Bow before the one true King of Jerusalem

Attached: King of Jerusalem.png (459x427, 357K)

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hmm, never trust spain, all i have to say

I trust Spain more than the Portuguese


>How many Portuguese people does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
One Brazilian.


Is the King of Spain the true heir to that throne? I know during the crusades that the throne in Jerusalem was occupied by French royalty that married into Armenian royalty. I haven't followed the succession. I never thought it was relevant.
Wouldn't some British monarch be the rightful heir because the British Empire was the last power to own that piece of real estate?
Or are we going to start looking at lineages going all the back to the crusades?

¡Viva España, viva el Rey!
Shut up, pussy.

Attached: Felipe-Jerusalem.jpg (1913x1044, 827K)

We didn’t participate that much in the Crusades. We often looked the Crusaders as Moors, because they raped and raid almost everything they could.

This man is no King of Spain, he's an imposter. Only a Habsburg have a legitimate claim to the Throne.
But Viva España anyway.


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>American royalty during crusades
Burger education

lurk moar tard


You can spot it from miles.

Just look at the younger Habsburgs instagrams and spotifies. They are the epitome of degeneracy. The current royalty of Europe is botched and corrupt. Most detestable in the eyes of God.

Mueller investigated the Habsburgs

Attached: manafort.jpg (2809x2952, 2.49M)

Fun and informative.

>m-muh jews
Fuck off.
Habsburgs are the only legitimate rulers of the HRE and its states like Germany and Austria, ass well as Spain and Portugal and its colonies.

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>Doesn't know what Armenian means
>Assumes I meant American royalty
Educate yourself

>We didn’t participate that much in the Crusades.
Go back to History classes, mate. You had your own Crusade on your own land.


Stop living in the past. You have no idea how far that royal family has fallen. They may be legitimate heirs but do they deserve to in their current state. They are a race of modernists


They are not that bright, but way better than the portuguese. Love you, tards s2

There are fine Habsburgs left. For example, the Hungarian Ambassador to the Holy See seems to be a fine guy.
The destruction of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was the worst thing that even happen in Europe since the reformation and the france revolution.
I blame you Americans.

Yeah, I didn't think so. I was just wondering who the true heir to that title would be. If the French monarchy was still around, I would assume that the French monarch would have a right to the claim.

Dude you are retarded

Brazilians care about copa america or they dont give a fuck?
Chilean indios are going to win

Maybe. If Habsburgos won the Succesion War, Spain would have to deal with more wars against the Protestants, but since Habsburgos liked incest so much, we ended up with a retard Carlos II, The Enchanted who chose Borbones over Habsburgos. Doesn’t matter that much.

Blame the balkan niggers. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was bound to fail after Napoleon decimated the HRE.

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go run after that ball, goy

>Brazilians care about copa america or they dont give a fuck?
Right now our footballing pride is hurt, so we care a lot about winning anything we can. But when we get our next World Cup the Copa America should go back to being just a winter tournament we play when there's no Cup.

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Provincial territories, not colonies. People living under the Spanish Crown had the same rights under the same God.
It’s called Reconquista and its far more honorable (1212, Navas de Tolosa) than the Crusades, learn more history instead of spending most of your time selling drugs in your favelas.

Franco should have correct this historical error and choosen a Habsburg, even if not Otto.
Nah, the Empire could dealt with them. Italians were more of a pain in the ass. They got fooled by the mason Garibaldi.
Fuck off.
Thing is, Habsburgs should rule Europe and restore the Holy Roman Empire.

Doesn't King Abdullah of Jordan hold the title for safeguarding the Christian and Muslim sites in the old city? He was very adamant about not giving up control a couple months ago when an unnamed party (probably Saudis, or maybe this king of Spain) tried to take the responsibility from him. Even though Israel polices the city, the King of Jordan oversees a lot of the old cities needs.

This guy can't come out of nowhere and claim some old title, that's how the bullshit with Jewish immigration started in the first place. Just let the Palestinians be.


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"Crusades" is an anglo terminology anyway. No one called it like that in the middle ages.

>fixed the middle east
Why did you sink Cyprus to the bottom of the ocean? Also there are only 2-4 million Assyrians left on the planet...


Mother of Ferdinand Zvonimir von Habsburg
You can look at other images from around the same time where his sisters are attending that degenerate cesspit of faggotry. They've fallen and don't deserve to rule even if it was offered to them. The same goes for Felipe Borbon. Hes gone out of his way to decatholicize Spain and is a traitor to his bloodline and Spain.


Cuz whoever made the map I edited is retarded.

If you are talking about Ferdinand's sister, yes, she seems to be a thot, but she is no the one in the sucession line.
On the other hand, I agree that the children of Karl von Habsburg don't seem "fit" to rule, but the Habsburgs are a lot more people than then. The Hungarian House of the Family seems to be pretty based. I guess that's because Hungary today has a better traditional culture than Austria.

All of them are practically negroephiles. If hypothetically a renaissance of European Monarchism takes hold, virtually all legitimate heirs would be unfit to rule. They have succumbed to the same Jewish poison that has infected the whole world. I for one would support a Habsburg return only if they would be in tandem with Catholic social law and be free of the vice ridden tendencies that so many royal houses exhibit

I agree with you. I don't want a secular Habsburg rule. I want another Blessed Kaiser Karl.
Thing is, the Habsburg is the most important royal family in the post Roman European history and we all should seek to restore them on their full glory.

This kike is really neurotic

Where to find this Habsburg Hitler? Archduke Ferdinand is our best hope and is the legitimate heir. It is possible for him to be proclaimed KAISER but I doubt the Habsburgs will ever reimpose a menacing presence in worldy affairs again. Felipe Borbon is an idiot who has settled for female heiresses. If he was the ultimate chad king he would of bred a soccer team of children by now.

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if you knew how bad things really were...

What is that flag? Does anyone think the plvs vltra is intriguing?

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We just need to reject modern inventions (ie, everything post the reformation). Felipe is a cuck who married an abortist divorcee. He should not rule Spain. Juan Carlos was a mistake.

I agree. Franco should of just pulled a Napoleon and declare himself the legitimate King LOL.

I play enough EU4 to recognize that flag.
its thailand right? :D DD D

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blasphemers gonna blaspheme

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>shilling for habsburgs
why do brs love kissing the feet of the worst people on earth? between the TV prottie jews, bolsokike, and habsburg, geez, gimme a break.

Fuck Felipe though.


That's the Spanish King Felipe IV you fucking retard

There was an ARG revolving "plus ultra" from the (((disney))) movie tomorrowland, there's always a schizo who larps about it being true but it's a waste of time.
If you don't believe me search the tomorrowland arg, it will always lead to disney

Felipe is the King of Jerusalem, retard.

Attached: teh-future.jpg (1194x1021, 534K)

Disney didn't make that up out of nowhere.

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Who's this nigger?

The King of Jerusalem, apparently.

Checked and hope pilled.

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what did he mean by this?

>It’s called Reconquista and its far more honorable
It was a Crusade. If you don't know that the Reconquista received the same treatment by the Church as the Crusades into the Middle East, you should study more and stop worshipping a midget Argentine.

If Juan colonized you not only would you be a balcanized state but your natives would be genocided.
Now that I think of it, you are right, Spain should have colonized you.

Ok paneleiro.

>your natives would be genocided
>Literally all of Latin America has significant native American population

B-Barbosa !?!?!? HOW?

>what is cortez

>No Baathist Iraq