Make Guam a state

Guam is an island full of trad wife material, picture related. We already own it. Let's make it a state!

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>she fucks BLACK BVLLS on the side
>has a baby with her cuckold to cover up

Will they vote Republican?

>two more Dem senators
Lol no

Brown people can never be Traditional, they are destined for poverty and crime, that is not the TRAD we whites look for, no one cares about niggers. TRAD is High IQ white women who behave civil, brown people are about as civil as a nigger


Chamorros are niggers.

Stating them and not Puerto Rico will trigger Horse face bitch and send a clear and demoralized message to her entire racelet. Guam up.

I want to succ a titty


>Literally make a Hawaii 2: Democrat Boogaloo

Posting roastie pics on social media isn't trad Pedro. Also brown "people" repulse me.

No. We should cut it from us. Like Puerto Rico.

You JUST KNOW she is fucking Black Men on the side.

Jesus christ whytebois, all ur women LOVE BLACK COCK wtf is up wit dat?

BLack COCK is breeding ur race, and raping ur race.
Your women scream during sex with black men"IMPREGNATE ME WITH UR BLACK SEED KING PLEASEEEE GOD UR SO GOOOOD!!!!"

If I recall right, they must apply to be a state first, we can't force them to become one if they don't want to

Do they vote conservative?

Some girl I had a crush on in 4th grade moved there.

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They are all on welfare or otherwise dependent on the government.
They will never vote Republican.

Mate that woman isnt even white she's pacific islander or some shit

>literal niggers
>wife material

I wish I was that child

>muh dick itches
Not an argument to make guam a state. In fact, your post is a solid argument why Guam should never be a state. No one thinks about Guam except the Guamians. So, you must be a Guamian and you guamed all over Jow Forums

Tulsi, Jow Forums's mommy is from around there

Uh no. We should give it back to the natives and revoke their citizenship. Same with Puerto Ricans.

Hell no. What island niggers vote right wing?

Hawaii shouldn't be a state much less Guam.

>trad wife material
You want an island with the population size of a town to become a state ? An island wich is 90% non-White ?

hes a big guy

>trade wife
>exposing her tits for a photo to be posted online

Kill yourself. I mean it.

I would do a running drop kick into that little faggot and start sucking those milk bags myself. Fuck Guam and fuck niggers.

Jesus Christ, that's brutal and immoral!

light brown women are so fucking hot
wish you could experience that my white brothers from the north

>wanting to subsidize that shithole region everytime monsoon season hits
Yeah, no thanks.

you mean nigger half breeds?

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How is Guam for vacation? Is it less expensive than Hawaii? What are the people like?

There are naked breasts milking white babies all over the beaches. That's a good deal at any cost

>Micronesians are Africans

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Yeah, act like you wouldn't crawl over a mile of broken glass to fuck that

yes just top notch pussy and dick sucking abilities its insane

I wouldn't do that because I just pull out my wallet and start thrusting


We don’t need any more bean people

We already have too many

Guamanians are so disgusting

If you promise me I'll get to suck a big milk filled tiddie like the one in your picture then you have my vote sir.

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Shut the fuck up user

Guam is filled with nothing but sub-human Filipinos.

Haven’t you forgot that the Filipino gene pool is just one giant toilet that Spain and indigenous niggers took shits in together?

Actually Puerto Rico is a corrupt Communist/Bolshevist dystopia run by commie scum. Most of the people there want the place to become a state in the hopes of making PR's commie tyrants more accountable and hopefully bring some democracy and capitalism to the island. That carmen cruz commie is hated by the people she rules over. CBS tried to interview the people of her city and shut it down almost immediately because it was practically a cry for help to save them from Carmen Cruz's rule. A police officer from there also called into a Miami radio station to dump info on the levels of soviet corruption going on there. The place was practically taken over by members and apologists of criminal terrorist group of commies that wanted to turn PR into an independent communist nation. Carmen Cruz is one of them and when Barry the faggot Obama pardoned and released one of those terrorists who bombed hundreds of locations in the US she praised the terrorist as an ally unabashedly on twitter.

In short; turning PR into a state would actually trigger the leftists far more than anything.

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pay attention nigger, this is a Guam thread

Calm your tits, kike.


Us first.

Why would anyone vote Republican? They don't offer anything to Americans, it's all for Israel.

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Haha Mexico has more of a chance to become a state than your island ghetto, pay debts.

I don't owe shit, and neither does Puerto Rico. The US owes us everything.

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I bet someone is excited about raising other guy's son.

You guys should get full independence.

It's not big enough to be a state. Puerto Rico should be made a state, and then break up California in 4 states to balance things out politically.

Puerto Rico is completely swimming in Federal debt. You guys are a giant drag on the mainland.

2% huh. Is that where his support is tracking lmao

Only person from Guam I ever knew was a hot native (probably half-white) who married a US soldier and moved to the US and had three kids with him. She worked two jobs. Type A personality, hyper social, very friendly, probably 110 IQ with an Asian tiger mom vibe. Weirdly old-school American culturally with an autistic level of patriotism and love of the armed forces. No idea what the average local is like there but they have some interesting potential to say the least.

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Wouldn't that give them more seats in congress? I think that's the reason Texas is such a huge state, when the original plan was to have 3-5 smaller ones, so that slave states wouldn't get too powerful.

If that were true, we would have been given independence a long time ago.

Actually I’d like to give Guam statehood just to spite PR.

Guam is an island full of spics and niggers WE DONT FUCKING NEED MORE OF THAT FUCK YOU MUTT

Debt is a load of non-issue bullshit and has been since the US Dollar became fiat currency. It's a scapegoat to mask your hatred of certain types of people when you don't even benefit from them not receiving money and you believe to be justified by some moralfaggotry rooted in ancient Jewish tribal customs even though you hate Jews but you're too stupid to realize it.

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puerto rico is a glinpish Americas future as the race agenda goes forward.
poverty, dirty, tax leeches that cant get basic things like hurricane action and relief plans on a island known for hurricanes

>its okay to be a welfare island because debt isnt real
this is your country on Hispanics

>Will they vote Republican?


Well fed

Cute. But that won't last long. Note the bag of chips.

Hnng those are nice

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"As of June 2019, federaldebt held by the public was $16.17 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.86 trillion, for a total nationaldebtof $22.03 trillion."
Pay debts.

I think we should give PR to and guam to china just for laughes.
They dont have racial hangups, they would just order 10 million Chinese to move there, declare vegrecncy and welfaire a crime and deport all the poor to the mainland for work projects.
They would be nice clean places with functioning industry in 5 years

im from Guam, been here all my life (not an islander)

Guam should ABSOLUTELY not be allowed to become a state. the government is a fucking mess and in debt JUST like Puerto Rico. the people are retarded and full of immigrate criminal rapists from other outer islands like the FSM who commit crime but get slaps on the wrist. The local Guam government is so inept they cant even prosecute rapists correctly. Our gun laws suck, but are not California tier.(yet).

declare Independence



We tried that, faggot. How many times do we have to tell you? The Jews won't let us go. We make too much money for them.

is it just me or is that a huge baby???

Fuck you user let's bleach the population and turn them into gun loving whites

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>all these shills trying to force non-white racemixing on Jow Forums hundreds of times a day

They're big over there. Clearly a male

its funny you mention that. the Chinese have been doing allot of land buying and real estate development in a lot of the outer Micronesian islands. they are universally hated for being the opportunists they always are- illegal fishing, dumping, building shit not up to code, etc.

just like all the beaners vote Republican
aka not

Leave them alone out of your Jewish Empire, retard

is this where we make our dwayne johnsons or is that samoa? we need to make that a state i donnae wanna be on their badside

This is the only good thing about Guam. Plus you can fuck Flip bitches if you are too scared to go to the Philippines (2 hour flight away).

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The Rock is half nigger and born in Hayward California.

they actually like guns though. for a island that is predominantly blue, guns are the one thing that strangely never gets brought up in politics. Maybe it has to do with being occupied by the Japs during WW2.

>yfw the local talk radio boomer station starts off the show every single day citing the 2nd amendment

I hope no one actually falls for these shill threads
they do them with Asians, they do them with black women, they do them with Polynesians

if you have a problem with white women racemixing but think racemixing for white men is ok you're literally a fucking retard falling for Jewish tricks.

I guarantee OP is Jewish.

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been to guam 7 times, can confirm, chamorros are drunk niggers that just look for fights and have low 60s IQ, their culture is shit.

Who gives a shit if brownskins are ruled by gommunism or capitalism

id say the food is way better, no one drinks that sugary shit

"We want more immigration than ever, but is has to be done LEGALLY!" -Donald Trump

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spam over rice and a fried egg is not considered good food you fucking fat chamorro nigger.

>Guam’s current population: 167,226
>move 10 million Chinese there
They probably would.

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indenpence comes from a gun. sorry about the US cucking you though. I wish we would either act like a empire or not, I hate this pussy foot shit we do with the islands

I was refering more to PR with that number

>spam eggs and rice
>guam food

that shit is from hawaii you dumb nigger.

That red rice is pretty good