*Solves Transphobia and triggers Jow Forums*

*Solves Transphobia and triggers Jow Forums*

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>Solves Transphobia

How? Mass suicide?

No sadly, because you're still alive

only 47% of them solve transphobia,

>a man dressed as woman
>taking this joke seriously

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When is he going to cut his dick off?

why is he shilled so hard here, literally nobody buys it

a lot of effort to hide all that manly physical features

>videos are 80% fluff and 20% dogshit opinion
No thanks.

This shit needs to be bannable it isn't even a discussion

Hey, William---why do you have such a huge God complex? Is your she-nis huge, too?

soros niggers are retarded

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sounds like you're too retarded to actually comprehend, not even dispute, her arguments. She is intellectually cuckin you guys, bring hopeful young men back to the center and left

She pulled me out of the Alt-Right rabbit hole then pulled me off. It was great. Pic-related was the exact moment of release.

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>*suicides 2 years after cutting off benis*

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You cant "solve" a problem like that. You see, trannies are having a hard time dealing with something called reality. For instance, the reality that an open wound can never be a vagina no matter how long it is prevented from healing. No argument can "solve" that problem because it is a simple physical reality. As for the alleged problem of "transphobia", that cannot be solved because it isn't a problem. It is a healthy and natural response to be repulsed by disgusting freaks.

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So much for free speech

a mentally ill person agitates that his mental illness is not an illness
>clown world

>posts mentally ill faggot yet again
>300+ replies

>T-Rex eats AIDS riddled tranny
So that’s how they died


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>*Solves Transphobia

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Is that Kurt Cobain?

He is just milking the mentally unstable fags for all its worth, then will come out as a Nazi, and be the greatest troll of all time
>Or become one of the 40%

Beat me to it

>Solves Transphobia
>Muslim refugees welcome
Pick one faggot

That is reality, the mentally unstable dismiss it, and choose to believe the dolled up fag in drag is the real deal.
>Imagine him having to look in the mirror everyday, knowing 1lb of makeup, special lighting, clothes as props, and filters on software, is the only way to look CLOSE aa a girl. Even then he isnt passing.

No wonder they kill themselves

His videos are good for americans, the only people who dont read book and their intelectual level is simmiliar to that of a animal, only knows how to work, shit, sleep and eat. You guys are perfect sheep and yes, his videos are perfect for american audience, full of manipulations, no sources, no real informations. Its his opinion not facts. If you create your own opinion on politics based on opinion of someone else, youre a brain dead sheep

He literally just makes the faggot version of Davis Aurini's vids

to add to that I can't fucking follow some whispering faggot sounding cross dresser ramble in circles around a point over and over

Is all of the support he's getting organic or just a result of transgender groups?

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Cutting off your dick doesn't make you a woman faggot.

>those hands

faggot can't even solve his own gender

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Contra is good at reaching the same audience as the alt right tries too, and is ex edgy internet right winger too so can see from their point of view


There is no free speech on Jow Forums if you want free speech go to /b/


Why do fag mistake disgust with fear? When i find a slme food with bug in it i dont run and cower in a corner i go "yuck" and throw it away

Impose communism we know it doesnt work either shoot homos