disgusting, nobody will do anything about this.
You have people in human piss paddling pools in the middle of the street in the US. I have no illusions, it will be the same here within 5 years.
We've gone completely off the deep end
Degenerate. Have white children now or kys.
>where it's legal anyway
Where exactly?
No, it’s pedophilia. The push to include it in LGBTQIAAORIRNDPDPPWJEBDBXMZMKEIRND has already begun
Cleetus, I...
cousin fucking is fine
cousin fucking is legal in the majority of countries
Yeah but incest will probably come first. Just look at (((Pornhub)))
As long as there are protections for people who are underage (and harsh criminal violations for people who will try to abuse power and family dynamics), I have no problem with it really.
> incest is the next big thing
Burgers being backwards as ever.
That's not really incest. Cousin is fine, just should do a genetic test in case you want children.
Non-white European country in the North.
Legalization won't make it less degenarate a sane human being wouldn't even considering doing it.
>legal for minors
I see the Weimar Republic has never truly been gone.
tbqh that map is shocking
Incest will not be first because it is primarily associated with right-wing southerners, so the globohomo machine wouldn’t back it
i want my pale germanic/irish cousin to bully me with her pale feet. She will say how my brown med feet will never be as pale as hers and got infected by moors.
am i weird?
i want to smell polish girl mongol rapebaby feet.
Genghis khan is her ancestor.
>Reminder, incest is the next big thing to be legalized and normalized.
Like Boomers haven't been fucking their kids for 50 years...
>Legal if does not provoke public scandal
Based Italy.
>Legal for same sex and minors
We should have a bombed Germany
>between siblings
>legal for minors
>legal for same sex siblings