2nd Biggest Antifa Donor: (autismsourced) Kelsey Nicholson


Kelsey donated $50 to free the men that assaulted Andy ,,!,,

She is listed on the same crowdfunding donator list as my previous post about socialist-journalist Steve Leigh, this girl is named Kelsey Nicholson and her twitter is @Kshasta11. She is a human resources specialist from Portland Oregon, donated $50 to the newest Antifa crowdfund for assaulting Andy Ngo, and has antifa march pictures on her facebook. Her information is on Linkedin also.

Attached: Nichol.png (1019x918, 365K)

Other urls found in this thread:



fuck this cunt.

Bump. Do your thing pol

>human resources

Because of course she is.

Contact her local EBT and welfare office and provide this information. In fact do it to them all.
Show them what idle time is being spent doing.

bump again. lets goooooo you autistic shit sacks!

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Of coouurrsseeee

more like human waste

I'm seeing a logistical problem in the face of any action taken here - is it actually possible for a white person to go outside and travel some arbitrary distance through Portland without getting beaten unconscious by a leftist paramilitary patrol every fifty feet you walk?

Shes probably connected to so many antifaggot scum


someone should catalogue her friend list.

Attached: honk my nose.jpg (375x500, 48K)

Just dye your hair some fluro colour, wear a Joy Division shirt and you'll fit right in


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>donated $50 to the newest Antifa crowdfund for assaulting Andy Ngo

OP. maybe you could provide the LINK to the crowdfunding you're speaking about. Do we have to do EVERYTHING?


yeah let's go after a dumb antifa groupie whore

that will change the world

50 bucks what the actual fuck you stupid mother fucker


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smooth advice
the revolutionary moves among the populace as a fish through water and all that

el bumpo



Attached: Leigh.png (1396x918, 758K)

Attached: idk if this is bullshit but seems legit.jpg (670x706, 238K)

nice. Unfucking real.

She's not a groupie whore, she's a communist terrorist supporter. She deserves zero mercy.

Class action lawsuit

Gotta drain these fucks dry.
It's the only way

They are not mutually exclusive

Sue everyone that crowd funded in a federal law suit... that way they MUST hire a lawyer.
You can not self represent in federal court

oh come on. $50 bucks isn't what's funding these people worldwide, you're not that stupid. Get some investigative journalism into their finances instead of what's available publicly. The big donors are going to be private.

Put her in a class action...
That $50 will cost her $10K as her lawyer drains her accounts

Class action and get the funding records. Then name them all

Communists get the rope and you will too you fucking bitch if you keep defending her actions.

Can you can your shilling you stupid fuck. I'm not defending anyone's actions, i'm saying going after a $50 donator and making a big stink is only going to hinder your cause. You're just going to create a news headline and make a bunch of outlets a bunch of money. And then that money will be funneled into Antifa because no doubt some of those outlets fund them.

What needs to be done is investigative journalism, infiltrate, record, learn about their benefactors, and then expose them.