
Say Brazil anons. How is Bolsonaro. Is he a fraud or is he of actual worth. Hm?

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bump. I know it won'tr work. maybe someone will reply so it doesn't get 404'd

bump. really curious!

>Say Brazil anons. How is Bolsonaro. Is he a fraud or is he of actual worth. Hm?

He wouldn't shake Trudeau's hand so I'd say he's a keeper

he's based, only lefties/commies/libtards/(((media))) hate his guts

has he made any progress with fixing the country?


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he is an emissary from God, as it turned out

he reduced crime by 25%, that's what my vote went for
in the economical part, his reform of the previdency will guarantee his reelection and, of course, fag leftists are opposing it just because of that

nice : D good to hear brazilanons

Why do you want to know? What are your intentions? Can you provide proof you act in good faith?

what economic reforms has he performed? really curious. I hardly hear about Brazil anymore. Its good to know what is happening in other parts of the world

I get the impression that Brazil is in the same boat as the US. So many fucking corrupt bureaucrats that are parasitic. Bolsanaro can only do so much.

Anyway, look forward to being like yall in 20 years :D


I'm a soon to be Catholic of traditional latin mass. I believe in Christ King of Kings

>global joke

you’re already there

I'm just curious. I just remembered about brazil 20 minutes before i made op

it's a big reform of what makes most of our government's expenses, the previdency
it will save nearly 1,2 fucking TRILLION reais (300 billion dollars) for the government, for it to invest heavily on education and health
the best part is that none of this money will be used for LGBT fags, feminists or negro supremacists, so it's all fucking awesome
this might become the best government of all time in our history, even better than 1840-1889 (3rd part of our monarchy era, under Dom Pedro II)

I don't know what to tell you to be honest. I don't understand Brazilian society that well.
You remind me of a good friend.

i can't frame him for corruption like all the other administrations but i didn't vote for this piece of shit, like, no matter how bad things are i just can't bring myself into doing something like that, just no

he used to be a literal meme before the elections, more than even trump, if you said you supported bolsonaro everyone would laugh at your ass
you take trump before the 2016 elections as a no name meme and multiply that by 1000 you get bolsonaro

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>has he performed
economic? there was some medium things like the hit on the "industry of fines", which was giving heavy fines for small violations of the law in traffic, but the biggest hasn't been done yet because of fag leftists opposing it just because it is too good, the reform of the previdency

same as always retard, who cares about these fake politicians, every one of them is going to shill for the kikes at this point, get your thinking straight and start fighting them

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>used to be a literal meme before the elections
just for you anarcho literal faggots

>muh kikes
it's like he is promoting LGBT, multiple genders, feminism, nigro supremacy, right?
just admit that you're leftist faggots and can't stand what's RIGHT

The Previdency , as you say is roughly the same as Social Security here in the USA. So in effect, Bolso is going where no US Politician will go.

spotted the kike LARPing as a brazilian, your noses are way too easy to notice here in the south, faggot. I would be scared in your place, you kikes have it coming

spotted the literal faggot ashamed of the FAR-RIGHT
cower before me, homo

I try to follow Christs teachings. no problems
God even spoke through me and told me what I should do to improve.

He said 1. I need to forgive others who wronged me
2. Forgive myself of the mistakes I made

I don't believe in persecution of the wicked. GOD will take care of them. What ever method we may have of punishing our enemies we have, Is NOTHING compared to Gods divine WRATH. I'm not saying you have to kiss their rear. You SIMPLY have to be the bigger man compared to them. Don't argue with idiots. they'll simply kick your ass with experience. REBUKE them, EXPOSE them, and get them to repent. NOTHING deserves HELLFIRE. WE choose whether to come close to God or Not.

>inb4 Zionist
I am against Israel But for a united Christian brotherhood to protect all lovers and followers of Christ


>Bolso is going where no US Politician will go
our reform of the previdency is kinda like the construction of the border wall in your country

lol, a bunch of bunda mole

He's not a fraud, he's a good patriotic religious man, even though he's kosher as fuck... keeps kissing kike ass so (((they))) will support him.
He's well intentioned and trying to get things moving, like liberating the economy from infernal bureaucracy and returning the right to bear arms to the citizens, but he keeps getting obstructed by lefty communist faggots in congress.
I hope he can do more for us in the near future and fuck up criminals for good, but I have little to no hope for Brazil anyway because of all the negroid mongrels and our overly degenerate culture. He's a step in the right direction but I doubt there will ever be a final solution..

Do you recommend working and living in Brazil (Sou gringo europeu)

He's trying to do everything he said he would, but the deep state is trying to stall everything. People are taking to streets to protest agains it.
He got really good ministers concerning economy, defence and social/external affairs.

He is a great guy, definitely well intentioned, maybe too much. He doesn't want to deal with congress (feeling it's a betrayal of his campaign promises) but he doesn't have majority, so it has been impacting on the progress of government agendas.

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Stop samefagging faggot.

Literally all leftists hate him non stop, so just for that I'd say he is based. He also be getting good deals for brazil (brazilian here)

But he pretty deep into Jewish stuff and hangs out with the Brazilian elite who are also mostly bankers and jews

Also this was just posted in his official facebook page

Top kek

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