Women using revenge porn as a weapon

With the revenge porn becoming criminalised, some women are using self posted photos and content as a weapon against men or ex partners, what do we think of this and how do we stop it? Yes it should be criminal, but at the same time how do you prevent widespred false claims such as this girl.

Continued from: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/203447358/

cont: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/199231859/

OP: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/29820760/

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Yes it should be criminal
kill yourself

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haha i'm all with you man, didn't really read over the post twice but yeah meant only in the circumstance where it's clearly done in a way to mess up someones life if the pictures had been aqured illigitately, but this is a case of a girl taking her own photos and blaming revenge porn, she got caught out on Jow Forums and interesting to see what we all think

the leaks are pretty fun... archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/187393912

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This is her now apparently

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Why do all these women who can't stop talking about rape and who have detailed stories of being violated all turn out to be into BDSM? Really nogs the joggin.

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I think it's all something about the attention complex, and the power complex, and it's as if some women get themselves 'purposely' but try act like it's an accident into 'situations' that as soon have taken place they have all the control. kinda messed up

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Dump everything you have on the bitch

Sniper rifle. Long distance.

found some here: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/199231859/

and some here: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/187393912

Will keep scopin'

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I see power as totally removed from what they're doing. What they want is for people to see them as beautiful victims.

Something in our heads tell us to pay attention to women in danger or women in distress. We feel a certain sickness and that sickness amplifies their beauty. I suppose it's natures way of telling us to do something. But it can lead to a feedback loop where people purposefully put women in distressing situations to trigger that sick mindset. Putting people in that mindset is thus a way to garner a specific type of attention.

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found from the archive that her twitter is HLThompson93
seems still active

yh seems to still be active, wonder how widspread this stuff is

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Funny IN contecxt

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>revenge porn
>aka thots making porn and regret it, blame patriarchy and call it revenge porn
there is no such thing as revenge porn

Jesus Christ, I could've been easily fooled...
Are no roasties safe? Is there any way to detect previous thottery?

tGuess this was kinda the point. Well said!

I think the only thing that warrents 'revenge' porn is if the photo is taken forcefully beyond the will of the girl or guy, then posted online in a 'shame' type way. but 99.9% of cases aren't this.

post the full set

nice roast beef

>covers nipples
>shows gash

Y'all seen this? youtube.com/watch?v=rX6VyPWwwrM

theres a load on this OP archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/187393912

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She even openly replied to this post All you need to do is google her tumblr name and it comes up siremanheim.tumblr.com/post/67636802239/assesinheaven-blargharghlargh-rlbmutyxes

damn. too bad the artsy type hates me for some reason

if the images are publicly available and for free, then anyone and everyone who sees them has a right to save them and post them wherever they wish. as long as posting them doesn't cause any sort of harm to the OP. and as long as the intention behind such posting isn't to do just that. the only time there is an exception to this rule as far as I can see is when there's a paywall, then it comes under copyright, because technically it's a good, and not just some kind of unregulated media posted for the sake of posting. if it's a commodity, or a good, then yes, the OP has control of the rights, but if it's posted publicly and available for free, then the public has control of the rights. and the only way you can breach the rights in relation to your possession of said images is if you use them to cause harm, either intentionally or accidently.

but we all know the state doesn't look at these things logically, it appeases women so women keep voting for big government. because for women to survive and do all the things they want to do, men's freedoms have to be curtailed. because women simply cannot care for their own wellbeing emotionally or physically, they have to have a protector, and that is either family, a partner / husband or the state. most default to the state because it has the most resources and well, the most power.

so fundamentally the issue here is the state using women to have more power over individual men. that's all this is about. it doesn't care about this, and the women in question don't care either, not in the way they make out. they simply want to be able to do what they want without fear of any consequences. because women are children.

It's only criminal if you get caught. ;^)

From what it seems, and as OP links would suggest, she self published her photos to tumblr. From what I know after that there's no way of taking it down even if you delete the post once it's been reposted even once to another page. If you don't want stuff to be found don't make it public! Unless she secretly did.

Anyway it's all rather funny these photos have come out after the rounds of news programs, videos and articles she's in/

A simple google of her tumblr username blargharghlargh reveals so much, found this top link tumbex.com/cafee93.tumblr/photo?page=4

yeah the fucking dumb bitch just made it worse on herself by going public. I bet that's what she wanted though, she wanted her nudes to be taboo. and she wanted the satisfaction of knowing her nudes being taboo would make men want them more.

she's basically using the state to and restricting men's freedoms in the long term for a quick confidence boost.

and this is why women's rights need to be revoked.

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>that face
Another ugly Bong troll that looks like this.

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Easy solution, criminalize taking nude photos of yourself.

Top kek

rad-butt.tumblr.com/post/76866508022/supersexandbiscuits-xo more found

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DAMNNNN nanoism.tumblr.com/post/78386991250/supersexandbiscuits-been-too-long-since-i-was/amp


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Based. Have a neural network trained to identify a nude and brick your phone. Also make it illegal to tinker with the apps to allow nudes to be taken.

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this girl a mayor now?????

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Sluts will use any excuse to get naked.

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Anyone else got other sources/pics/news etc?

\Yh looks like it hl thompson surely is same hannah thompson 93


fiucidasngiasnf asdjnignigne asdapo poloi anmotherfucker woemn are winning motherfuceirn gafafajfoa fakf mothervu ker u made fmeinism mothercufkcinm USA nigger motherfucker cuckc sucker feminism is winning my wife divrosing me motherfucker nigger.

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Don't let them post it from your phone/computer retard. Even if they post it on their phone on your wifi they can see it was their phone.

remember that face well. Jow Forums

I call it the "cherub" face.

every girl who has it is a major slut


Okay, so do the same to them. Everybody start taking pictures of their dicks and vaginas and claim its revenge porn. Google needs more data for their genetalia algorithm anyway

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>revenge porn should be a crime, Yes/No?
>comments disabled for this video
>channel Liberal Democrats

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