Let's be real, does Trump even stand a chance in 2020?

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Yes, the deep state want him to win, especially after his recent provocation of iran and doubling down protection of israel, expect the dems to ruin their party once more with bernie/kamala turning off a lot of dems and biden getting the nominee.

Nope. And he didnt in 2016 either. So just go on believing the enemy while we drag you into the future and greatness!

You are the smartest leaf i've ever encountered here.


So he’s a shill

His approval ratings have been steady the entire time. Don’t believe the garbage media and the balls-in-their-mouth left telling you everyone hates him.
Also the dems are a dumpster fire. Don’t even give a shit who wins,
that’s just a fact.

ALL civic methods of representation for white people have been exhausted both in Europe and America.

The National Socialist Revolution has begun

ALL white men are expected to join the National Socialist Revolution by virtue of their genetic inheritance.

There is nothing you can say or do that will change the fact Trump will be in office until January 2025.

Shill all you want, nobody believes your pathetic attempts.

Let's be real....

Do you really think voting will save White people?

The incumbent always has an advantage.

judging by the dem debates, yeah.

see nixon in 72

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You can't tell me what to do fruitcake

I know all of you faggot ass niggers LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Israel so perhaps he may stand a chance if he goes to war with Iran (securing Greater Israel project) or does something even more insane to appease Israel. Otherwise this orange toad is screwed because of his lack of understand of why he was voted in the first place. BUT, it depends on which cuck is going to be the Democratic nominee. Tulsi, Yang, Bernie are going to be electric shocks to the field whereas Biden and Warren is gonna be a cakewalk for the Chad Trump. Who knows?

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The Democratic candidate is 98% sure to win.

Even liberals say Trump is going to win. Not that I give a fug since both parties are controlled by kikes.

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only way he loses if democrats stuff the ballots enough

realistically, its going to be a very hard fight. probably tougher than 2016. my biggest worry is a complacent and unmotivated republican turnout.

I don't care

I just want American stock market to crash so I can profit

I just want to see the next meltdown if he wins

In 2016 he ran as the candidate of law and order. In 2020 he'll be the candidate of "correcting historical injustices against African Americans" with the First Step Act, as well as promoting LBGT rights all across the world. You tell me.

He won 2016. The electoral college is there for a reason. Abolish it, day of the rope.

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No Democrats stand a chance
Who’s going to win?
Pedo Joe?
Grandpa Bernie?
Barring any election fraud it’s going to be a landslide

Absolutely NOT.
There's no chance American nationalists will vote for a kike sucker. He keeps shilling for Israel. He campaigned on America First but did more for Israel.
Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. And with the the ZOG trying to fuck him up since the start of his presidency I don't see him being reelected.

The conditions that saw him elected in 2016 have been slowly dismantled by his opponents, the free-reign Trumps supporters enjoyed online has been removed, the media complex that grew around his campaign has all but been deplatformed, the controls his opponents have put in place are electorally insurmountable in this day and age. They have instituted a digital settlement that will see one side banned from campaigning, no one can win under these conditions.

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Nope, now with google support the demoncrats will win the next election by 55%.

>play game of chess
>b-b-but i had more pieces, how could i lose?

he might be in trouble if the dems have a candidate join the 2020 race. but that thankfully hasn't happened yet

this time he's finished(tm)

seriously, we can't let him have the nuclear codes (again)

Yes. It's likely that the Democrats don't even want to win this time because they'd be stuck with a Republican Senate. Sure they hate Drumpf but he doesn't really do much.

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there will just be a digital insurgency. enjoy.

Yes. /Thread.

I wouldn't go that far. He will get a second term bye just won't live through it.

>his lack of understand of why he was voted in the first place.
He's in the oval office because whites are starting to realize that the migrant invasions aren't stopping.

so they're gonna vote dem and/or sit out?
yeah okay
nice flag btw faggot burn in hell

Yes. He is going to win in a landslide.

Trump's going to fail if he keeps supporting Jews to the extent that he has up until now.

There's no way he's keeping the white man or even the black man's vote when these racist Jews are conspiring daily for global dominance despite slavery being fucking encoded within their DNA.

I mean, look at the sheer number of Jewish women flocking in droves towards nigger-dick. Nobody supports the Jewish man and nobody should even bother trying.

Bribery stops working when chinks and niggers have enough money to do it themselves... not to mention the Jewish woman's filthy pussy.

MAGA! White man is supposed to be free, not ruled by Jews who would rather serve nigger-dick than even their own kind. Because Jews were treated so savagely in the past, violence is encoded within their DNA.

It's all they understand... violence & oppression.

As an outsider looking in when he won his first term I would have said no.
From day 1 ((they)) switched from laughing at him to attacking him but now looking at how bland terrible the contenders are and his publicity with Korea along with the transparent attempts by the media to once again control the narrative.. I think he might have a shot.

The Dems need someone with a meme that people can relate to and they only person I can see with that kind of base being built around him is Yang but the Dems are just as bad as republicans when it comes to uncontrolled welfare so he will never be allowed in sadly.

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found a pic of op

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it is not a command from your contemporaries that you must follow but one from your ancestors.

looking at the shitshow that is the dem lineup, it's honestly looking like he'll clinch a victory

No. He's going to be locked up for Russian collusion before his first debate.

And you can take that to the bank

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Honk, honk!

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Screech, thunk!

Meedic! Meeedic!

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1) this entire thread is the product of foreign interference in a USA election by a swiss poster
2) the democrats are fucking NAZIS
what do you think
you can vote for Trump or you can vote for a fucking NAZI
you tell me
do the non-NAZIs have a chance?

Oh, dear! There's nothing I can do to save him!

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It's going to depend on whether democrats vote for whoever the candidate becomes or if the ones who didn't get their desired candidate get salty.


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Mr. Maza, do you repent of all your sins and reprobate life?


Ego te absolvo.

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Did you see the democratic debate? he has a better chance than in 2016 by a mile

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The only way he can lose is if the democrats dont fuck up, and they always fuck up. They are going to run someone unelectable after overthinking it and then claim he won because racism/sexism/somethingphobia

probably not no

No, I'll get him this time!

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