The United Stains

Over 70% of the problems afflicting Europe and the wider world would disappear overnight if the United States and fifty years of its influence magically vanished from the Earth.
You cannot prove me wrong.

Attached: Nigel Gorges Himself Silly On Mystery Meat American Shite.webm (480x480, 2.9M)

What OS would you happen to be using to post this thread, mate?

Every libtard in this country says shit like
>Sweden is giving its refugees free healthcare while trump puts them in cages why can’t we be more like them

Please stop influencing our politics you euro fags

Um, how are you contacting me, mate?

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Europe's real problem is over half a century of leftward political drift which resulted largely from allowing communist and socialist parties to operate freely and openly because they were afraid of leftist insurgencies forming with USSR support if they were driven underground.

Now every socialist in the US always says "but they Europeans are doing it" whenever they want to push their bullshit policies here.

Attached: EUSSR.jpg (375x502, 40K)

you fuckers were Jewed before that, who do you think got America into WW1 to begin with dumbass? look up the Balfour Declaration.

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Ok Mohammad

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he got a big mouth for sure