Memory Hole Thread

Let's have a memory hole thread shall we?

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Remember how not even normalfags fell for this

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There was that crazy chick who claimed Trump raped her. Dropped her hard after that amusing interview

The North Remembers.

Is that true?

blah blah blah
this story is so common with niggers
It's almost like they finally found their excuse to sell and do drugs
>I beez sellz drugz yo cuz of da whitey maine sheeeeit

Nope, comitted suicide by shooting the back of his head twice.

this guy was arrested and tortured

my dad did a report on MLK for college. i remember when he finished it, and i started learning about him in elementary school, my dad told me about how trash MLK was. a man with no honor, and who basically lied his way to where he got. he was just a hood rat who had one decent speech

>Governor Clinton
>Robert Byrd

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I hope that nigger is rotting in hell. Same with that old cunt nigger Parks


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Same with the Laurel Canyon book writer

Shut the fuck up you low IQ base level nigger brained piece of shit

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this isa bigone.

watch this fucking movie... it's everything you need to know.

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We only have 4 holidays in America after people. Lincoln/Washington get one day. Columbus gets a day. Jesus gets a day. And Martin Luther King? Does anyone else find that suspicious? He's an irrelevant faggot (literally) and the government was suspiciously jumpy to make a holiday about him. Making a holiday about him is plain disrespectful to American history.

And isn't it weird how little we know about him? Ask anyone for anything they know about MLK. Nobody knows. This dude is creepy and the worship around him is mental.

Columbus was betrayed by his jewish masters

instead of an MLK day we should have a Trump day. Every June 14th. We still wouldn't even come close to how many days jews and muslims take off though.

>R2 Cain
>Curse of Ham
>Enslaved Jews
>Sickle Cell
>Inbred Parasites

>XX Eve
>Subservient Sex
>Daddy Issues
>Stupid Bitch
>Thieving Whores

degenerate, demonic, demoralizing, depressing, despicable, disgusting, dumb public suicide nigger cuck
niggered fuckee trash burns petrified sage in hell

boycott the nappy niggers
discriminate the evil niggers

enforce the old anti-nigger laws
niggers, jail them all

deport the niggers back to aidsfrica
reinstitute apartheid for the niggers

re-enslave the niggers
penectomize and neuter the niggers

bomb and shoot up niggered blacked
Holocaust 2: Satanic Niggaboo, X Y DNA genocide edition

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No, he was a CIA asset who requested asylum and was brought to the US. He then wanted to return to Iran, which he did, and was arrested and executed there.

>Let's have a memory hole thread shall we?
+Awan brothers.
+The recent Project Veritas Expose; they're trying *HARD* to keep it on the DL.
+Las Vegas investigation (no motive)
+Las Vegas witnesses (a bunch turned up dead)
+LAPD & Wiener's "Insurance" folder.

Didn't some black dude commit a mass shooting in Virginia recently

Yep, memory holed so bad because it didn't fit the narrative.

Where is Ruth Bader Ginsburg?

>Where is Ruth Bader Ginsburg?

But here's a question: what happens to the integrity and prestige of the USSC when it's revealed that she'd been "signing off" opinions and rulings postmortem?

Kind of funny that this was front page news all around the world, but barely a peep from US media.

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