>TFW you realise the founders of the USA were the antifa of their day.
>TFW americans actually see these anti-authoritarians antifas in a good light.
TFW you realise the founders of the USA were the antifa of their day
uh no
Ha ha ha that retarded leaf, go away baka!
This. Go rot and die in a corner somewhere damn leafs
Damn, you cracked the code. What gave it away, the slave plantations or their general disdain for jews?
They valued freedom over slavery that is called "Authoritarianism" and "Olygarchy" you leaf cuck, they are not ANTIFA
There's a difference between being a like tool and being against taxes and niggers, (((canadian)))
no they were not antifa. they were the ones killing antifa.
Freedom to bring in the third world, fight hard to pay for their healthcare when they are even illegals and to miscegenate with them while the woman is a secular feminist amirite democrat?
Fucking autocorrect making "kike" like
Antifa is the king's men now? The antifa were the founders who fought against the king's army aka the american founders.
The founders were for the most part wealthy landowners. The 1% of their day.
They're trying to get imageboards taken down.
They think if enough anons take the glowbait they can get Jow Forums shutdown in time for 2020.
>antifa of their day
leftwing retards do not "own" the concept of fighting for freedom, especially since their "freedom" results in an even greater slavery
>Canadian thinking he knows anything about american history
I know everything about it. Your founders, just like the revolutionaries in France, were antifa fighting for democracy against functional right wing authoritarianism.
fuck (((freemasonry)))
Antifa roams the streets demanding no taxation without representation? Who knew?
Are their elves in your fantasy world