Chicago screws foreign hordes

Why would Chicago do something like this? I thought they cared about diversity and representation and illegals voting???
What's their end goal?

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they can't be serious

Why should they get to vote?

Who knows. What’s the context? Maybe someone lower in the oppression pyramid needed a prop up

really gets the noggin joggin about the UIC logo

Attached: UICKKK.jpg (300x300, 11K)

>literally all pajeets.

it's all so tiresome.

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either way their admins seem like total brainlets

Chiraq is controlled by a nigger kleptocracy that robs the public blind all the time.

Perhaps because progressive ideas are a western thing and foreigners will vote leaning conservative?

damn when one of the candidates looks like this its no wonder they rigged it

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If they pay tuition why shouldn't they be able to waste it on electing ladder-climbing faggots to their useless student government?

Honestly this might be the most logical thing said so far

Based chicago

Based Americans

Honestly UIC is such a communist shithole anyway. So I welcome and misfortune for them

Yeah this is a crime against humanity! How will the pajeets survive??

Pretty sure UIC stands for University of Indians and Chinese, how will they ever recover? Can't even drive past science and engineering without seeing a brown wall of damn pajeets shitting up the street

>white americans are too stupid to study hard subjects
>get degrees in queer interpretive dance therapy instead
>somehow this is brown peoples' fault
wew. enjoy extinction, lad.

I wonder if our boy Bill Ayers still works there to recruit the new youth weather underground

Definitely does. He organized that protest that “shut down” the Trump rally.

International Students = Asians.

They only care about black women.

I can’t imagine them going that low

We ought to make Brutalism great again!

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unironically based, wish it still had the bridges

No way you can tell me that's not kino as fuck

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Damn they got a whole petition too

flood it lmao

whats the end game?

>Hundreds of international students were robbed of their right to vote in a recent student election at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), an investigation revealed.

>student election

Wow, it's literally fucking nothing.

Not true, if only PoC voted in your country it'd be 100% deep blue. Foreigners get accustomed to globohomo easier because globohomo panders to them and/or gives them free shit. Even if they recognize the pandering for what it is, the free shit is always welcome.

If they just pretend like this is normal, idiot normies will think it is normal.


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The student trustee sits on a board chaired by Jew Boy Pritzker

Reminder that there was a scandal with these universities passing over in-state Illinois applicants for foreign nationals, and those foreign nationals got to pay in-state tuition rates.

Paying taxes becomes more of a joke.

Attached: California Guide to Registration and Voting Process for Non-Citizens.jpg (640x640, 54K)

A whopping 1.5% of the student body did not get to vote apparently. What did this effect? Why is it noteworthy? It’s nothing and no one cares

really activates those almonds

meanwhile, at the university of colorado...

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When you take into account the vote margins it honestly seems pretty whack

How fucking DARE they deny foreign students the RIGHT to VOTE!

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The GI bill was a mistake.
It was the catalyst that started all this college nonsense.

damn niggas really getting worked up about this

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>David Krupa
Fucking Poles.
Always with the victim mentality.

the absolute fucking state

They tore that down in 1993 and it looked like shit by then. When you use shitty concrete in brutalist buildings, it turns to shit in 20 years.

Attached: uic.jpg (1200x795, 1.19M)

This is what it looks like now. It's still shitty; it's now just another kind of shitty.

Attached: uic now.jpg (1600x1064, 454K)

Seems like there’s something more. Bet they propped up candidates or something. Either that or they’re completely incompetent

>University of
>Indians and

>Chicago alderman
People with the highest integrity. Any time they are "outraged," you know it's the pure, righteous kind of outrage, and not just the empty, sanctimonious script of cronies in a den of thieves trying to cover their own asses.

Attached: jb pritzker raises gas tax in illinois.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

looks like the article linked a lengthy report

I'm so glad the brutalism meme is over

There are some beautiful applications of it though. You can’t deny that.

Oh and good luck to that polish kid you posted. He's trying to give them hell.

Friendly reminders..
uic just finished a union strike that they lost bigly
Uic launches commitment to have 50% female empowerment by 2020
Winners were three women

Really actives the almonds

Krupa is our there fighting the good fight

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UIC was the location where Trump had to cancel his rally in Chicago.

UIC is a total shitshow now.

(((They))) screwed the american worker by bringing in browns that will work for pennies

okay yeah there's definitely something fucky

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I don't know how Indians and East Asians vote but it's definitely not as hard left as blacks or Hispanics.

This is a major pattern for this shit hole

As a Chicagoan I can confirm it is. Bill Ayers The pentagon bomber led the protests here

Saying Illinois is ZOGged is putting it lightly.

I bet they did this 100% on purpose

The place is a straight up terrorist radicalizing facility