Why is immigration bad?

Why is immigration bad?

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Because I want to live amongst my own people and not a bunch of foreigners

Immigration isn't bad, invasion usually is bad.

his movies are bad

because unlike pic related 90% of immigrants are monkeys without skills that expect welfare and riot if they dont get it

Depends on what kind of immigrants you let in.

What do you consider an 'invasion'?

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Immigration is great.
But illegal aliens should be catapulted back to Mexico.

why do you lie to yourself posting these pictures? you dont buy, nor we do


I don't think immigration is a bad thing, I just feel that the system needs to function more as a merit if it needs to be fair.

California for example has a crippling housing crisis and mass homelessness, yet the state wants to help a immigrant try to properly assimilate themselves instead helping a person out of starving themselves to death.

All these "low skilled jobs" will be automated in the next decade or so. Whose gonna support these people

You know why

That woman is mexican. Just thought I'd let you guys know before taking her into the ethno state.

You mean this people?

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>Immigration is great.

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we had this fucking thread yesterday, get new material you cunts

God Filipinos are ugly.

>Net drain on the economy (Poverty increase, wages fall, Welfare increase which means taxes can't go to infrastructure, education, migrants likely to send money back to homeland country)
>Negative social change (Crime increase, Less community output)
>Negatively changes culture (Degeneracy tends to spread more rapidly, Can bring unwanted/ incompatible ideas to western society)

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Filipino or not, ugly or not, at least they are not immigrants like most in the US.

mass immigration is bad because people have no inclination to integrate or assimilate. When you import thousands from a shithole like say, Somalia where rape and murder is normal you import all those problems.

He’s fishing to see if I’m here. I tell you how this thread will go. OP can’t tell you anything beneficial about immigration and if you present him with an actual sound argument and validate it with facts, he will make an excuse to run away from the discussion he started.
It’s all so tiresome.

Its not. Its the quality and type of situation.

Immigration can be good and it can be bad.

So the those native Americans came across the Bering strait. There were natives before them lol

Only if it's illegal. If its legal than there's no harm

Immigration is fine, but like everything else is best done in moderation. You can't just release the floodgates or everyone, citizen and immigrant alike, will suffer from recklessness since you can't really accommodate large groups so quickly.

Based Schneider

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Because it is used to drive down wages as migrants will often work for less because they can sent money back to their home country where the money is worth much more due to the exchange rate and living costs in their home country. This is a hinderance to collective action, slows wage growth and even reduces wages over time.

Rob Schneider and Adam Sandler are national treasures.

Immigration itself isnt bad, immigration + social programs is bad. If you remove all social programs or make a 5-10 year citizen requirement to obtain them the parasites wouldnt come.


Because homogenizing the planet while importing people whose carbon footprint suddenly grows by orders of magnitude is destroying our people and the planet, and, of course, because of Ebba Akerlund.

and warzones. There are soldiers with ptsd after multiple tours that need to be gradually reintroduced into society with therapy. Why introduce thousands of people who have only known a state of war into comfy land. What could possibly go wrong??

So further immigration is just for revenge?

hundreds of thousands*
t. Europe

If you're the same user from yesterday, then post the image I asked you to and I'll respond to your question.

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Third world immigration brings third world problems.

Thats a classic vid, Lithuania
double digit IQ point out where I went wrong

Sure user. Let me wipe my ass. I’m taking a shit.

*uncontrolled* immigration is the problem. it should only be logical to ensure criminals not be allowed in.

but democrats want votes and republicans want cheap labor, so they continue to turn a blind eye.

That's the point migration is a natural thing

Not even sure which one you specified, but I know I was mainly in this folder. I honestly expected you to fuckoff after being shot down so bad yesterday. I expected to be at dinner, but things changed.
Let's review. The cost of illegal immigration.
this is what it costs to keep these illegal housed.
This is what some centerist think tank estimated it costs taxpayers, using historical data it's around 11.6 billion USD
Here's the Forbes article I posted yesterday about the rising cost of healthcare shared by the taxpayers and people who actually pay for it because of illegals.
Now what did you go and research today?

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I didn't 'research' anything today. What's the next question?

Migration WAS natural, when people followed herds of animals to survive. That's not true and hasn't been for hundreds of years.

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chick on the right looks like my neighbor

holy shit, looked it up, that is my neighbor


A cuck rated pg 13

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Both of their movies are bad. No one over the age of 15 should ever watch them.

she has that i'll cuck this guy look in her eyes,

it’s just colonialism for browns ;)

No question. Just like yesterday, I will continue to show you how unchecked immigration by border hoppers who refuse to apply LEGALLY is ruining America.
They're criminals.
This one killed an NFL linebacker and an Uber driver.
this one killed three teenagers who never got to experience adulthood.
This one shot a cop, who had a family.
Here's a whole list of police who were trying to just do a job, that were shot by illegals.

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because it ruins cultures, levels of social trust, and creates social unrest in the forms of higher crime rates.


Immigration isn't bad when the objective is to seek a better life for one's self and one's family. That's what immigration really is.

Going to another country because you've destroyed your own, looking for free shit is wrong. It's not only ethically wrong and immature, it's morally wrong.

Unlimited free immigration with no welfare can work. Unlimited welfare with no immigration can work.

But the two together cannot work.

who are these 2 cuties , please respond .

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>the taxpayers meme
you think they'll build roads and build schools or maybe lower the taxes if you stopped paying for immigrants ?

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By being in this country without going through proper channels, they put all Americans at risk of infectious diseases.
These are things that if you take a trip to Africa, you get a vaccine. Americans that don't travel abroad aren't given vaccines because we have stopped the disease in our country.
Not my favorite source, but it's right on the money about how diseases that were wiped from the US are starting a comeback

maybe you should vaccinate your kids, Sharon !

Well, I know who one of them are...
So why were you sperging out yesterday?

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Why do we need any immigration when automation is going to eliminate 40% of all jobs in the next 15 years? There's literally not a single immigration shill that can answer this simple question.

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It's no fun to poke dead things. Are you going to even try to counter something, or are you just going to run away again?
They use services in unusually high numbers, depleting resources they never paid into.
Biased source, but it's using real data. 1/2 of immigrants use welfare services while 1/3 of natural citizens do.
Again, a shit source, but if they say it's mostly true, you know they just can't sidestep the truth.
Better source, but a dated article. It still says the same thing.

Forgot about this article. It should of been under the crime section, but it uses some extremely specific studies done to show that immigrants create more crime.

you still have nothing to say about the benefits of immigration. I'm not here just to beat up on you, I'll read and consider anything you post.

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Proving your thought process wrong, and factually making an argument about the evils of immigration isn't "sperging out".
It's destroying your faulty argument. That's all I've ever done, user. You can't even justify your own statement because you aren't even trying to deny that immigration is killing America and Americans. Especially when confronted with facts.
Illegal immigrants drive down the price of labor. I agree with what you said yesterday, and I did some research. Employers routinely aren't punished. It's still hurting everyone else.
just for you, this next article highlights Trump's use of illegal labor. It's very much in line with your statements yesterday.
here's people being killed by outsourcing labor to substandard workers.

Shit source, but a well written piece highlighting the positive and negative aspects that are ignored by BOTH sides.

Lowers wages and raises house prices.

Not to mention the ethic replacememt of white people.

Read a book asshole. Whites from Western Europe were the first in America about 17,000 to 22,000 years ago. They are known as Solutreans. Your pic related came from Eurasia at a later time. It's our land.

>national treasures.
To what nation?

>Filipino or not,
Really? Then where did Schneider's early family come from? They just appeared in America? And we are not "a nation of immigrants." We are a nation of explorers and pioneers.

Just some interesting reading baout immigration and migration. It only follows legal immigrants, though.
What it does show, that immigrants tend to settle in high density urban environments.
This drives up the cost of everything, for everyone, and strains local resources.

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I think countries should serve the people who started them, and that civilizations and nations are stronger when they remain distinct.

>Not to mention the ethic replacememt of white people.



>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California



whos arguing its bad?

Pretty sure he fucked off again. Scroll up, read my first post. I'm fucking psychic.

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If true, that explains why I haven't heard from this guy in forever

Don't deprive him of dessert, you thoughtless sumbitch!

Made me laugh. Plebbit weaksauce couldn't even open his happy meal. We didn't get to desert.

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diversity breeds social collapse wherever it spreads. This is a highly verified statistical fact. America will literally destroy itself because of diversity.

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Your people hate you fag

Just part and parcel of living in the big city

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I only support white immigration, nothing else. Anything else only further damages the already failing body of the USA. With the problems the US has currently, we don't need anymore niggers, spics, or chinks ruining my land.

clearly japan is lacking cultural enrichment

>he doesn't know how to use the thre seashells
His laugh is the most annoying jewish shit I've ever heard.

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Also, Import a bunch of people from countries with AIDS, and AIDS increases. Isn't that just AMAZING?

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Yep, he ran away like a little illegal alien girl. Since you're psychic, what numbers should I pick in the next Powerball?

He wasn't even invited to be in latest sandler movies.

I'm not psychic, I've just been here too long. Most people run away when confronted with logic and facts. They just want an easy win with shitposters.
Doesn't help I broke a foot and have too much downtime where I can't be on my feet.
11-4-and 9 are good ones for me, you'll have to pick the rest yourself.
Good luck.

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Bet you don't know how the three seashells worked!

Why don't you actually think about that for a second rather than this "one love" media narrative that's logistically impossible to carry out.

For a start - in terms of pure biology, we are completely different from blacks/Asians/Hispanics. Any nature documentary you watch somewhere along the line, the narrator will hone in on multiple different species with only very minute differences. They'll say "this particularly breed of (name of animal) is particularly agile and more aggressive than other breeds across the continent".. tiny differences in the same species meaning some are faster, some are smarter, some are stronger. Humans are the only animals that seem to be exempt from this rule.
I'll never beat little deshawn over 100 metres, but at least I have an IQ higher than a monkey. Different species of human are drastically different, and don't work together.

Secondly, there's societal influence over what is now thousands of years. Some of our societies have at least evolved enough to be able to go out, spend the day contributing to society, go home and use our technological advancements to relax in our downtime without bothering everyone else.

Other cultures spend the day fucking goats and throwing their own shit at the walls, then finish the day by stoning their wife. Those two cultures do not belong together, so why are we forcing it? The statistics speak for themselves, it is not working. It will never work.

It's this shitty stigma around not being able to identify, rightly, that different parts of the world have immensely different cultures. You let a lion into the centre of London and it will act like a lion. You let a Muslim into London, and it will act like a Muslim.

Globalisation is the end of us, and the start of this nauseating melting pot that's slowly molding us into one anodyned, average, low budget version of a human being