Northern Wisconsin is already the white ethnostate

>Zero blacks or hispanics
>lots of fresh water
>trees and resources
>girls with good faces and birthing hips
>can build cabins and weld
>moonshine is legal
>fish, deer, moose, muskrat, geese

Attached: wausau.jpg (509x671, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Typical northern Wisconsin mommy material, pic related

Attached: wausau-mommy.jpg (810x598, 115K)

More proof

Attached: wausau1.jpg (553x553, 76K)

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Wausau is overrun by filthy Hmongs

>>Zero blacks or hispanics
>>lots of fresh water
>>trees and resources
>>girls with good faces and birthing hips
>>can build cabins and weld
>>moonshine is legal
>>fish, deer, moose, muskrat, geese

Hey man I've been thinking about moving to Wisconsin from the coast. Aren't the only places where you can find work either filled with FIBs or ultra in your face progressive?

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fucking delete this wiscobro we do not need Jow Forumsfags to know about this.

you obviously don't internet

Ill be there in 2 weeks. Is grindr popular in the suburbs of wisconsin? What are the legal issues of pounding ass in public at night? Maybe stick to the motel. Might split some twinks.

sorry, not living around you nordic cucks

whenever someone makes a thread like this it just makes sure you've put it on their radar and the next 100k illegals to cross are getting bussed there. keep your fucking mouth shut

fuck you and your gay thread then faggot, it was an innocent question kys nigger

Attached: 1553404844932.gif (416x450, 3.06M)

doesn't matter this thread has almost zero interest and will likely be deleted without being archived within 1 hour

pic related is typical NORTHERN wisconsin wife

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Fine, sensitive femtard, the answer is most people live off the land and trade with each other. Also High Speed internet is available and people know how to code and live using internet to monetize their activities. The population is very low, and land is cheap. There's not much public / state owned land. The people are very friendly and have chickens, hunt, fish, gardens with veggies and deep soil. Stop crying now.

typical SOUTHERN Wisconsin wife pic related

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Wausau is pretty neat, but it was filled with Hmong. I miss it

Also, what the fuck gives the Woodchucks the right to be named the "Wisconsin Woodchucks"? They're a college summer league team. Tell them to go back to that retarded old mascot as well, that thing was fantastic

what do you think about Rhinelander?

Attached: rhinelander.jpg (698x556, 53K)

any high T intelligent White male can completely dominate this entire region and become famous

Still to close to niggers

Niggress way too thin and hot to be from S Wisconsin



Are you scoffing at this pure white breeding ground with fresh water and resources and real white Men? We're better than you leafs fagget

I don't remember it, but almost everyone I've known from Rhinelander were pretty great.

The only place outside of Wausau I remember that well was Merrill...because it sucked

Yeah that's a shit hole


Not typical northern Wisconsin wife Green Bay and Milwaukee lots of nogs. Say away from there pretty white. Live bout hour north of Milwaukee. More niggers every year.

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madison is like that too

It's already a white ethnostate

> birthing hips

You mean fat as fuck had to go next county over to find non obese one

The commies are worse than the nogs in Madtown

I saw a thin girl today in SE WI....first one in years

Go up there every few years to visit aunt. It’s ok not shit to do except near by casino.

And what happens when the next Mullato Dem President decides it could use some diversifying

that's why you build a metal shop with a lathe and woodworking shop so you can form tools to form trees into cabins for shelter in the winter. chickens, geese, hunting, trapping, fishing. Man up

Niggers here outside of Milwaukee seem to know there place. 36 years only seen chimp out in Milwaukee while visiting a few times.

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Stay out of Milwaukee or Madison and you’ll be happy. I currently live in Fort Atkinson.

Got that - metal lathe. Less work up there lots of factories where I’m at. Made in my workshop with my Cnc router

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You'd be an excellent White Brother in the Northern Wisconsin ethnostate

There's also this place

but it's not as good

How are the suburbs around the cities though? I.e. living in Waukesha/Middletown and commuting to the city

Mines ok married 8yrs last week makes lots of cash at cheese factory too. Can’t make me white babies tho. Thinking bout fostering a nog.

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Wisconsin carefully maps all their lakes with sonar depth lines

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she will need leg muscle or have ice head injury within 3 years

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Ok safe 1hour north of Milwaukee 30 min south of Green Bay fairly white

that's nigger / mexican territory

Kek file name thanks annon she will get kick outta screen shot tomorrow

Racine is a fucking ghetto

Wisconsin if full of double chinned ham planets that take nigger dick at the drop of a hat.

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Milwaukee and Green Bay yes. Not there tho. Sometimes go weeks without seeing a nigger

The western half of Wauwatosa is nice. West Allis is terrible. I had a good impression of St. Francis, but I didn't spend a lot of time there.

Stay away from Brown Deer.


Wait til the Somalis arrive

Double chin ham plants


True took me 25 years to find one that was a virgin and not fat. Even then it was like winning the lottery.

Keep my homeland a secret you kike fuck


There are literal Muslim extremists walking through the fucking malls in Eau Claire. Your state is importing shitskins as fast as California. Thank Paul Ryan and that pussy Walker, they love diversity!

Samalis coming sources please. Never even seen Africa nig b4 just Milwaukee nig

Thank you user now I can move there an give a hot white woman my Hispanic seed.

Fuck off, we're full.

Eau Claire might as well be Minneapolis. We run folks like that outta town around here.

Every time a mutt says this about some shitty place in their country it turns out to be a race mixing liberal hell hole. Just admit your country is beyond saving without any decent places left already.

Sure sure, eventually the GOP in your state will mandate your wife fucks a nigger and you sponsor a rapefugee from Somalia. Paul Ryan said we should let everyone in, right MIGA-PEDE?

Enjoy your forced immigration
You flag sucks

Waukesha county isnt bad... the city of waukesha is full of spics.

Hope not death first government does suck here tho.

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Fucking can’t protest Israel law floors me makes me wanna leave. But where?

Nice antique collection grampa

I live in Rhinelander. It's getting more blacks now and half the town is trailer parks. In da woods still has some Confederate flag waving "we need a revolution types" but they have beer guts. Young women put out if you have money and a muddy truck they can take pics in for their kikebook tl. That's if you can find one that's not a single mom by 20. Guys are real tree hat, dip lip retards blowing wads in anything that walks.

So no, it's no ethnostate and more like the wreckage and toxic waste of the German folk that settled here.

Wisconsin Badger SJWs are in Madison.

What about the deer flies?

Thanx got a few newer ones it’s what in used to shooting tho. 35 btw. Got this guy wit revolver.

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This is accurate...also...the world
ended in 2012 and we are ALL in Hell

Can we fix it with log cabins made from scratch, muskrat traps, and metal working?

Attached: siberia-cabin.jpg (960x540, 393K)

How the fuck do you know if it's accurate user?

You gonna get Geined

Still plenty of good in world annon Jesus loves you. Explain how we are in hell with this driving around

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At the st. Germaine flea market I’ve seen plenty of people with waffen ss tattoos, and lots more selling hitler pictures and nazi memorabilia.

Not only is it basically a white ethnostate but it’s also full of nazis, and that’s a good thing.

I once drove from Chicago back to Minnesota, coming homeafter a concert-my cheap motel room outside O'Hare had a bullet hole in the glass (I got what I paid for, I had a giggle and had some beers in my room). On the way back, I made a few detours, to check some spots. I don't expect to pass those ways again, but I can say I've been to each.

Driving through Wisconsin, on the same day, I first rolled past the block of Jeffrey Dahmer's old apartment building and killing grounds. The immediate vicinity is a vacant lot, sort of up on a hill, with no apparent plans to build anything around there any time soon. Some houses on the same block, and permanent municipal signage sternly warning against stopping/loitering/etc. Next, right in the center of the state, was the site of Ed Gein's house.

I have made a similar tour of the various locations involved in the murder of Jacob Wetterling, in central Minnesota. I even retraced the killer's path as given in his testimony, which can be looked up. The Voss farm is nearby-as I rolled past, a family vehicle was pulling out.

I hope she has a nice penis

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deer flies can be repelled by using a rag set on an anthill for an hour and wiped across the back of the neck. Source: siberia

Everything in, either the darkest or second darkest shade of purple, are nice places to live in terms of demographics

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No, because the property tax will force you to work forever

uninvited squatters of america, go home!

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and here is a even more detailed map for those who don't want to check out the website, I can get this badboy down to the block.

Attached: block.png (1386x754, 1.12M)

Fuck you white injun

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>Can't make me white babies tho. Thinking bout fostering a nog.
Huh? Not gonna reproduce but instead, gonna raise a child who isn't of your blood and flesh? What kind of cuckoldry is this? Why won't you have babies with her? Cuck?

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I'm a bit farther north than you, I'm starting to see more nogs and hispanics.

>ever increasing amount of spics and niggers

Attached: Waukesha.png (188x201, 17K)

how many more?

Milwaukee aka kilwaukee to the nigs reporting in AMA inb4 niggers

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She is infertile due to car crash. Would love white one but like 50+ thousand to adopt one.


I've seen at least 8 niggers in pic related (Dickenson county MI)

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Going from once a year around town, to now I've spotted 3 in as many months. Also, the Walmart has several families of hispanics at any given time. Its a small town, though.

For the love of god don't adopt a nog

Oh, I see, sorry bro.

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You'll do fine in Walker's Point. That's where Dahmer used to score his victims.

You idiots are way too far south