Anyone actually have the original? It would Unify the World

We all know they exist. We all know their motives are complex and it isn't good for us. Why not expose them? Unify humanity?

Attached: ayyyyy.png (1054x623, 1.51M)

Other urls found in this thread:

well now, server / reset time?

Attached: THE_IMAGE.jpg (1280x960, 740K)

yep i have it

For very obvious reasons I don't believe you.

post it somewhere.. online imgur somewhere ... link..

You may get a visit but as long as you don't do it again they wont bother you.

Attached: 3215465.jpg (694x414, 64K)

Should I save this image?

Thats not it.

Seen that here many times.

Attached: 1546325469161.jpg (575x360, 181K)

>Why not expose them?
Your delusions, your job to expose them.

Attached: 62493962_10158676907807576_7384832047950331904_n.jpg (271x400, 51K)

The alien was on the right side of the picture had yellow scales even from the catalog view you would notice it and what it was really blue sky I clicked to save and everything shut down wish I had it


fuck (((freemasonry)))

I'm putting that one in my cringe compilation loll

Oh shit!

Attached: sexy DELETE.png (574x417, 199K)

ready for 404?

Attached: D801290F-DC8D-4C10-8771-14DEA99BF3BD.jpg (362x394, 9K)

>We all know they exist
We sure do.

Attached: jew_egg.jpg (275x183, 10K)

Thats looks interesting.. potential..

Attached: zupjby.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

Looks proportional to a man though, they say the greys are disproportional longer necks, longer arms. There are varying sizes of course and those eyes are just lense covers like sewn in sunglasses with a HUD.

Ayy lmao

They always come in 4's.

Attached: ayy1.jpg (480x360, 29K)

>tfw when live in Arizona and have never seen an ayyyy....

Attached: a3907774134_10.jpg (1200x1200, 285K)

Someone please real one.. real clear one.

Its time. Unofficially release proof.

Attached: hmmmm.jpg (474x355, 20K)

That gurk cosbied that poor girl

Post it

The Ebens are not interested in you.

Looks like a cropped image of an ayy sucking a cock.

Why are ayy’s always naked? You’d figure the’d be wearing some god emperor turmp-tier armor

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Yes you definite........

Attached: 1487860281474.jpg (1920x1200, 752K)

Poast it nigger

bant restored

Clothes are a Jewish construct.

You believe in project Serpo?

Has a lot of correct features but not enough to see for sure.

Project Serpo was good writing and very interesting if real. But I doubt it. It petered off pretty well.

Do you not?

>their motives are complex
If you were an extremely advanced being, would YOU invade this fucking clown world?
You think our stupid rock is valuable? Get over yourselves.

They hide in the shadows on purpose We are an exploited resource and nothing more. A free range cattle ranch.

I'm 50/50 on it. I want to believe. I know UFO's are real (I've seen them) but would sure wish they'd just educate us on exactly what happened and declas it all for us to read.

I don't care about the free energy and tech and all that stuff. I dont even care about contacting them other than learning. But we are nothing but ants in a farm to them. Like trying to teach a monkey how to make a computer. They have no need or desire to interact with us.

We aren't valuable, but we are the only place in the universe we've found with self-replicating DNA/RNA. Further, we're the only place in the universe we've found with emotions to be feasted upon. Who knows what the fuck aliens would be into.

>If you were an extremely advanced being, would YOU invade this fucking clown world?
Maybe they were here first, were in their usual 100k year hibernation cycle, then work up to us shitting the planet up.

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Attached: ack.jpg (650x366, 63K)

There are thousands of species

With all the tech we have now.. why the fuck don't we have a public picture?

Attached: ayyy6.jpg (400x307, 20K)

>why the fuck don't we have a public picture
They have natural clocking fields that either makes all pics grainy. Bigfoots and the loch ness monster also have this ability.

Attached: x-files.jpg (428x606, 43K)

it's never been posted since


Attached: ViewService_DARPA_serv223432552493524.png (680x678, 720K)

>we are the only place in the universe we've found with self-replicating DNA/RNA.

So? The key words are "WE'VE found." We're primitive. We've barely explored jack shit.

I cant deny the werid Stuff that happens When I show this to anyone.

Attached: 1559019593133rare.jpg (2742x4082, 886K)

If I was an ayy I would just abduct random rednecks, rape em, then send them back down just to fuck around. Similarly if I did encounter aliens, I would rape em, just a bit of intergalactic banter

Attached: 1548721591206.jpg (502x768, 83K)

save this

Attached: 644476C5-073B-4D0F-BC55-61372CE00F2B.jpg (1200x800, 477K)

this was the original, there was no alien in the picture..

Attached: theoriginal.jpg (1347x459, 427K)