Clown world

Is clown world a normie meme now or did I just meet a channer? Just heard a 20-something straight white male use it unironically.

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Clown world is a just a coping mechanism for the alt-right.
In reality, Black Men like myself are genociding them and they're so emasculated they jerk it to BBC porn because they know whats comin.
White women hate them, and want too see em all gone.
It's over for em in reality. they turn to feminzation-sissy porn to become a female to serve a Black Man since they aren't really "men" anymore

>black lives actually matter
>not a clown world
Choose one and only one

Send pics of your BBC or gtfo faggot

I havent herd it used by boomers so its not totally mainstream. I work in a factory with an age range of workers from 18-60+ and never once herd it so must be still a Jow Forums thing possibly a few subreddits and facebook users.

Black lives matter user. Without black lives who would populate Europe?

Europeans. Now why don't you populate a graveyard instead?

Ah yes, the classic three genders: Male, Female and Trying To Escape A Black Hole

I’ve never heard it irl and I actually go outside and everything.

Yes it is a huge normie meme, all over Instagram and such.

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I hear it in public sometimes locally, I just assume it's fellow tards or people browsing youtube comment sections or facebook. This place is mainstream

why is the wheelchair man going so fast

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checked and kekd

This. I was just reflecting on the purpose of rules 1 and 2 this morning, and how they haven't been followed for a decade or so.

>Black Men like myself are genociding them

oh ya the blacks genociding the whites.. it's's damn true.

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Its transchair they're just getting up to use the bathroom.

Then they need to start populating. I don't understand how the Irish, who blanketed the US with their massive families, can't even keep their population at neutral nowadays.

Unrestrained growth is cancer. It is normal for populations to stabilize and decline.
is turboJew nonsense.

It's a CIA meme. If it enters the public sphere, you can guarantee that it wasn't natural to begin with. It's a demoralization meme, like Amerimutt or BLACK BVLL. Case in point, check out what happened on your thread in response to your suspicion. It was immediately shit up with shills.

chans are largely frequented by normalfags these days.

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Don't respond to them.

piss on the floor

I miss the internet when it was for nerds, programmers, and outcasts. I know I'm dating myself, but the mid to late 90s internet culture was the most fun I've ever had in front of a computer.

Sometimes lurkers need to know the right responses to shill bullshit so they have ammunition to fight that shit IRL.

Why? Does it rustle their jimmies to read all the racist stuff for shock value?

why do you race all ways cryed about racism can't not your tiny brain think of something new? wow

Well, if you haven't noticed, media outlets the world over have been shoving politics down everyone's throats since the election. But more than that, it's spread via social media. Things like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Reddit, Jow Forums, Instragram, Imgur. Anything that links up to the public sphere and allows public broadcasts to a person's media feed is used as a propaganda tool. The reason we had such a nice time online for a good many years, is that internet was divorced from cable, and businesses didn't understand how to reach us outside of pop-up ads which people just closed, and later blocked automatically. Things are much worse now.

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it could be a trains-chair

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its normie now. most stuff on Jow Forums is instant normie now cuz normies are on Jow Forums now.

i like how the wheel chair guy is going super fast on the retard sign, but sitting like a boring old fart on the old handicap sign. ZOOM ZOOM

I just happen to identify as someone that pisses in sinks and shits on floors. That looks like that bathroom for me.

the meme may be semi mainstream now among normie conservatives, but I think the source of the meme is still unknown to most of them. I think youtube is the main source people find out about Jow Forums memes. I've yet to see any youtube videos actually mention Jow Forums by name tho.

It's not a Jow Forums meme. I heard it on MPC years ago.