Anyone remember these?

You remember those seal3d indictm3nts?
Those targeted by judge and jury were not jews. Of course they weren't. They were Jow Forums users. They're now taken a few at a time, on drummed up porn charges. You know, the standard stuff. Not to fast - or else people would panic.

Most of your comrades are already taken. The best one. That is why this place is so dead. So few fresh memes. So little energy. GULAG v2.0 is happening right now, just more refined, more targeted. Just try posting about it and see how fast it is taken down.

Attached: 15678641867486.png (686x950, 531K)

Other urls found in this thread:


> Most of your comrades are already taken
post evidence

>meme flag

Opinion discarded.


I'm a former court clerk, and used PACER on the daily for years. The people who kept posting that shit did not understand how sealed indictments work, or how PACER reports same. A bunch of us tried to explain this, over and over again, but they accused us all of being shills. Fair enough, I get that, but all they had to do was go and research it a little bit to find the truth of the matter. The fact that they refused to lift a finger to do this just shows how badly they wanted to believe the QAnon larp.

where are the memes, where is the energy

people are just slapped with a sex offender label, porn images found on computer etc and taken away. No outrage. Few at at time. Silent GULAG.

It's the same people who have done this thing before you know, same people who were behind Armenian Genocide, Holodomor, GULAG v1.0, The Baltic Genocides, and the Prussian Genocide, etc. But their tactics are ever improving. Not a big fuss. Take the thought leaders first.

Attached: 5blfnkm.png (1200x640, 414K)

So explain it again plz i missed the first time

>we don't do this stuff no more

Attached: gulag.jpg (2714x2056, 1.33M)

Attached: German losses and slaves in WWII 2.jpg (684x888, 259K)

>where are the memes, where is the energy
Not evidence unless you are operating under the assumption that the only possible explanation for there being less memes and energy is that Jow Forums users are being swept up in some covert operation. It would be much easier to simply shut this place down.

The best guess I have is that Trump is turned out to be a fucking cuck. All the energy he created over the last few years has died down substantially. Before it was shoah'd, even T_D was a shell of its former self these last couple months.

lets count
I am still here.