Anyone remember these?

You remember those seal3d indictm3nts?
Those targeted by judge and jury were not jews. Of course they weren't. They were Jow Forums users. They're now taken a few at a time, on drummed up porn charges. You know, the standard stuff. Not to fast - or else people would panic.

Most of your comrades are already taken. The best one. That is why this place is so dead. So few fresh memes. So little energy. GULAG v2.0 is happening right now, just more refined, more targeted. Just try posting about it and see how fast it is taken down.

Attached: 15678641867486.png (686x950, 531K)

Other urls found in this thread:


> Most of your comrades are already taken
post evidence

>meme flag

Opinion discarded.


I'm a former court clerk, and used PACER on the daily for years. The people who kept posting that shit did not understand how sealed indictments work, or how PACER reports same. A bunch of us tried to explain this, over and over again, but they accused us all of being shills. Fair enough, I get that, but all they had to do was go and research it a little bit to find the truth of the matter. The fact that they refused to lift a finger to do this just shows how badly they wanted to believe the QAnon larp.

where are the memes, where is the energy

people are just slapped with a sex offender label, porn images found on computer etc and taken away. No outrage. Few at at time. Silent GULAG.

It's the same people who have done this thing before you know, same people who were behind Armenian Genocide, Holodomor, GULAG v1.0, The Baltic Genocides, and the Prussian Genocide, etc. But their tactics are ever improving. Not a big fuss. Take the thought leaders first.

Attached: 5blfnkm.png (1200x640, 414K)

So explain it again plz i missed the first time

>we don't do this stuff no more

Attached: gulag.jpg (2714x2056, 1.33M)

Attached: German losses and slaves in WWII 2.jpg (684x888, 259K)

>where are the memes, where is the energy
Not evidence unless you are operating under the assumption that the only possible explanation for there being less memes and energy is that Jow Forums users are being swept up in some covert operation. It would be much easier to simply shut this place down.

The best guess I have is that Trump is turned out to be a fucking cuck. All the energy he created over the last few years has died down substantially. Before it was shoah'd, even T_D was a shell of its former self these last couple months.

lets count
I am still here.

Zognald and his fanbase was always an artificial overlay of newfags on the real usebase. It's the latter who are taken away.
National 4cti0n in UK have been straight up executed. Drummed up charges and thrown to the muslim packs. There are none of them left. You think the kikes in washington are any more lenient to those who threaten their hegemony?

Attached: pol and nu-pol.jpg (1024x827, 219K)

Attached: National-Action-All-Options-For-Peaceful-Settlement-Foreclosed.png (1544x612, 199K)

bump for sealed indictments, how many are we up to now lads?

>pretends to explain why they are wrong
>explains nothing

Comrades? You're on the wrong board commie faggot.

Ay Don, yous trying to give the Death penalty for anti Semitism ain’t that right?

>reddit spacing
>"your comrades"
fuck off faggot shit
indicements are related to this trafficking cult and others connected to it

Attached: 1547470217602.png (1415x1450, 2.56M)

I still need an explanation of what they are then, Mr Clerkman.

be scared goyim!!!11 ffs stop posting here

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I believe over 100k or close to it. All for our shitposting. Because clearly, Q is larping saying Killary will ever be prosecuted on even the slightest money laundering charges and tax evasion, because it’s not like she’s a murderous baby eating Baal/Moloch worshipping smelly tuna vag cunt. Go against the narrative, you get the FEMA camp. These are the Buffalo Bills of the elites, and they demand anons put the lotion on the skin or we get the re-education camp again. You can’t criticize or call for justice, you fucking bigot peasants. Start LARPing as AntiFa and maybe we can actually make something happen, because if you’re an insane leftist who chops off your own dick for algae green haired acceptance, you fit the narrative. If you are anything less than Marxist, you get the rope.

Attached: B3FD1C37-DC18-47F1-91CE-138D3C373242.png (250x242, 61K)


Attached: 4A888E3F-15C1-4256-B2A3-0928EAE118C9.png (799x943, 688K)

This. Divine trips show truth.

Stupid meme. This happens every time you have a change in presidential party and even more compounded when it was two term or extremely different ideologically. Same shit happened in 2009 with Obama. It takes a long time to appoint many new judges. Notice, most of these are going to be in liberal areas where so many new judges need to be appointed. It might be going down now and that is why they stopped posting as many appointments have gone through now

I unironically believe this, bump for visibility

>The scourge of antisemitism

Attached: trump.jpg (300x366, 19K)

I feel this was the whole point of the “Q” LARP to begin with, to figure out who will be harder to reign in under brainwashing or those who have any sense of rebellion, anyone who posts here or cripple Chan that doesn’t shill for the NWO or Zionism will be sent to their local FEMA camp. It actually makes sense. If you’re evil as fuck, why wouldn’t you? It’s the only reason this and infinite Chan haven’t been completely shut down yet. They’re still collecting their data for FEMA camp volunteers who are deemed to be controversial. If you don’t see this with DARPAs Google and FB censorship, you’re an ignorant piece of shit.

>”These people are stupid.”

They’re mocking us.

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I can tell he is a court official because he used the word same to refer to a previous thing in his sentence.

Pretty much implemented. Not that the heebs have ever cared about following the laws. Laws are for show.

> is2.Jow

Attached: # became law.png (955x902, 210K)

>Anyone remember these?

But, more seriously, at this point I'd have to see them dangling by a rope, and feel the rope in my hand, to believe Justice was carried out. (Slight exaggeration, but it makes the point.)

Attached: Q is Boomer Cocaine.jpg (1024x563, 96K)

You and I are gonna get the rope. These baby rapers and sick fetus eaters are above us. We won’t matter. We will be shot on site or forced into FEMA camps.

>your comrades
Go fuck yourself. We're fine.

It's already been explained, multiple times. Go look in the archive, or hell, just go to the PACER site yourself. The user guides tell you how it works. I cannot do your research for you. Never let anyone do your thinking for you.

It’s happening

Attached: 3A753945-539A-4F70-AB05-BA7C6CB2718D.jpg (3000x2000, 2.73M)

Let's see it then.
Leadership is on the line. If things are not done in a timely manner and consisting of REAL substance, all actions will be viewed as a cynical political calculation. For a candidate whose instincts were so keen, he's definitely losing his touch, and the spiritual bond with his base.
The energy is fading, but it absolutely will coalesce under a new aegis; and it's impossible to predict (much less conduct) the course about which it will flow.
This is nothing but encouragement...and should be interpreted as such. Even so, what was weariness is morphing to concern...and that should greatly concern leadership.

yeah and it got replaced with lesbos gay people and pride people trying to takeover Jow Forums as well. whats new lol. this is the end of an age. get your shit together and read a fucking bible. -an african kid

Show your flag


>read a fucking bible
What does jewish fiction have to do with anything?

>candidate whose instincts were so keen,

Candidate Trump was backed by several generals and mil-int who have since been ousted by Qshners side. The candidacy seemed real because it was real - at least partially. But they had a soft coup after taking power and the kikes and zionists ousted the military segments supporting a revival of whites and the america first policy.

How many of these faces are left, eh? Replaced by bankers and kikes the lot of them. Now it's bankers first israel second. And the mil guys who were to cucked to join in on it before are definitely keeping their cucked and cowed heads down low now. After they saw what happened to Flynn.

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Attached: hello darkness my old friend.jpg (2048x1417, 444K)

A simple search reveals their location to ostensibly be Norway.

>the kikes and zionists ousted the military segments supporting a revival of whites and the america first policy.
>How many of these faces are left, eh? Replaced by bankers and kikes the lot of them. Now it's bankers first israel second.
This is easily verifiable

I believe Martin Luther more.

It really is. There were two factions and now there is one hebrew swamp again.
>Flynn ousted
>Kelly ousted
>McMaster ousted
>Mattis ousted

rip America First hello darkness my old friend

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