/LG/ - Libertarian general

are you sick of stormfags and reddditniggers? do you want old/pol/ back?

Well come on in and shoot the shit about taxes and recreational nuclear bombs

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I miss /n/. It was a simpler time.

Every country has taxes and state owned shit. You gotta fund the state somehow and if it's free will the state will be owned by foreign investors. Paying taxes is patriotic.

When the country that allowed you to become rich, protected you and your family, asks a little bit of it back, it's patriotic duty to give something back.

Traitors complain about taxes. In my country one of the biggest complainers a (((banker))) moved to Sweden although their taxes are just the same. What a fag.

>paying taxes is patriotic
>redddit spacing
big yikes

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Also if youre not a far right libertarian, support the LNP, or read Reason. You dont belong here. Rip Justin. We didnt deserve you. You may have been gay but you better man than that spineless faggot Jeffery Tucker will ever be. Said a Hail Mary for you the night you died.

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>Traitors complain about taxes
Yeah, right this way sir.

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may be useful short term but you should see beyond it, whoever you vote for the government always gets in

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Libertarianism is over, lads. The left went too far. The Enlightenment and liberal values have outlived their purpose. Human biodiversity has shown the impossibility of a lasting peace in multicultural societies. Europe has been overrun by third worlders who care not a whit for liberal values. USA will soon be majority Latino who don't care either. Your kids are being brainwashed by the Globohomo agenda. A reckoning is coming. A Caesar will appear, and your cherished freedom will be torn asunder. Read Moldbug. Read Carlyle. Read Spengler. Read Guenon and Evola. Surf the Kali Yuga and Ride the Tiger, we are in for one hell of a ride...

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Nothing in my post disagrees with that.

Paleolibertianism is the answer your are looking for. We can have our cake and eat it too. Turn against the beltway and look to the past.


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Didn't he play that guy who carried around bottled air and a cow stun gun and killed anyone who objected to illegal aliens?

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fair enough, just people are often misled by political parties

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Triple H still accepts the basic premises of the Enlightenment, despite his wish to physically remove commies. There will never be a private property society.

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Eh barely. He hates the french revolution and all the subsequent revolutions with a passion. Hell the only "enlightenment" revolution he likes is the American Revolution (with extreme critism towards the federalist and hamiltonians). Mostly only the parts the only Elnightement values he clings to are classical notions of natural law and spontaneous order that favors subsiderarty (รก la medieval fuedelism). Ironicly those old world concepts were uniquely American values during the enlightenment. Also he views the anarcho monarchism of tolkien in a very favorable way.

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french revolution was leftist not liberal
fucking sheeple retards dont understand the difference nowadays

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reminder that libertarian originally meant left wing until retarded right wingers started using it because they think capitalism is compatible with liberty


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freedom has many names which have been rightly and wrongly passed around

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Friendly reminder Anarchism is essentially Communism and you're a faggot that would support a Socialist state

yes, thats why the anarchist flag on this board is an ancom flag

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>old Jow Forums
Sup new-age boomer.

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this is a good thread. bump to keep it alive

>Triple H
Damn, how have I never heard him referred to this. How?

I have no idea if HHH's covenant society would ever work or if Anarcho Capitalism is tennable. All I know is that the less government the better. Is it like a singularity? Is there an ideal small amount?

Whatever it is, there is no way that increasing the government in anyway would make society better. The only way is to reduce government. It has grown waaaaaay to large. Even if you're into fake Anarchism Nozick style which I think is objectively better than what we have and would be hard to argue against instead of full AnCap.

But butt butt that's just all Capitalism, capitalism has failed!

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is agorism allowed here?
whats the Jow Forums consensus on it?

Sure why not, seems pretty AnCap to me

Libertarians are stupid.

Regulations are generally very beneficial. Minimum wage is good. Socialised Healthcare is good. Welfare safety net is good.

wut. They were actual classical liberals. They were called left wing because the anti monarchy faction sat left of the king. Its like you learned that classical liberalism and neoliberalism were different then stopped reading.

Not a big fan, it can encourage immoral behaviour like drugs, prostitution, etc... which goes against culturally conservatives values, just avoiding taxes and seceding is enough.

I love Kowrin so much.

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It's not politics, it's Cobra Kai

whats wrong with drugs and prostitution, user?
a caged bird who needs permission to fly is not free, its just the free market
it will stay out of the richer and non-niggery neighborhoods

All you guys wanna do is mine bitcoin and jerk off. Boomer tier

1. Both are immoral, you should use your time by acquiring knowledge and building a family.
2. I reject it as a tool to reach the free society.

Sign me up for which ever version allows me to be left the fuck alone socially and economically.

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if your free from a government but slave to your basic desires are you trully free?

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Only for bums and only for initially eventually they deteriorate society and cause everyone to be far poorer.

You essentially sound like a corporate shill. Regulations are good for the companies that paid for them. Minimum wage is good for the big companies that can afford to pay it, not for the smaller businesses trying to compete. Socialized healthcare is good for clinics empowered or the bureaucrats empowered if no private ownership.

My boss would literally be dead if we had your shit healthcare system and my dad wouldn't get help for his rare heart condition.

Drugs are unhealthy. What are you, retarded? Even ignoring secondary health effects, the effects on your neurochemical system is not good for your long term happiness.

Not sober, but I'm also aware of basic and obvious facts.

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Rest in peace

Most of the people in this thread are not actually libertarians, they're just out-and-out fascists LARPing. Why to fascists have to lie lie lie and pretend to be something they are not?

I can't believe I was a libertarian once. Are you fags also civic nationalists?

While that maybe characteristic of normie libertarians, I think there are some genuinely good arguments from the paleolibertarians. I say that and I am not a libertarian myself.

Nice thread. Can someone make an an-cap state now, so I can go live there with the other rich, smart people.

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I've seen a couple of Ancaprims before.
I never knew the connection was there.

thread about a flag that indicates how hard you get triggered

I imagine they'd have a similar outlook to the Southern Agrarians


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Op is a cuck

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>youre a cuck!
>posts socialist propaganda in the form of furry hentai

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You new fag lolberts are in for one hell of a ride.

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I had to refresh the page and unfilter just to see your faggot ass response.Kill your self nigger.

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why did you unfilter if you didnt want to see my posts? umad?

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