Why is this fool trying to appeal to shitlibs so much...

why is this fool trying to appeal to shitlibs so much? Tim pool often claims he is a liberal who advocates for social justice or will claim he is mixed race or something like that, but the shitlibs still call him a nazi for defending the far right.
is Tim pool the epitome of cuckservative?

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He's helping me convert family members away from voting for Democrats so I say he's doing good work. I use him as a 'centrist' example and it helps with less progressive libs.

If they are converted to pacifist-multicultural "demonKKKrats r the real racists" cuckservatives, nothing is gained.

He's the gateway redpill who keeps his channel afloat by not affiliating himself with the right. He even said once "in this current climate, never, NEVER, show your political affiliation if you want to survive". The bastard even says Womp Womp and made youtube videos back in 2017 gushing over Jow Forums. You have to be retarded to think he's not one of us.

Tim is based, fuck whytu piggus.
They deserve hatred.

>meme ideology
dispinion ocarded

No, he is a grifter. He knows who his audience is, look at the comments on his videos. Doing the mixed-raced centrist bit is just the way he found to cover his own ass. I don't blame him, it's a smart move.

It means we get less liberals in office and Communist continue to fade further from memory.

Besides the meme hat hes alright.

he will never be taken seriously, until he takes that beanie off.

and stops making his porn game

fuck off timmy

is that really happening?

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I'm a nigger. Listen to me lisp and vocal tick. *tthhock* thhhhhock*

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>You have to be retarded to think he's not one of us
He isn't, he's another alt-center civnat e-celeb that will never concede huwhite civil rights.
Far left loonies want you dead now, centrists want you to die off slowly.

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>he thinks pol is entirely white waffen
oh hohoho oh boy do i have some news for you

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He goes on Jow Forums. His most recent clip he mentions that the far right believes jews are taking over the world.
He also slipped out in another that the far left is larping. I hardly hear that word other than on Jow Forums.

Fuck yes another eceleb thread

its pretty much impossible to miss these cues if you're a timmy regular

Thinking it's more of a Jow Forums word

Tim pool is just appealing to the right so he can increase viewership and subscribers. When the tides turn again, he will be the first one to abandon ship.

>white waffen
Not that, but civic nationalism is dead, it's a contradiction of terms. You can't make that many different people with no connection to one another unite under such an abstract concept as a diverse nation state. The American national identity has been stretched so thin it doesn't mean anything anymore.

look faggot, even though we're discussing an eceleb, we're mainly decentralized. the anonymity, flippant randomness of threads, and meme focus will keep us strong

i feel, that if we were to just completely halt artificial (((diversity))) and grievance immigration, we'd be pretty well off regardless. its—near—impossible to reverse it as it is, so the next best course of action is to hit the brakes and do away with the institutions that foster weakness before the weakness itself

This, he's a good stepping stool into redpilling people.

im positive his viewers are 85% Jow Forums-level fascists

He's been browsing Jow Forums forever, he's not a complete dolt when it comes to internet culture

he seems mentally disturbed lately, I hope he's ok...

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his mask is slipping. im just waiting for the day he loses it and starts roman saluting

he saw what happened to andy
he's probably goncerned for his van down by the river

There is no easy answer. Once the boomers are gone, nobody will remember what things like before diversity. To some extent, it already is that way. Multiracial nations are running on fumes, they sort of worked as long as their was a clear dominant ethnic majority to impose their own values and social norms, a minority-majority democracy just cannot work because it can't make anyone happy.
It could be kept on life support if you found the political will the kick out illegals and legal immigrants but that's not happening. Peaceful separation is the most desirable outcome but that will take decades if it can happen at all, free association is probably the first step getting there and even that is almost impossible to obtain through legal means.

then you aren't paying attention.

larping isn't Jow Forums property. the entire anti-sjw sphere have adopted it. sargon uses it

He'll totally get assaulted by antifags eventually. He probably can't hang out in most coastal cities as it is without thinking about it.


>Tim "nothing happened in Hong Kong today" Pool

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hope he's smart enough to carry
he does say he supports 2A

I constantly cringe when I watch Tim Poole. But I do not want to change him. There is a void which he fills.

antifa were calling him a 'right wing provocateur' if Tim were openly right wing his credibility and effectivity would be shattered

This fucking drives me bonkers too... why do conservative minded people cower behind, 'well, I'm actually a liberal.'?????? Do you really think this is going to work, Tim... fucking faggots. He's correct in one respect: Even the staunchest liberals will be destroyed if they stray a micrometer from the central broadcast narrative.

He is a lib. Why eles?

No, its got the same name as his stillborn news company though, and he's still pissed

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Maybe it’s because he’s a bald faggot.

I don’t see what’s wrong with him. It’s good that he has the balls/intelligence to no unconditionally follow one ideology

he's never going to jump off the democrat train until he too gets brained by antifa and even then he'll write it off as just some crazy isolated extremists.

I heard after Portland he's finally had enough. Him and his converting the reporting van into a food truck: TIM PURA....crispy Tim Pura and a pool of miso.... Ching Ching Chong ching

you know what leaf you're all right

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because he is a shitlib

stop posting shills

Same. He does God's work

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The dude is mentally ill. He's all over the place.

It's because he's fucking stupid.
He keeps saying he's a leftist even though he no longer agrees with anything leftists want, and leftists call him a nazi and want him dead. He is scared by leftists, who are now throwing chemical weapons at journalists like him. He's lost all his leftist friends and they harass him and send him death threats nonstop. He understands that feminism has destroyed the modern family and he is unable to get any kind of lasting relationship because all the women he meets are insufferable career women.
Yet he continues to say, "I'm a leftist."

He says "I'm a liberal" about as often as I say "I'm not racist" in polite company, and for the same reason.

If you call what Tim pool puts out “redpills” then boy do I have a subreddit for you

He's not trying to appeal to liberals, he's trying to appeal to the new right with clickbait headlines about leftist outrages and the coming civil war.

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Pretty much a high functioning schizo

Once the boomers are gone, nobody will remember what things like before diversity. To some extent, it already is that way.
then they will focus entirely on ethos. see the forest for the trees. the space between point A & B might be a shitty, bumpy ride—big respect if you survive it—but our genus is very plastic. We might just make it. If we get backed into a corner, there's the big red button: mass exodus to places like Italy. They're becoming more redpilled by the day.

Wether your family votes for the republicans or democrats does not matter, Dems are advocating and celebrating demographic change for a reason

His redpilling is a slow burn, anons. He's coming over to our side, slowly. He'll vote Trump in 2020. Make my words.

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His latest take is painful.

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He wants to get laid and feel young. That's why. That's literally why people do it. They have a crush on that dumb punk activist cunt at the record store so they bullshit and fail miserably.

why did he call it subverse though? doesn't sound like anything newsy

Schizos don't really have energy to do shit

I bet he browses Jow Forums

Tip does not spout retarded boomer memes though for the most part.

I feel kinda bad for matt, just trying to make a simple gag and was probably expecting a smile, but Pool had to bitch out about online death threats
also nice digiits

Well jewish, but he is right.

he gets so close to the point so often, but then it's like he looks at it, knows what it is, then actively sidesteps it.

He’s not a cuckservative he’s a shitlib.

He's a skateboard hippie and he was skateboarding one day and saw a hole or some shit. He thought that it was like a universe under the normal universe (a sub-verse) or some other nonsensical shit, was probably high at the time. That's why.
He talks about it in the video where he whines how the porno game stole his name.

Pool Yang Ngo to found the Dinky Doodle Noodle Network news DDNNN

Yes and no, he notices the problem but he refuses to see the causation of the current problems we face as a society today

who is covering her face on the left

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shes been to white identity rallies. difference between us and (((them))) is that we are accepting of others supporting our ethnic pride.

>travelling a long way should make you a US citizen
u wot

She has been letting her hair go curly and embracing Qudloon Power since she found out she can get free coffee

she was at cville.

I remember him from ows.
the 'left' has changed, i've seen it too.
trump was the catalyst.
i think he's being honest

>there's the big red button: mass exodus to places like Italy. They're becoming more redpilled by the day.
No disrespect but why should they take you? Why shouldn't they want to keep it Italian? It seems we get more and more Anglo and American expats in Paris every year and there isn't anything good about it, they're not just obnoxious, loud shitlibs, the culture they bring with them sucks and doesn't belong here.

They shouldn't. You shouldn't. Immigrants should assimilate.

He's just a fucking old lady who's only concerned with what sounds "extreme"
Ugly and repetitive, can't watch him.

then take solace that italy will outlive the fallout. either way

>letting her hair get wild
that or shes a lazy useless cam thought. take your pick

He's one of those "when will everything just go back to normal" people.

From the little bit I saw about 1-2 years ago he seems to be on pretty much solid middle ground and I can respect that

He’s one of the few keeping the centrist views alive, he has to appeal to moderates, and in doing so he mini-redpills them.

This, Tim is great.

radical centrists get the rope first

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Kek nobody is moving to Paris.

More than you think.

Of all the places in France they move to Paris, just seems hard to believe

A lot of retired anglos move to villages in the countryside. Burgers moving here tend to be rich kids on a gap year or yuppies or basic bitch shitlibs and they move to Paris.
It's not just Paris, every city you could place on a map, London, Paris, Berlin, or wherever is turning into a rally point for the same bougie pozed rootless cosmopolitans from everywhere and nowhere. They're like locusts.

stop getting 100% of your personality from random youtubers

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>still discussing beanie babies

You retards have your own tulip mania, it’s called ecelebs