This meme is fucking shit. Euroshits jealous of us again because we have more rights and good ass food...

This meme is fucking shit. Euroshits jealous of us again because we have more rights and good ass food. We'll always be a better country. Also I'm whiter than most euroshits on this board. Prob all muslims posting anyway.

Attached: amerimutt1.png (745x594, 84K)


La creatura...

A lot of Americans look like this tho. It’s a good meme and once you see it you can’t unsee it. These fuckers are everywhere.

I mean it’s kinda right... if you’re talking about Mexicans and Sicilians

why sicilians?

Attached: armm.jpg (2592x1936, 1.16M)

I see this skinny wrist everytime the word sicilian comes up

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Stereotypical dark hair and darker complexion. Mostly makes me think of New York

Ngl while there are a lot of very white people in the US there are also a LOT of mutts. I'm as white as one can get but most of the people I know are at least partially mixed

here is a wholesome dog

Attached: doggo.png (750x1334, 3.06M)

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i'm from new york

If you were actually white this meme wouldn't bother you

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Well that explains everything

you're obviously not white, nigger

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do you have liver failure?

shut the fuck up

Attached: nigger mods tongue my anus.jpg (555x415, 29K)

>good ass food
This is the biggest lie Americans ever told. I can get better quality food literally anywhere else

i'm italian

>be anonymous-kun
>brings up dead meme and pretends to still be assmad about it

so many buildings, so few airliners

so you do have liver failure

my mother worked in the wtc in 1999 and got fired shortly after

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she fucks the dog

idgaf about those niggerloving yankee cocksuckers. my only regret is that mohammed atta didn't use a nuke.

>dead meme

It hurts, Ameribros.

We try SO hard to be on the forefront as the saviors of Western Civilization and how do Europoors repay us? By making degrading memes about us! And over the internet of all places.

To them, it maybe funny. But their keks are built from our tears.

Attached: Screen_Shot_2018-02-06_at_3.37.14_PM.png (1600x948, 610K)

saving europe isn't an enumerated power

What is up with your toes?

Europeans are overdue for war. If they don’t try to kill each other at least once every 15 years they get antsy, and take it out on others.

Yeah, it really bruised my petals.
Sad Zu Zu
(In before show your tits)

Your civil war is overdue too. Niggers and spics everywhere, not to mention the lgbt problem.

t. flyover trash

Attached: White_Americans.jpg (869x469, 82K)

mongrel kike puppet

staten island is conservative though

It has kinda grown on me.

>good ass food
Why would you be proud of eating and being burgers? Isn't that embarassing? America had a 38% obesity rate which sets it as the fattest country in the developed world. It's disgusting, kill yourselves

I will never not laugh at the mutt meme. It's the best meme Jow Forums has produced in ages compared to all the low effort Pepe and Wojak edits.

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I think this meme is objectively wrong in terms of whether we actually look like this but is hilarious in terms of how other people view us. I get a giggle from it.

>responding to yuropoors posting mutts images

Attached: 1561104559470.jpg (739x742, 105K)

Burgers are the best food ever divided retard. It has beef, tomato, cheese, lettuce, onion, pickle, mustard, and sometimes bacon. It is a portable food pyramid that allows me to eat on the go while you sit down at a table eating off a ceramic plate like an autist who can't multi task. Do you realize how dumb you are?

>good ass food

True. Your food is truly meant for the ass.

Attached: 1561998211730.jpg (1024x545, 115K)

Burgers are the main food eats. Concentrate on one task at a time, eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, and actually SIT down to eat you imbred retard. Even if you can't eat at home or at a restaurant you could just take pic related to eat. Any nutritionist would cringe at your stupid comment.

Attached: marmita.jpg (775x775, 91K)

She cute.

Based leaf

how do you find time to post and parade.

Attached: gay-pride-parade-rio-de-janeiro-brazil-parada-orgulio-gls-672x372.jpg (672x372, 58K)