Russian-German Friendship thread

Let's continue our talk from the pastathread russo and austrobro

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There is no such thing as international friendship, Hans.

True, but closer relations between Russia and Germany would very much benefit both countries.
Also, I still wanted to continue the thread that was just archived.

Yep, but not while Putin is in charge.

A stronger cooperation between R's and G's industries would be in the interest of these industries, Putin and the Oligarchs. There already is much trade that even German politicians don't want to sanction.

I know, but Putin and oligarchs are the main reason we have almost no industry. Our economy is 90% based on trading of oil and gas.

What. Why would keeping down indistries be in the interest of a rich elite?

It's simple. Our existing industry companies are not effective because they're ruled by members of Putin's clan. All they can do is money-laundering. They do so when they get rigged government orders. Independent entrepreneurs often get raided by state superiors and their companies become the property of Russian elites.
For example, this is Igor Chaika. He is a billionaire. Why? His father is a General Prosecutor of Federation. He gets everything he wants. And he is above of the law.

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Holy shit. Are the Oil and Gas extraction companies also ineffective oligopoles or are they too important to be kept that way?

Of course. Rosneft is ruled by Igor Sechin (oligarch and Putin's old friend from St. Petersburg). His company currently has a debt of 4,4 TRILLIONS ₽. Gazprom is ruled by Alexei Miller (Putin's friend too). His company has a debt of 3,8 trillions of ₽. Meanwhile Sechin and Miller have the highest payment in the country.
This state is fucked. It's just a matter of time when it will be dead.

Putin is the only reason your country still has oil to sell. Once he's out of office, Russia will splinter and all you'll have left will be a piece of frozen wasteland on the outskirts of Europe while China grabs resources rich Siberia. And if you think Germany will have any gibsmedat to spare by that time, think again. You'll be lower than third world.

We already are third world, burger. Stop watching RT propaganda or fuck off with your worthless opinion.

You ain't seen nothing yet, you'll be poorer than Venezuela. European Russia is a worthless piece of barren land and Germany has already spent all the gibs it had on Poland and Hungary. Tan Germans Ahmed and Mehmet won't give you shit if that's what you're hoping for.

Reminds me of our public transportation. It's been privatized about 25 years ago, and since then most positions have been filled with former car industry CEO's and politicians acting in the interest of car companies. They have since then fired thousands of workers, deconstructed railways and have a deal with our government stating that, if something needs maintenance, the company has to pay for it. If it breaks the state has to. You can probably guess to what this leads.
They now sell trucks (as a railway company) and busses into other countries. And have been starting ridiculously broken and expensive building projects, like Stuttgart 21, to create more rail-free areas they can sell off.

Give back Pomerania, Silesia, Königsberg, Memel. Then talk.

Actually it pisses me off when I can't find real German goods on the local markets. Everything was replaced by Chinese crap. Do you have a light and heavy industry yet?

Sniff my instead

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Must be sanctions. We have a russian supermarket in the town I live in, and I heard from a russian classmate that there are other ones in many towns.
Our Industry is mostly focused on cars, chemistry and pharma. Don't know much about consumer goods.

Again, fuck off, burger. We lived through disastrous 90s. We know how shitty life can be. And you saw nothing.

Russia offered to give back Eastern Prussia. Your government is the reason we couldn't agree.

Europeans have been killing each other for 2 millennia and the lines on the map have barely changed

Funny, I always thought Germany made not only cars, but some other goods. Electronics for example. As I heard most of this like Bosch, Siemens are made in China now. That's pretty depressing.

You lived because your resources rich Eastern territory saved your ass. Once it's gone there'll be nothing to "live through", just perpetual hunger and poverty. You have zero understanding of how money is generated in an economy beyond "I want gibs".

Managers have to increase their already more than high enough wages after all.

Burger, our economy is fucked and entirely resource-oriented because of Putin and his clan, you moron. Getting rid of him is the only way to bring back middle class in our country. Third time is say you to fuck off.

I see them as the traitors. Tell me, is there any rise of rights in Germany? Is society is turning right or not?

If Russians and Germans start getting Molotov-Ribbentrop ideas again I'll start to question the suppiriority of the white race.

What are you doing in Serbia, Wazlaw?

Our modern bourgeoisie

There is a push to the right, but the AfD is another party completely up the asses of said managers, mostly for campaign donations and cozy retirement positions in their companies, and advocates for tax cuts, less welfare (for everyone), more privatization and the only point in which they are different from the old parties is their immigration policy.
And why give a shit about getting less immigrants if it also means lowering the standard of living for the benefit of a small elite?

Your economy will be non-existent soon. You will have no resources to sell and you don't have billions of bugmen on standby to make you an attractive investment for production outsourcing. You could never compete with Western markets in terms of high tech, there are patents and ties and contracts that go back decades if not centuries that you aren't part of and never will be.
A wealthy middle class doesn't just magically appear out of thin air, you have to have a high GDP for that. And you need to export goods for that. Once Russia splits and Siberia is gone your GDP will be lower than Venezuela's and North Korea's.

East Germany is turning right wing (AFD). West Germany is turning green (left wing for rich people and idiots).

AfD is just as much for the rich as these warmongering greens.

The real strength of germany has always been culture and science. Industry just is a result of this.
Sadly the society is failing at these strengths now too. The young generation is so fucking dumb.

True, it's just appealing to the dumb working class, even though they don't realize what would happen when AFD came to power. Same shit different clientel.

Well, that sucks. But this is better alternative to Green, I suppose. Too much comfort leads to weakness.

The SPD and CDU don't give a flying fuck about german culture. The only reason the SPD doesn't close down art galleries is because they want the prestige in Europe that they bring.

The greens are just as bad as the SPD. They call themselves pacifists yet they were the driving force behind germany entering the Kosovo war.

Oh lol, looks like GDR is getting back. Nationalistic, not communist this time.

Zoomers aren't so dumb as our generation. They'll get this right, I'm sure.

If only Die Linke realized that immigration of cheap workforce is damaging to the wellbeing of the german working class. I agree with their tax policies, just their immigration policy is a problem.

And who the fuck are voting for them? Non-Germans?

German zoomers are 90% Green voting lefties

Nostalgic hippies and zoomers sick of the main coalitions stance on climate change.

Russia German alliance is the only thing that can undue Anglo world homogeny which has been acknowledged since Germany became a country. The only reason it never happened is because you and the germs are easily fooled retards

Yes, exactly. The "GDR" structures are still strong.
Feels like they are what is really left of Prussia.

I don't believe culture can be reborn at this point. We have been bombarded with leftist propaganda and american cultural enrichment for too long (decades).
It would take an event of catastrophical dimensions for a clean restart.

An educational reform concentrating on history, STEM and maybe better financed music schools could help.

CDU is just ultra-capitalistic now. They have one thing on their mind: money and power. They don't care one iota about germany.

SPD and greens are national traitors. Always have been: "Wer hat uns verraten? Sozialdemoktraten!"

The greens are just fucking crazy: LGBT psychos and self-destructive agents.

And because a certain failure of an emperor getting too much advice from the military.

>t. Vlad
Germany has stopped being relevant decades ago and will be majority Arab by 2040 and Russia has a few years left of being relevant. Th upcoming powers of this century will be the US, China and India.

Your schools are minority German.

And the AfD is just a differently colored FDP trying to catch disillusioned voters.
If only .

If you seriously think we aren’t in the same boat as the rest of the chuckle fucks I feel bad for you.

Yes, also a more nationalistic (european) self-awareness. Have you seen the universities? 2/3 full of chink students. What the fuck is this shit? German working class men are barely able to afford having a family and we build Universiites so chinks can come here and get their masters degree? Clown world.

Don't know about the universities, reputable universities are a good thing, but the people coming there should either be paying taxes, from part of the EU (finances universities too after all) or pay money for it.

The destruction of the nation's infrastructure also had a devastating effect on national cohesion.
The Bundeswehr is non-exisiting. The Bundesbahn is a joke. The Deutsche Post is now a production company for electrical cars.
The Deutsche Bank is in ruins. etc. etc.

Actually it can be gained back as the reaponse to deculturisation. I think zoomers will turn right when the time comes.

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The long term effects of privatization have to be recognized as such and infrastructure should be returned to the state.

Half of spics are white-ish and they work, so do Poojeets and Asians. Muzzies and niggers in Germany don't work, at all. t. Kraut expat

Fully agree. And reinstate the Wehrpflicht. It is essential that young men learn what duty for the state means, dicipline and self-sacrifice.

The Bundeswehr should finally be turned into a defensive army as the Grundgesetz demands it to be. Either that or article 146 should be invoked.
Imagine a military after the swiss model, or like the Schwarze Reichswehr in the Weimar Republic.

Very true picture.

Did you understand that?

Fuck off my heritage nigger. Spics don’t work and your faggot fucking race traitor ass killed this country.

Can't agree more. Why do we have to meddle in Afghanistan, Sudam and who the hell knows where? This is just plain breaking the Grundgesetz. The fuckers allowing this have no shame.

It transcends language.

Maybe not Wehrpflicht, something like state sponsored sports clubs, not required to be taken of course, but as a sort of recruitment pool for police, firefighters and military.

Atlantikbrücke is one hell of a drug.

It is. They are all traitors.

Whatever you're seeing around you, Germany is much much worse. It's worse than Canada by far.

What's your opinion on how the SPD and Bertelsmann butchered our social security net?

Ok, I'm going to sleep. Good luck, нeмцы.

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Good night.

SPD: Started as a working class movement. And that is their primal problem. As soon as they get into real power, they start to get greedy like for example Gerhard Schröder.
He is a prime example. Comes from a poor working class family, worked his way up and become chancellor. Then turned into "Genosse der Bosse" and made as much money as he could. I see Schröder as the starting point of this extortion. He made politics like FPD - only worse.
Bertelsmann and the other media groups (Funke etc.) are the spider in the web pulling the strings in the background and manipulating the masses. Whoever reads the Bild-Zeitung should be gassed to improve the overal IQ.

Another problem is them desperately trying to stay in power. In 1918, regardless of what you think of the revolution, and even in 1914, they betrayed both their voters and their ideology for the purpose of staying in power and gaining it.

Have to follow our russian friend though, it's getting pretty late.

Help me out, I'm Eastern Orthodox and want to move to Russia. But I'm an Ethnonationalist. Where is safe place to move to in Russia?

>rich white guy

Yeah me too. Good night.

Good thread, quite interesting to read through your guys perspectives.

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>Russian-German Friendship

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